Super Monk

Chapter 2061

"In fact, I don't know what I'm talking about. All this is our speculation based on some ancient legends and some modern scientific verification. No one knows what the future will be like. We just want to make some preparations in advance!" Li Lao said with a bitter smile, his eyes showing deep fatigue and helplessness.

Some things don't really happen. Everything is just speculation and speculation without absolute evidence. Even if Mr. Li is in a high position, he can't mobilize the strength of the whole country to prepare. But in this case, he will be unable to do a lot of things. In addition, more and more things appear and his strength becomes stronger and stronger. The "Moon Palace" has begun to feel more and more hungry power.

"You've been watching me for the past few months?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked. These things that Li said can be asked later. Now Zhao Fugui wants to know why he is being monitored. And with his strength, it's hard for him not to find out that he has been under surveillance for such a long time, but Zhao Fugui did not find out that someone was watching him for such a long time.

"Not bad!" Mr. Li nodded. Seeing Zhao Fugui's doubts, he took the initiative to explain that "at present, we have a system that can monitor all public cameras, including traffic cameras, monitoring systems of large supermarkets, bank monitoring systems, cameras of public units, security cameras and so on. If necessary, we can also control some private cameras. The main purpose of your surveillance is to use these cameras, so you can't detect it. Only when these cameras can't monitor, will we send someone to come over. It's not easy to be found! "

"Why are you spying on me?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked, "I'm afraid anyone who is being watched will be very upset. What's more, Zhao Fugui has many secrets that he doesn't want people to know.".

"Because we are worried that you will also be a cannibal!" Mr. Li said seriously, "before explaining the cannibal, I'll tell you a 'story'!"

"In many prophecies, 2012 is the end of the world, but nothing seems to happen in 2012, so most people think those prophecies are nonsense!"

"Aren't those prophecies nonsense?" Zhao Fugui looks at Li Laomei inexplicably and asks.

"At least part of it is true, but sometimes the end of mankind does not mean the end of the world. We human beings always regard ourselves as the master of the world and the whole world, but this is just a delusion of human self righteousness!" Li said, "do you know what a human being is like to the whole earth?"

"What? Dust? A grain of sand? " Zhao Fugui asked.

"A person is a tiny germ cell relative to the whole earth, but with more and more human beings, for the earth, we have become a terrible disease, similar to tumor or something else!" Li Lao said, "in 100000 BC, when mankind came out of Africa, there were only one million people, but today, the world's population has exceeded 7.2 billion. We are almost all over the world, destroying the earth's environment recklessly!"

"Major Zhao, do you know? If we compare the earth to a person, we are equivalent to the bacteria and viruses in this person's body. There are about one kilogram of bacteria in a person's body, which is also the limit we can bear, and these are all beneficial bacteria. Before the advent of modern science and technology, we are all beneficial bacteria, but since the advent of modern science and technology, endless wars, nuclear tests, nuclear leakage, countless garbage being discharged into the river, the sea, unscrupulous extraction of oil, shooting out all kinds of harmful substances in the air and so on, we have changed from beneficial bacteria into viruses! "

"Even our 'viruses' feel that the environment is getting worse and worse. Can you imagine the current state of the' people 'on the earth? What would you do if you were sick? " Looking at Zhao Fugui, Mr. Li asked seriously.

"If I get sick, I will definitely treat the disease first, whether it's medicine, injection or surgery. In a word, I will cure the disease first!" Zhao Fugui said that he now has a little understanding of Li's meaning, but can the earth "cure" itself?

"Yes, anyone who is sick will go to cure, and now we have become a disease of the earth, so the treatment of the earth has begun. It may have started in 2012, or even earlier, and the end of mankind has already begun!" Li Lao said excitedly.

"Mr. Li, the earth is just a planet. It has no life. How can it cure itself?" Zhao Fugui felt a burst of absurd said.

"I've heard people say that the height of a person's standing determines the way he can see the world! A farmer's cognition of the world is land and village. What a student sees and Hears every day is what happens in school, what happens in class, what he studies and what he secretly loves. A mayor can pay attention to the whole city, a governor is in charge of a province, a leader of a country, he is in charge of everything that ordinary people can't understand! "

"Human beings are still like this. What about God? If there is a God in this world, does he see the world like human beings? Have you ever thought about it? So is what we humans see as the real world, or is it what the gods see as the real world? " Li asked in a deep voice."Maybe it's all real, but what human beings see is only a corner of the real world!" Zhao Fugui was silent for a while and said slowly.

"Yes, the height of a person's stand determines the scenery he can see. The higher he stands, the more scenery he can see! Standing here, we can only see a starry sky, which is insignificant in the universe. If you look down, you can only see a piece of land under your feet. This piece of land can only occupy one billionth of the whole earth. Human beings are so small. If you look back after thousands of years, now science is just a joke. How do you know that the earth is lifeless? " Li said slowly, "it's just like the bacteria growing in our bodies. Do you think they may know what we are like and what we can do?"

"You old, you said so much, in the end want to express a what meaning?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked, "human beings are really small. We don't even see what's under the earth's crust under our feet with our eyes, but what does it represent?"?

"What I want to say is that the earth is awakening, perhaps, in evolution, and human is a disease that it is about to eliminate on the way of evolution!" Li said slowly.

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