Super Monk

Chapter 2017

"Boom!" Xiongba blows hard at Zhao Fugui's sword Qi. Xiongba is worthy of being the strong one at the top of master sanchongtian. His vigorous Qi is extremely concise, which is no less than that of the black devil before he broke the situation. If he meets another opponent of master sanchongtian, I'm afraid no one can do anything to him. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong opponent today.

Xiongba's boxing power hit Zhao Fugui's sword Qi with a fierce blow, which made a big bang in an instant. But his concise boxing power was smashed by the sword Qi in an instant, and the sword Qi didn't hinder him at all. Then he cut XIONGTIAN, who was proud and couldn't react at all.

"Ah XIONGTIAN uttered an earth shaking scream. Dozens of swords cut XIONGTIAN's body into pieces like a meat grinder. His body was cut into dozens of pieces, just like Tianjiao who had been cut alive by xiongba before. He died miserably.

"God Xiongba's eyes turn red instantly. He looks at XIONGTIAN's chopped body and gives a roar. He stares at Zhao Fugui and yells, "Zhao Fugui, I'll kill you and tear you to pieces!"

"Boom!" As soon as the hero stepped on the water, the whole lotus pool trembled. The water in the lotus pool seemed to be lowered a little. The hero stepped on the water and rushed to Zhao Fugui with fierce spirit.

The vigorous spirit of the hero is condensed to the extreme, and the tremendous momentum is sent out. The precious flowers and plants in the courtyard are shivering with the huge vigorous pressure. The water surface of the lotus pool is even brought out with deep water lines by the strong spirit, and some Koi in the lotus pool are even directly stirred into pieces.

Taking advantage of the water potential, the overlord's body shape is like electricity. In an instant, he pours at Zhao Fugui with a hard blow, and the powerful fist Gang pours at Zhao Fugui with a hard blow.

"Why do you want to kill me?" Zhao Fugui gives way to the powerful Quan gang at his feet. The powerful Quan Gang blows into the attic not far away. The wood chips of the two-story attic explode and are blown out of a big hole by the powerful Quan Gang, which almost collapses.

Xiongba rushes to the corridor, and leaves a clear footprint on the floor of the corridor. He will jump at Zhao Fugui as soon as he is folded. With the strength of xiongba, before the battle between Zhao Fugui and the black devils, I'm afraid it will take some time to deal with him, but now xiongba, the great master of triple heaven, is not worth mentioning in front of Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui stretched out his arm, a huge palm condensed by Daoli appeared in an instant, and the Golden Palm bravely pressed down on the overlord.

"Go The bully roared and hit the big handprint with a hard blow. In a blink of an eye, the fist Gang hit the big handprint, but it was like a piece of tofu smashed on the steel. The fist gang was broken in an instant and could not stop the big handprint from being photographed. In the blink of an eye, xiongba is just like a fly, which is severely patted on the ground by the big fingerprints.

"Click!" Xiongba's body was directly patted on the ground by the big fingerprints, and the wooden floor burst suddenly, showing a clear human shape.

"Damned smash, damned!" Xiongba's face was red. He kept roaring. He put his hands on the ground and tried to get up from the ground. But his big fingerprints didn't move. He couldn't stand up at all.

The strong bully madly urged the vigorous Qi, and the vigorous Qi of his whole body was like the essence. Zhao Fugui slaps him on the ground like a fly. Xiongba feels a crazy shame. He has never been humiliated like this, especially in Wenshan villas. I don't know how many people are still watching. This situation makes xiongba almost lose his mind.

"Roar!" Xiongba let out a roar. His muscles vibrated as if they were regular. His heart beat faster and blood was injected into his body. The powerful bully urges the secret method, and the strong vigorous Qi stirs up madly.

"Click, click!" Xiongba's hands were deeply inserted into the ground, and he tried his best to lift his body up. The fingerprints made up of Daoli trembled slightly. Although they could not be supported, they could not be pressed down for the time being.

"Your secret method is a little interesting, but it's just a mantis arm blocking the car!" Zhao Fugui sneered, injected Daoli into the big handprint, and pressed it again. With a bang, the hero's body couldn't support any more. He was crushed into the broken sawdust and soil. He couldn't even lift his head.

The overlord roared desperately and urged the secret to the extreme, but the big fingerprint did not move. Even if he urged the powerful secret, his strength was too far away from Zhao Fugui, and he could not resist in front of Zhao Fugui.

Wenshan villas suddenly fell into a dead silence. A group of Zhenwu people who have not yet escaped stare at the scene in horror. In those days, xiongba was also a man who dominated the Zhenwu circle. After he became the leader of the Presbyterian Council, he was even more powerful. He controlled the Presbyterian Council. Although he couldn't control the tianbang strongmen, he also oppressed the Zhenwu circle for decades.

At that time, Dugu bajue rose up, and the powerful one beat the others. Please move ye Tiannan and some tianbang to directly suppress Dugu bajue, who was so famous that no one in the whole Zhenwu circle can match him.

Once upon a time, xiongba had a chance to attack the myth of banbu, but it was a pity that it failed. After the suppression of Dugu bajue, xiongba was satisfied with himself, indulged in power and pleasure, and wandered around the great master's triple heaven for ten or twenty years, but he couldn't make any progress. But even so, xiongba, who has been the elder of the Presbyterian Council for decades, has never been so embarrassed. But today, Zhao Fugui slaps him and he can't stand up.The real warrior in Wenshan villa thought that Zhao Fugui might suppress the tyrant, but he never thought that the tyrant would be suppressed so easily. Not only the tyrant was suppressed, but also his lawless grandson, Xiong Tian, who was the most loved by the tyrant, was chopped to pieces by Zhao Fugui.

"This is the power of myth. After several decades, I finally saw the hand of the myth level strongman again!" A white haired old man murmured.

"From now on, I'm afraid few people in the Chinese Zhenwu circle will recognize the Presbyterian Council any more." Another man said with an ugly face that what the Presbyterian family relies on most is the Presbyterian Council, but now that the authority of the Presbyterian Council has been swept away, I'm afraid the good days of the Presbyterian family are coming to an end.

Elder Ren and Ren Feng look at each other in the crowd. They have offended the overlord by bringing Zhao Fugui here today. Whether they are forced or not, they will not care. Now they have no choice but to stand by Zhao Fugui, but the good news is that Zhao Fugui is far more powerful than they think.

"Xiongsangou, I'll ask you for the last time, where are the Chens?" Zhao Fugui then waved his big handprint and directly grabbed the overlord from the ground. Zhao Fugui asked coldly.

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