Super Monk

Chapter 2022

"How far is the Mountain Gate of tiger demon alchemy sect?" After getting out of the car, Zhao Fugui looked at the rugged path and asked in a deep voice. The road in front of him was very inaccessible. At a glance, the mountains were crisscross. Some places were winding roads. The road was less than one meter wide. Looking down, it was an abyss. In some places, there were rocks rolling down.

The mountain road is narrow, even the cement road is not, even the most courageous drivers dare not drive through, at most can only lead the ox cart slowly.

"Back to Zhao mythology, it's more than 100 kilometers away from the tiger demon alchemy sect. After crossing the mountains in front of it, there are several small villages that have lived here for generations. The tiger demon alchemy sect is less than 20 kilometers away from the village!" The guide said respectfully.

"Go back!" Zhao Fugui said faintly. The guide's face was stunned. How could he dare to go back before he took this place? But before the guide spoke, he saw that Zhao Fugui was a little bit under his feet, and his figure was like a heavy gun coming out of the gun. A strong wind suddenly lifted up, and Zhao Fugui's figure jumped out in an instant.

Zhao Fugui leaped hundreds of feet. He ignored the roads and went straight ahead, but he disappeared in front of the guide in a few breaths. Zhao Fugui thinks the speed of the guide is too slow. If he continues to take the guide, he doesn't know how long it will take. Now that he is almost there, Zhao Fugui will go by himself.

"Zhao myth!" The guide looked at Zhao Fugui's passing, and he left without even finishing his words. He didn't know whether he should go back to Beijing or stay here waiting for Zhao Fugui to come back.

It's just a myth that few people can get in and out of the world even if there are too many planes.

But in ancient times, there were occasionally strong people walking at the level of myth. Once they were seen, they were all regarded as immortals in this world, or written into county annals, or widely spread, resulting in various strange stories.

Zhao Fugui's speed is extremely fast. He has passed through the distance of more than 100 kilometers in less than ten minutes. The distance of more than 100 kilometers also makes Zhao Fugui's Qi and blood activate, and his momentum gradually climbs to the peak. After crossing several mountains, until he saw several small villages in front of him, Zhao Fugui stopped, fell outside a village and walked to this small village with only a few dozen people.

It's already morning. People are just beginning to ring in the small village. As soon as Zhao Fugui enters the village, he comes across an old man with dry tobacco in his mouth and a basket on his back. He is about to go into the mountain to collect herbs.

"Father-in-law, is there any place near here that knows martial arts or magic?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Posterity, what else is there in this world? You rich people like to explore and find strange places. Every year, there are two or three waves of people like you in our village! " The old man shook his head and said, "but from our village to the northwest, there is a mountain more than ten kilometers away. There are real old gods living on the mountain. If you are interested, go there and have a look!"

"Thank you very much." Zhao Fugui nodded and walked slowly through the middle of the village. When he passed the back of the village, he intentionally or unintentionally took a look at a remote pit. The pit was full of various vines and weeds. The wreckage of several high-powered off-road vehicles was thrown inside. Occasionally, some small moving objects quickly drilled out of the wreckage, and then disappeared.

I'm afraid these are the rich children who love to explore among the old people. If they don't find anything, they may be able to leave alive. If they find anything, they may have to lie here forever.

Zhao Fugui disappeared as like as two peas. He put down his basket and hurried to the ancestral hall of the village. The ancestral hall was not the soul of the dead in the village, but something like the God in the mountain door of tiger magic.

"Tell Shangxian that the person you have drawn our attention to has just passed!" The old man knelt down on the ground in fear and said to the dark beside the statue that there was a man wrapped in black robes. He sat there like a puppet.

tiger devil has been in the North site for thousands of years. It has been built like a metal drum in a hundred miles. The people in these villages are their eyes and their hands. Once a raw face comes in, they will be reported immediately.

"It seems that the news from Shangjing is true. Zhao Fugui is here! Half step myth, how brave The black robed man's eyes flashed and said coldly. Then he took out the phone and reported the news to the mountain gate. In ancient times, they had some small spells to deliver messages, but in modern times, those small spells are not as convenient as a phone call.

No matter how old the clan gate is, it is also advancing with the times. Once the clan gate fails to keep pace with the times, it is the part that is most likely to disappear.

When Zhao Fugui left the village, he naturally saw that there was something wrong with the village. As long as the tiger demon alchemy sect was not stupid, it must have controlled these villages. If the tiger demon alchemy sect could dominate the northern land for thousands of years, it would not be so stupid that it was beyond remedy. However, Zhao Fugui had absolute confidence in his own strength and was not afraid of these small calculations.More than ten kilometers away, a barren and lifeless mountain peak appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes. All the other mountains around here are lush with vegetation, and all kinds of primitive forests can be seen everywhere. Only this mountain has no vegetation, and a strong resentment is lingering on the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there is a grand stronghold. It doesn't look much different from other strongholds nearby, except that it is bigger. But Zhao Fugui only looked at it and knew that this is the tiger demon alchemy sect he was looking for.

In Zhao Fugui's eyes, this mountain is a ghost mountain worthy of the name. Even though the day is already bright, the strong Yin Qi and ghost power on the mountain has no trend of dissipating. Even the sunlight can't disperse the Yin Qi. The Yin Qi is more than 100 times stronger than the Yin Qi that Tao Qing carried in the Spring River in the provincial capital.

However, there is Yang in the shade of this mountain, and the whole mountain range is full of Yin Qi, but only in the stronghold on the top of the mountain, there is a strong Yang Qi. Without this Yang Qi, even if the real warrior lives in the ghost mountain day and night, even if there is no ghost attack, in the long run, he has already become a living dead man.

There should be a special reason why the Mountain Gate of tiger demon alchemy sect was chosen here, but Zhao Fugui didn't care.

"Zhongzhou Zhao Fugui came to worship the mountain!" The roaring voice turned into a rolling sound wave, and soon swept away to the Mountain Gate of the tiger demon alchemy sect. The whole tiger demon alchemy sect seemed to be alive in an instant.

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