Super Monk

Chapter 2041

Chen Yihan doesn't understand this. She doesn't even know Zhenwu circle, let alone Shinto. When Zhao Fugui said this, her eyes lit up.

"Richness, can it really be like this?" Chen Yihan asked excitedly, if her parents can really become a small God to survive, even if they can't become a God, it's a good destination.

"I'm not sure that I will succeed, but at least it should not be worse than now!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Staying in the gold pagoda is like going to jail, even if you are a magic soldier, as long as you can come out and have a free range of activities!" Chen Yihan said.

"Well, let's try!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, "if you want to lead Aunt Chen and them out for a long time, you must have a sustenance. The statues in the temples and Taoist temples actually play this role. Those statues can not only gather incense, but also guide the real spirit of the gods to show their holiness. But that may have been thousands of years ago. Now they may have left or disappeared! "

"Then what are they made of? I'll invite a carpenter to carve two statues now Chen Yihan said that she is not interested in things thousands of years ago, and she has never seen God. Even now she has seen many wonderful things, and she still does not believe in the existence of God.

"There are several kinds of statues. The best one is Lingyu, but there are few Lingyu that can make a big one. Secondly, gold is used to cast statues, which is also the origin of the idea of shaping the body of gold. The third is the statue of wooden fetus, which is rare in spirit jade and hard to find in gold. There are countless temples, most of which use the statue of wooden fetus. Most of them are clay figurines, which are mostly used in small rural temples! "

"Jade can keep warm, Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen's spirits are not fixed when they leave the gold pagoda. It's best to keep warm with Lingyu as a statue of God!" Zhao Fugui said.

"I'll call Caiyuan now. She's in the jewelry business now. I'll ask her to see if she can find the big Lingyu you said!" Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

"No, I've collected a spirit stone before. It's not small. It's very suitable to make a small statue to be worshipped by Lingwu sect first!" Zhao Fugui said that he had found a piece of Tianxin turquoise on the other side of Zhaojiagou ore vein. The piece of Tianxin turquoise has been put in the safe of Xiaowan village, and now it can be used.

That piece of Tianxin turquoise is worth tens of millions, but Zhao Fugui doesn't care about the money now, so he directly calls Xiaowan village to send Tianxin turquoise to Jiang Caiyuan in Chengdu, and then Zhao Fugui calls Jiang Caiyuan again.

"Caiyuan, someone is going to send the turquoise in Tianxin later. Please help me to have a statue carved overnight. I'll send you a picture of the statue later!" Zhao Fugui called Jiang Caiyuan and said.

"Well, I'm in the Chengdu branch now. You can send people directly! If it's urgent, I'll ask two groups of masters to carve it in turn and carve it out as soon as possible! " Jiang Caiyuan said that thanks to the jadeite stones that Zhao Fugui bought before, Jiang Caiyuan's jewelry business is quite good now, and she has a great reputation in the provincial capital.

"As soon as possible, I'll wait to use it!" Zhao Fugui then hung up the phone and said to Chen Yihan, "when the statue is carved, we will start to do it!"

"Yes Chen Yihan nodded, hesitated and asked, "richness, what about my uncle and aunt? I know that they have done some bad things, but they are my relatives after all. If you can, can you save them, even if you let them sit in the golden pagoda? "

"At that time, I couldn't save so many souls. I had to give priority to Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen. I'm afraid other people's souls have disappeared now!" Zhao Fugui said casually that he didn't care about the souls of the Chen family at all. Even if they died, they would still be the same as before. There would be no change at all.

"What about their bodies? I want them to live in peace!" Chen Yihan is silent for a while, sighs and says that she doesn't want to investigate whether Zhao Fugui can't be saved or doesn't want to be saved. If Zhao Fugui can go to the northern land tiger demon alchemy sect, she has already taken great risks.

"The bodies are still in the Mountain Gate of tiger demon alchemy sect. I'll send someone to transport their bodies back and bury Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen by the way. It's a beginning and an end!" Zhao Fugui said that after the death of Chinese people, they always have to govern the funeral and let the dead live in peace. Although Chen Yihan's parents have become the God generals in the golden pagoda, they still have to do this.

"Well, richness, please!" Chen Yihan said.

"We don't have to talk about this!" Zhao Fugui said to go outside the villa, Leng Xi a group of them dare not ask. It seems that more and more of Zhao Lingwu's family are going to live outside the gate of the town.

"Ren long!"

"Yes, Zhao mythology!" Ren long see Zhao Fugui appear, quickly push away the people who wait on him, rushed to come, respectfully agreed.

"Send someone to the Mountain Gate of the tiger demon alchemy sect to transport all the corpses of the Chen family back! In addition, inform the Zhenwu family of zhongqingyou that I want to administer the funeral for the Chen family! After this, Ren's family will be the outside family of Lingwu school! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice."Yes, Zhao Shenhua, I've done it properly!" Ren long was overjoyed and said quickly. Then Zhao Fugui turned around and left. Ren long bowed himself and said in a loud voice, "congratulations to Zhao Shenhua!"

"Quickly, immediately send someone to the tiger demon alchemy sect with Ren's private plane, and transport all Ren's bodies back. Go at once!" When Zhao Fugui left, Ren Feng immediately turned back to his family and said, "in addition, if you spread the news, it's said that Zhao mythology is going to govern the funeral and send him to the last floor of his father-in-law. Zhao mythology, this is to frighten the curfew, completely establish power, let those Zhenwu aristocratic families know! "

"My Lord, I'm afraid the young masters and young ladies in my family will not be happy to transport the corpses by private planes. They often have to use private planes to play around!" A Ren family person hesitates to say.

"Anyone who dares not to be happy will get out of Ren's house for me. Just do as I say and do it right away!" Ren Feng's face sank and said coldly.

"Yes, the Supreme Master!" A group of Ren's family members were cold in their hearts, and they did not dare to have any more objections. In order to work for Zhao Shenhua, the master of the supreme family even said that the young ladies and young masters were driven out of the house. Who dares to have any objection?

Zhao Fugui a word command go on, Ren family is like to receive the decree general immediately busy.

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