Super Monk

Chapter 1995

"Zhao Fugui didn't die. Wasn't he killed by Chiba? How could he not die? " A group of Fusang strongmen looked at Zhao Fugui in horror and murmured in disbelief.

Chiba Fengsheng's face also shows an unbelievable expression. His broken star is the strongest sword he can trigger under normal circumstances. With that knife, Chiba Fengsheng is confident that he can kill any half step myth, whether it's a half step myth or a half step myth. In front of the broken star knife, there are mole ants.

However, Zhao Fugui is not dead, which is impossible. Chiba Fengsheng finds that Zhao Fugui is not dead, but more powerful than before, which makes Chiba Fengsheng feel unmatched.

"Zhao Fugui, you didn't die?" Chiba Fengsheng looks at Zhao Fugui and appears in front of them in a blink of an eye. He suppresses his horror and asks coldly.

"It's a pity that your strength is not enough to kill me. On the contrary, let me break through the realm with your sword power. It's thanks to you that I can break through the realm!" Zhao Fugui's spirit is perfect and unimpeded. He looks at Chiba Fengsheng lightly with both hands on his back and says.

"You have broken the boundary. Did you cause the aura variation of Mount Fuji?" Chiba Fengsheng's face changed greatly. He stared at Zhao Fugui with hatred on his face and said, "how dare you break my fortune in Fusang. From today on, you are my enemy. I will kill you!"

"You can't kill me before I break the border, but you can't kill a dog after I break the border. You won't have another chance to kill me!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Lord Chiba, this man is our mortal enemy of Fusang empire. Please allow us to kill this national thief together!" A group of Fusang strongmen yelled loudly.

"Well, in order to kill this national thief today, I'd like to ask you to do it together." Chiba Fengsheng felt that after Zhao Fugui broke through the situation, his strength was no longer comparable, so he even ignored his face and directly let the surviving Fusang strongman fight against Zhao Fugui.

"Kill More than a dozen Fusang strongmen roared and rushed to Zhao Fugui. At least, those who can survive the great avalanche are the accomplishments of the great master. Some of them are even the summit of the great master's triple heaven, but they just can't break through the realm and achieve half step myth.

More than a dozen Fusang strongmen came together to fight, and the powerful power gathered together was also very powerful, but Zhao Fugui didn't even look at them.

"The light of ants dare to compete with the bright moon!" Zhao Fugui sneered and waved his sleeve. A thunderous voice suddenly appeared. The powerful Daoli, like a hard golden wall, directly hit the more than ten Fusang strongmen.

"Kill More than a dozen Fusang strongmen drank violently, cut out more than a dozen powerful swords in an instant and hit the golden wall.

"Boom!" Standing on the golden wall, these sword Qi didn't play any role at all. The golden Daoli wall crushed these sword Qi and instantly patted them on the more than ten Fusang strongmen. They directly patted these Fusang strongmen into meat mud. They didn't even have the chance to struggle.

"The imperial sword of Taigu has lost its profound meaning. Sacrifice your life to chop!" Chiba Fengsheng suddenly appears behind these strong Fusang men, and the autumn water is raised high. Chiba Fengsheng uses the secret method to stimulate the whole body's essence and blood, which makes his essence and spirit rise to an unprecedented height. It seems that Chiba Fengsheng's whole body's strength converges into this attack.

It's a knife cut at the cost of burning life. Chiba Fengsheng cut off, his young face quickly became old again. In just half a breath, he regained his old look, but the knife in his hand was more brilliant than ever.

The air of the sword is almost tens of meters long, and the terrible awn seems to run through the sky and the earth. After the awn appears, it immediately compresses. From the long sword with tens of meters long, it quickly compresses into the awn with only more than ten meters left. Chiba Fengsheng burned his life and gambled on his Dao. He believed that even a strong man with the same powerful mythological level as him could kill him here.

In the face of this brilliant knife, Zhao Fugui's face was expressionless, and he slowly extended his hand to the void. In the void, it seems that the space is compressed, and a white golden handprint suddenly appears, directly grabbing the sword and figure of Chiba Fengsheng.

This is a kind of magic power revealed in the book of Taiping Taoism after Zhao Fugui broke through the realm and achieved the realm of Xiaosheng. It's a magic power, not martial arts. It's a kind of magic power revealed in Taiping Taoist books. Maybe it's just the weakest one in Taiping Taoist books. But it's no longer comparable to most secret and true martial arts. I'm afraid there are only a few mythical martial arts that can be compared with it.

"Click, click!" The White Gold handprint was instantly pinched on the blade awn of Chiba Fengsheng. The concise and incomparable blade awn was even harder than refined steel. I don't know how many times the blade awn just slightly resisted. In an instant, it was crushed by the big hand print. Then the big hand print was directly pinched on Chiba Fengsheng.

"I'm not willing to..." Chiba Fengsheng uttered a hoarse howl, but before he finished, he was suddenly pinched by the big fingerprints. In the blink of an eye, the body of the first strong Fusang man turned into a pile of broken meat, and those few strong Fusang men who had just been in the distance before they had time to move stopped in horror.Zhao Fugui crushed him to death like an ant, but they helped him to be the most powerful man in the holy land. He died like this.

"Jingle!" A few of the remaining Fusang strongmen could not even hold their swords. A dozen samurai swords all fell on the ground, and their whole body could not help shaking wildly. Who could defeat Fusang?

"Boom!" Finally, Mount Fuji began to erupt completely. Hot rocks fell from the sky and fell everywhere like rain. Red magma appeared from the crater and flowed down the mountain.

Zhao Fugui just drifted away in this volcanic eruption. Behind him were more than a dozen powerful Fusang men who fled in a hurry. These mole ants, Zhao Fugui didn't even have the interest to kill them.

A day later, Li gaoye was destroyed, and Zhao Fugui went to Fusang to destroy Jiahe Shengui sect first, and then Chiba Fengsheng, the strongest Fusang, to destroy Li gaoye. Fusang shuddered at the news, shaking the whole East Asia. The vitality of Fusang's cultivation circle was greatly damaged, and even Fusang's national movement was cut off when there was no time for its rise.

Ye Tiannan, the God of war in China, has never done this kind of power. For a moment, many practitioners are speculating about Zhao Fugui's real strength. After all, Chiba Fengsheng has sealed his sword for a long time, and no one knows that Chiba Fengsheng has proved himself three years ago The myth of the world.

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