Super Monk

Chapter 2009

"Husband, husband, you must take revenge on your son. Look what he's been beaten like!" The middle-aged woman rushed into the villa, howling like an old sow.

When the maid heard that it was Wang Dashao who had an accident, she quickly turned around and showed a smile of schadenfreude on her face. Wang Dashao and his servants were afraid of others. He was always scolding them. Last year, a beautiful maid fell in love with a man, and later he was going to quit work and get married back home.

I didn't expect that when I was about to quit my job, Wang dasheo knew about it. Wang dasheo thought that the maid was the woman who abducted the Wang family. He raped the maid in front of the maid in a crazy way. Later, the maid filed a lawsuit everywhere and was paralyzed by a car. He is still waiting to die in his hometown.

The whole Wang family knew that it was Wang Dashao who did it. Unexpectedly, he just scolded Wang Dashao for staying up late, and then drove him to the south. When Wang Dashao came back this time, he had an accident. What a retribution.

"What's the matter? What's the order of making noise every day?" Wang Jiancheng is sitting in the living room tasting tea. A beautiful young maid is holding her shoulder for him. When she sees a stupid middle-aged woman like a pig howling and running in, Wang Jiancheng immediately says impatiently.

This middle-aged woman not only looks like a pig, but her IQ is not much smarter than a pig. However, the rise of the Wang family depends on this woman, who makes this woman a cousin and niece of a large family in Zhenwu family. Wang Jiancheng relied on this relationship and worked hard for the Zhenwu family. Up to now, he has finally earned a fortune.

"Get out, coquettish fox!" The middle-aged woman wiped a handful of tears, pointed to the beautiful maid and scolded. The maid lowered her head and ran out in a hurry. The middle-aged woman took her mobile phone and howled, "husband, you see what Jin Jin has been beaten like. You must avenge him. Whoever beats Jin Jin Jin, I will let him die!"

"What? Some people dare to beat Wang Jiancheng's son? " Wang Jiancheng's face changed. Looking at the photos on his mobile phone, his face suddenly turned bleak. The status of the Wang family is not what it used to be. Some people dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head. They are looking for death.

Although his son Wang Wanjin is stubborn, others can't teach him at will. Anyone who dares to move Wang Wanjin will hit Wang Jiancheng in the face.

"Where is wan Jin now?" Wang Jiancheng asked coldly.

"It's said that it's on the plane and it's going to Beijing. It won't be long before it arrives at Shangjing airport! Husband, I don't care what background this man has. He has beaten our son like this. This revenge must be avenged. If you can't avenge it, I'll ask my cousin to avenge Jinjin! " Cried the middle-aged woman.

"Why bother my cousins about this? We Wang family can handle it by ourselves! Li Biao, you take four Gunners with me and go to Shangjing airport now. I'd like to see who dares to touch Wang Jiancheng's son! " Wang Jiancheng said coldly that if his son had an accident and he had to go to the Zhenwu circle, I'm afraid the big men would think that Wang Jiancheng was useless. He couldn't even deal with this small matter.

"Yes, boss!" A tough man in a black suit nodded and said in a deep voice. After a while, two cars drove directly to Shangjing International Airport. In the car in front, there were four sharp faced shooters. In the car behind, there were Wang Jiancheng and his fat wife.

About half an hour later, the two cars arrived at Shangjing International Airport. Originally, cars outside the airport were not allowed to enter the terminal building, but Wang Jiancheng's car was unimpeded.

"Li Biao, go and arrange it!" After driving into the airport terminal building, Wang Jiancheng waved his hand coldly.

"Yes, boss!" Li Biao nodded and immediately walked to the terminal building. After a while, he turned back and said to Wang Jiancheng, "boss, the plane will arrive in half an hour. It's already arranged. The plane will stop at the T7 business terminal building. There are no flights there today!"

The business terminal building is usually used by private aircraft. It's not very busy. There are few people there. It's very suitable for business. Wang Jiancheng has done a lot of things at the airport, and he knows this very well.

"You arrange the people. If the boy knows his face, he will take them away first. If he doesn't know his face, he will break his legs first and then take them away!" Wang Jiancheng said coldly.

"Yes, boss!" Li Biao nodded and said. Li Biao is Wang Jiancheng's confidant. Over the past ten years, he has basically done all the shady things under Wang Jiancheng. In order to solve Wang Jiancheng's competitors, Li Biao has killed and maimed more than ten people these years.

"In addition, inform St. Mary's Hospital and ask them to send the best ambulance to take my son back for treatment. If my son has any problems, I'll let them die!" Wang Jiancheng said coldly. St. Mary's hospital is one of the best private hospitals in Shangjing. It usually receives rich businessmen and celebrities.

"I see, boss!" Li Biao agreed, took out his mobile phone to make a phone call, and then immediately took the shooter to the business building.

"Husband, Jin Jin is so clever and sensible. Someone can hurt him so hard. There must be someone behind this. You must find out the behind the scenes emissary. I want them all to give Jin Jin's life!" The middle-aged woman howled again."I know. I'll make sure of it!" Wang Jiancheng said impatiently when he saw the sow.

The people on the flight didn't know what happened here. Airbus was flying in the night. Half an hour later, it appeared over the airport, landed slowly and taxied. It was instructed by the tower to stop at T7 business terminal.

"Why did the plane stop here? It's like a business parking building. It's usually a place where private airplanes park. I didn't expect that we could enjoy the service of private airplanes today! " A passenger said happily after getting off the plane.

"Don't be stupid. It's not a good thing. Don't you see some people over there? Go, go When some passengers saw the expressionless Li Biao, they suddenly looked nervous and hurried out. After a while, most of the passengers left in a hurry.

"Brother Li, brother Li, the kid is still on the plane. It's this guy who did it. Don't let him run away!" At this time, Wang Da Shao was scared to pee. Seeing Li Biao and them, he immediately pointed to Zhao Fugui and yelled.

"Boy, our boss asked you to come!" Li Biao and they immediately surrounded Zhao Fugui and put their guns under their clothes. They pointed to Zhao Fugui and said coldly.

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