Super Monk

Chapter 2033

Zhao Fugui's fist blows out, and his terrible fist intention appears in an instant with strong power. In the void, it condenses into a huge fist seal like a hill. The huge fist seal is like a small golden mountain. With the momentum and strength of thunder, it bumps into the dark fist seal above the temple.

The whole temple was filled with terrible fist intention and powerful power. The overwhelming pressure even oppressed the surrounding magic flame cage. The burning of the magic flame seemed to slow down a bit. Lao Zu's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui's strength was so terrible. He felt that he was still above him.

"I have been practicing in this underground secret hall for 70 years. It took me 30 years to reach the mythical realm. It took me another 30 years to reach the third heaven, which is close to the strength of the current myth. This boy is only twenty years old. How can he be better than me? " Lao Zu has an incredible expression on his face.

"Boom boom!" The mountain like golden fist Gang blasted on the huge dark handprint, and the huge roar sounded fiercely. The whole temple vibrated violently, and pieces of gravel and dust fell from the top of the temple.

"Click, click!" It was like the sound of concrete cracking, and then there were huge cracks on the huge dark palm. The magic flame on the dark palm is burning wildly, trying to destroy the mountain like fist seal, but Zhao Fugui's Taoist power is not much worse than the power of the magic flame, and will not be suppressed by the magic flame at all.

"Boom!" The huge dark palm was just a meal, and then it was blasted to pieces by the fist seal, and the burning magic flame on the huge handprint was all crushed by Zhao Fugui's terrible Daoli.

Lao Zu's face was cold and gloomy. In his life, Lao Zu had only seen such strength in Dugu bajue 30 years ago. At that time, Lao Zu had just stepped into the half step myth for less than 10 years, which was just a heavy cultivation of the half step myth. At that time, Dugu bajue could not compete with Lao Zu.

After thirty years of hard cultivation, Lao Zu asked himself that even if he met a powerful man like Dugu bajue again, he would be able to fight. However, he did not expect to meet a younger powerful man who was not inferior or even better than Dugu bajue.

"Has the world really changed now? Are we old people going to be replaced by young and strong people like them? " This idea was born in Laozu's heart.

"That's all your Dihuo Yinmo skill really is!" Zhao Fugui's face was expressionless, and when he led, the golden fist seal smashed the dark palm seal, and then he blew his fist to Laozu.

Lao Zu's face was gloomy, and when he patted on the stone chair, he dodged like a ghost. The bright fist seal slammed on the stone chair, and the huge stone chair was smashed in an instant. Even the mountain stone behind the stone chair was blasted out of a big hole more than one foot deep by the aftereffect of the fist.

"Your strength is no less than that of Dugu BA at that time. Why do you always have such arrogance in this world? Why do you want to be ordinary people like me and work hard for decades? Why don't you wait for a few years! I won't accept it, I won't accept it, kill Tianjiao and take his place! " Lao Zu's face was crazy and ferocious, and he yelled "fire

"Boom!" The huge magic flame is burning crazily. A huge magic flame crazily appears from the burning pillar and sweeps to Zhao Fugui. These dark flames were cold when they were in the pillar of fire. The closer they were to Zhao Fugui, the higher the temperature of the magic flame was. In the blink of an eye, it reached a very high temperature of thousands of degrees, far higher than that of ordinary flames.

The burning magic flame forms a flame storm. In the flame storm, dark fire snakes appear out of thin air. Each fire snake is seven or eight meters long. Even if a magic flame falls on a person, I'm afraid it can instantly burn a person into a burnt corpse.

"Chop!" Zhao Fugui saw a golden flame burning in his eyes. He took out a sword. An ancient sword suddenly escaped from the sea of knowledge with a strong golden light and cut it to the burning magic flame.

"You still have a strange treasure!" Lao Zu didn't have eyes, but he seemed to be able to see clearly what happened in front of him. He widened his eyes, and his dark and empty eyes looked even more terrifying. His face showed an unbelievable look, and he cried excitedly.

"I got these nine ancient swords from the sword King Bai Yu. These treasures are just pearls in your hands. Even if I give them to you, what can you do?" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Hum!" The sword light cuts into the fire storm in a blink of an eye, and the fire snakes in the fire storm are instantly stirred into pieces. These fire snakes seem to have spirituality in general. The fire snakes, which are made up of magic flames, twinkle with the sword light in an instant and want to devour it. This kind of dark underground magic flame really has powerful power. The fire snakes devour the sword light crazily, and in a twinkling of an eye, they devour the fierce power brought by the sword light.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the sword cuts into the flame storm, but the bright golden sword is also swallowed up by the fire snake. Only the ancient sword itself is still killing those dark fire snakes, but without the sword, the power of the ancient sword is much weaker.

"Ha ha ha, Zhao Fugui, I heard that you got Ye Hongyi's Kendo, but I think it's just like that!" When Lao Zu saw that Zhao Fugui's Kendo power was greatly reduced, he immediately gave out a proud laugh. He stamped his foot like a ghost and jumped on the ancient sword. His withered and terrible arm immediately grabbed the ancient sword.Zhao Fugui's nine ancient swords are all spiritual. He realized that Lao Zu wanted to grasp the sword. The sword buzzed and grabbed Lao Zu's arm fiercely.

"The magic sword has spirit. The ancients didn't deceive me!" Lao Zu's magic flame soared in his hand. He rolled up his arm and pressed down the light of the sword. He directly grasped the ancient sword in his hand. The ancient sword kept shaking in Laozu's hands, but he couldn't escape. Laozu looked at the ancient sword greedily and said excitedly, "it's a magic sword. Even ye Tiannan's sword is just like this. This sword belongs to Laozu!"

The rest of the fire storm was not stopped by the ancient sword. A dozen fire snakes merged into one, forming a huge fire snake almost five feet long and nearly one meter thick. It opened its mouth and bit Zhao Fugui.

"You deserve this sword?" With a sneer, Zhao Fugui made a sword and said in a deep voice, "Zhenshan river!"

"Hum!" The ancient sword that Laozu held in his hand suddenly buzzed and turned into a streamer. The sword light rolled back and cut Laozu's arm.

"To defend the sword with God?" Lao Zu's face suddenly showed a look of surprise and anger, and cried out in disbelief.

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