Super Monk

Chapter 2029

The secret road behind the hall is deep and long. Torches are inserted every few meters on the mountain walls on both sides of the secret road to illuminate the secret road in the belly of the mountain. However, these torches are indeed burning oil-green flames, which are like ghost fire. This flame reflects the death terror of the whole passage.

If ordinary people see this passage, they are afraid to enter, but these things are not worth mentioning at all for Zhao Fugui. He walked slowly to the depth of the secret passage.

"Black devil, you captured the people of the Chen family and wanted to lead me here. Now that I'm here, where are you hiding?" Zhao Fugui's cold voice rang out in the secret road. His voice gathered into a line, and spread to the depth of the secret Road, almost in the whole secret road.

"Zhao Fugui, I'll wait for you in the forbidden area. If you have the courage, come down!" The ferocious voice of the black devil sounded from the depth of the secret road. The whole tunnel trembled, and a burst of soil fell from the top of the tunnel.

"Good!" Zhao Fugui gave a cold hum, identified the location of the black devil, and immediately rushed to the forbidden area deep in the tunnel. The tunnel of tiger demon alchemy sect is at least ten kilometers long, deep and complicated, but the complicated secret road can't disturb him at all. In just half a minute, Zhao Fugui appeared at the end of the secret road.

At the end of the secret Road, there was a burning fire, like an old temple. The temple was dark and silent. There was no popularity at all. On the contrary, there was a strange smell that made Zhao Fugui frown tightly. This special smell had never been encountered by Zhao Fugui before.

"Black devil, I've come. How long do you want to hide?" Zhao Fugui looked at the depth of the temple and said coldly.

There was no sound in the temple. Zhao Fugui frowned and walked to the temple. The black flame burning in the gap around the temple noticed that someone was approaching, and unexpectedly surged to Zhao Fugui.

"What is it?" Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly, and his body immediately lifted up Daoli. The golden Daoli and the black flame were intertwined together. The black flame seemed to be alive, and he wanted to roll around Zhao Fugui's whole body. Zhao Fugui's face sank, and Daoli shook and stiffly extinguished the black flame.

This black flame can burn Daoli. If Zhao Fugui's Daoli is not strong, an ordinary warrior will be caught by the black flame and burned to death. Tiger demon alchemy sect has made a lot of strange things for so many years.

Zhao Fugui frowned and walked into the temple. A huge red and black stone chair appeared in the deepest part of the temple. It seemed that there were several people sitting on the stone chair. Zhao Fugui is not far away from the stone chair, but strangely, he can't see the situation on the stone chair clearly. Just as he was about to open his eyes to see what was on the stone chair, a dark shadow on his head fell down silently.

The black devil has been hiding at the top of the temple, just waiting for Zhao Fugui to come. When Zhao Fugui comes, he catches Zhao Fugui like a gecko. The huge and strong strange magic arm with a strange smell grabbed Zhao Fugui's head. This strong strange magic arm spread to the black devil's shoulder in just one or two days. Maybe it won't be long before this strange magic arm can swallow the whole body of the black devil.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui noticed that there was something strange above his head. He didn't even have the interest to look up at it. He directly raised his hand and popped up a sword, which was immediately cut on the arm of the black devil. With a bang, Zhao Fugui could easily cut off the steel sword and cut it on the strange devil's arm, but he failed to cut off the strange devil's arm. He just cut a deep wound on the strange devil's arm.

The black devil screamed, and the strange devil's arm suddenly opened from the palm of his hand, revealing a terrible mouth and biting Zhao Fugui's head.

"Zhao Fugui, go to hell!" The black devil gives out a crazy roar. His current strength is too far away from Zhao Fugui. He can only attack Zhao Fugui by using the abnormal attack of the temple.

"Chop!" Zhao Fugui twisted his brow, raised his hand and made a stroke in the void. A bright sword appeared in an instant and cut directly at the bloody mouth of the demon's arm.

"Poof I don't know how many times stronger this sword is than Zhao Fugui's one. The sword cuts directly into the monster's hideous mouth, and instantly cuts off half of the demon's arm.

"Ah The black devil screamed bitterly, and a stream of filthy things that didn't look like human blood spewed out from the place where he broke his arm. The black devil fell directly to the direction of the stone chair and rolled several circles on the ground before stopping. This was the second time that Zhao Fugui had cut off his arm.

"Black devil, you are also the leader of the tiger demon alchemy sect. At the beginning, you wanted to challenge ye Tiannan, but now you have an ugly arm, and you will only attack secretly!" Zhao Fugui looked at the black devil coldly and said faintly.

"Zhao Fugui, if it wasn't for you, I would not have broken the road of martial arts. You are my enemy of life and death, and I must kill you!" The black devil was staring at Zhao Fugui as if he wanted to choose someone to eat. The short wriggling and shaking of his strange arm seemed to want to find the broken arm and take it back again. Small pieces of flesh appeared from the broken wound, constantly wriggling, looking both ferocious and terrifying.

"You can't kill me!" Zhao Fugui looked at the black devil and said, "hand over all the people of the Chen family. I can leave some seeds for the tiger demon alchemy sect. Otherwise, today I will destroy the tiger demon alchemy sect and kill all the people in your sect!""I have nothing to do with whether tiger demon alchemy sect can leave some seeds. If I die, what does it matter if tiger demon alchemy sect can't be destroyed?" The black devil showed a ferocious look and grabbed the stone chair behind him with another intact human arm. He immediately grabbed several heads and threw them into Zhao Fugui's eyes. When Zhao Fugui saw these heads, his eyes suddenly became cold.

"If you want the Chen family, I'll give them to you! Ha ha ha "the black devil gave out a crazy laugh. The heads he threw over were Chen Yihan's relatives.

When Zhao Fugui saw these heads, his face became completely gloomy, and his eyes became cold. He opened his eyes and looked at the stone chair behind the black devil. The huge stone chair was not filled with people at all, but with corpses, all of which belonged to the Chen family.

And in the middle of the body, Zhao Fugui was surprised to see the bodies of Chen Yihan's parents, Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen. All the Chen family members were killed by the black devils.

"Black devil, I want to kill you, tiger devil, alchemy sect is full of people, no one will stay!" Zhao Fugui's cold voice seems to rise from the nine hell, cold incomparable said.

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