Super Monk

Chapter 2015

"Drive, drive in?" Elder Ren said in amazement, "Zhao, Zhao myth, vehicles are not allowed to enter the Presbyterian camp. This person's rule is like the jiejianshi in front of the Mountain Gate of the ancient Wudang sect. No matter which sect's warrior comes to Wudang jiejianshi, he must take off his sword to show his respect."

"Moreover, if we rush directly, the male tiger will definitely fight. There's no need for Zhao mythology to have a direct conflict with the Presbyterian Council!" Elder Ren said carefully.

"You didn't hear me?" Zhao Fugui asked lightly. Zhao Fugui's voice is very flat, but his heart is cold when he hears elder Ren's ear.

"Go, go in!" Elder Ren didn't dare to object any more. He said aloud.

"Go Ren Feng doesn't care about the authority of the Presbyterian Council. Now the authority of Zhao myth on the bus is the biggest. Ren Feng ordered, three cars immediately rushed to the Presbyterian Council.

"Those who break into the Presbyterian Church will die!" There was a grim smile on the male tiger's face. Looking at the car rushing towards him, he didn't mean to escape at all. Instead, he roared and stepped out with a fierce step, and hit the front car with a heavy blow.

The strong and vigorous spirit suddenly spread out, and the great master could punch through even a whole car. Xionghu didn't see elder Ren in the car behind him. He only saw Ren Feng. Ren Feng was the same generation as him, and they were all great masters. But Ren Feng was the head of Ren's family, and he could only be a bodyguard leader. Xionghu had been unhappy with Ren Feng for a long time, and he wanted to take this opportunity to teach Ren Feng a lesson.

"Zhao Shenhua, this guy has started!" Ren Feng looks ugly and says that although he and the male tiger are great masters in terms of strength, his strength is still weaker than that of the male tiger. If he really starts, the male tiger will take the opportunity to deal with him today.

"Things like ants!" Zhao Fugui snorted coldly, and then he popped up a momentum. The momentum directly penetrated through the window, as if it didn't have much power, and bumped into the male tiger's fist momentum.

"What do you dare to do with me?" The male tiger doesn't know Zhao Fugui's strength. He thinks it's the other martial arts of the Ren family. His face shows disdain. The fist Gang is strong again for a few minutes. He blows it out hard. But the moment that the fist Gang hits the Qi, the male tiger's face suddenly changes. "No!"

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui easily smashed the male tiger's fist and smashed his arm. Then he hit the male tiger with more energy and flew the male tiger twenty or thirty meters away. He smashed the pavilion in the lotus pool.

"Hiss!" Several guards of the Presbyterian Council took a breath of air. Xionghu is a strong man at the level of great master. He was defeated and seriously injured by a move. Who is this man?

Ren Feng and elder Ren swallow their saliva. Zhao Fugui's strength is too strong now. No one in the Presbyterian Council is Zhao Fugui's enemy. The gap between the great master and the half step master is too big.

The rest of the guards didn't dare to stop them at all. They watched the three cars directly stop at the edge of the lotus pond. Chen Yihan was slightly nervous. Seeing the man's hand just now, she immediately understood that this is definitely not an ordinary place.

As soon as the car stopped, Ren Feng hurriedly pushed the door open and got off. He trotted to Zhao Fugui's car and quickly opened the door.

"Zhao mythology, the elder is in it!" Ren Feng said respectfully that he was the head of his family. When did he pull the car door in his life, he did everything today.

Zhao Fugui got out of the car with his hands on his back. The remaining guards of the Presbyterian Council looked at him in awe. They didn't dare to stop him. This move can hit the super strong man of the great master. Zhao Fugui took two leisurely steps with both hands on his back. Then he landed on a loft behind the lotus pool.

"Zhongzhou Zhao Fugui, come to visit the Presbyterian Council!" Zhao Fugui stood in the attic, floating like an immortal, said in a loud voice.

His voice is not big, but it rings in every corner of the villa area, waking up everyone here.

"Zhao, Zhao Fugui?" A group of guards were shocked, and their whole body trembled. Zhao Fugui's recent prestige is really too loud. In the Presbyterian Council, it can be said that everyone knows.

When they heard about Zhao Fugui before, the guardians of the Presbyterian Council were still angry and resentful, but now when they really see Zhao Fugui, they are only afraid.

"Here comes Zhao Fugui?" When the people in the villas heard the sound, some people took a breath of air conditioning and immediately got up from the luxury bed or the soft jade and warm fragrance. They rushed out in ragged clothes and yelled, "quick, quick, get ready for the car, and take me to the capital residence right away!"

"Let's go, let's go, Zhao Shinhua is coming!" Many people of Zhenwu family are panicked. They rush out of the villa in disheveled clothes and jump into their own car in a hurry. It's like meeting a cat's mouse and running away quickly. In just a few minutes, there were dozens of cars rushing out of Wenshan villas and running to the upper capital area.

Zhao Fugui's reputation even surprised Ren Feng. Those who can live in Wenshan villa are all powerful Zhenwu families. Unexpectedly, when they just heard Zhao Fugui's name, these families ran away.

"Zhao Fugui?" In the deepest part of the pavilions, in the most luxurious antique attic, xiongba hears Zhao Fugui's voice and suddenly changes color. His eyes become very cold. Although Zhao Fugui is powerful, he did not expect that Zhao Fugui would dare to appear in the Presbyterian Council. This is a naked provocation to the Presbyterian Council."Elder, no, Zhao Fugui is calling!" An elder panicked rushed into the attic, a face of panic to the bully yelled.

"What's the matter? Will our Presbyterian Council be afraid of Zhao Fugui? " Xiongba's face was gloomy and he cried out, "where is the elder law enforcement? Let them call Zhao Fugui and say I can see him! "

"Elder, the left and right law enforcement elder just ran away. The other elders ran and hid. They didn't dare to come here!" The elder's face is ugly and says that in this situation, the overlord even wants to arrange for Zhao Fugui to come to see him. Now it's not Zhao Fugui who wants to see him, but he has to go out to see Zhao Fugui. The elder complained secretly. He knew he had run away.

"What? A bunch of cowards His face suddenly turned blue and red. The law enforcement elders of the Presbyterian Council, big and small ordinary elders, just heard Zhao Fugui's name and ran away. It's a shame.

"Hoo Xiongba takes a deep breath. He knows very well that the Presbyterian Council will be completely discredited if this matter is spread out today.

"Follow me to meet Zhao Fugui!" The situation is better than others. Now it's not up to him.

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