Super Monk

Chapter 2079

This sudden news shocked Zhao Fugui and Wang Dong. According to Wang Dong's previous experience, the first person to have a problem is often a mutant.

"Where exactly do the Suns live?" Zhao Fugui immediately asked.

"The Suns live in the east end of the village, the one on the east side. There are only two grandsons in the family named sun. Old sun's son and daughter-in-law have gone out to work, and they haven't come back for three years, so his grandson is wild, because nobody cares about him! " The middle-aged woman said bitterly, "leaders, do you want to visit the sun family? There is no one in the sun family! "

"What about the two grandsons?" Zhao Fugui asked again.

"The sun family, whose grandson had a strange disease, disappeared within two days. Old sun went to the mountain to look for it, but he didn't come back. Now they only have a cow in the cattle pen!" Said the middle-aged woman.

"Elder sister, please take us to the sun family to have a look!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Ouch, the leader can't use it. Just call me my name. My name is Zhang Dahua!" The middle-aged woman was cured by Zhao Fugui. Seeing that the leader from the big city wanted to ask her for help, she said happily.

"Sister Zhang, please!"

"No trouble, no trouble!" Zhang Dahua said in a hurry, then stood up and went to the east of the village. Originally, people in the village didn't want to go to remote places these two days, but there were leaders in Zhang Dahua who were also brave.

"Do you think so?" Wang Dongfei quickly gave the order, and suddenly six people from the capture team came with the capture weapons and detectors. Zhao Fugui asked in a low voice, and some villagers wanted to follow, but they were stopped by the capture team. If there is really a problem there, it's better not to let these villagers see it.

"According to our previous experience, if there is a mutation in a place, the first person who appears abnormal is the parasitized mutant!" Wang Dong said solemnly.

Six arresting team members behind him are on alert, three arresting team members are carrying steel mesh guns, and the other three arresting team members are carrying high-energy stun guns. Although their special high-energy stun guns can't shoot continuously, they need one minute charging time after each shooting, but if they shoot with the maximum output power, they can even electrocute an elephant directly.

One of the team members carrying the stun gun carried the stun gun and portable super powerful graphene charging device on his back. He held the detection device in his hand and focused on the device.

"That should be it!" Zhao Fugui's eyes were shining. He wanted to see what the murderous monster was.

"Leader, this is it!" After a while, Zhang Dahua took Zhao Fugui and they went to a house in the east of Yungang village. The house was very simple, with only two large tile roofed houses. There was a yard outside the house and a cowshed beside it. The whole house looked dilapidated.

Zhao Fugui pushes open the gate of the yard, and a cow in the cowshed is on the ground. Zhao Fugui takes a glance and goes to the yard. Zhang Dahua wants to follow him. He is stopped outside by the members of the capture team, and several members of the capture team immediately occupy the favorable terrain.

"The value is higher in this house!" The member of the capture team, who was staring at the scanning equipment, said nervously.

"Colonel Zhao, be careful!" Wang Dong tightly grasped the high-energy stun gun, set the energy output of the stun gun to the maximum, and yelled to Zhao Fugui. Zhang Dahua saw the situation, quietly shrank back, then turned around and ran to the village without looking back. As like as two peas and

, Zhao Fugui came directly into the yard, and the two big tile houses behind the yard closed tightly. But before they came, Zhao Fugui asked a rotten stench of smell from inside. The smell was just like the smell of the temple, and more intense.

the hands were strong and strong, and the strong sword mans could be ready to go any time. Zhao Fugui stared at the two huge tiles. Room, ready to move at any time.

"Creak!" Zhao Fugui pushed open the wooden door of the big tile house, and the stench suddenly came out. Zhao Fugui frowned and looked into the big tile house like electricity. Wang Dong, with a nervous face, raised his wire mesh gun and electric shock gun, ready to shoot at any time.

The room was full of stench. Five or six of them were eaten, and only bones were left. Fragments were thrown everywhere. These bones were large and small. Some of them were dry, but some were still wet. It wasn't long before they were eaten clean.

Zhao Fugui carefully looked at every corner of the room, the variant is not here, the other room is the same, the variant is not here.

"It's not here, but it should have lived here before. Maybe it found us when we came, and it ran away!" Shen Dong says, Zhao Fugui signals to them.

"I didn't expect that this is its real nest. It seems that the mutant should be the child of the sun family. Maybe he was parasitized when he went into the mountain alone!" Wang Dong also looked in the big tile roofed house and said, "the village is all single family. Except for the small basin in the middle of the village, the houses here are far away. No wonder no one finds anything unusual here!"

"Sir, do you want to burn this place down?" Asked a member of the capture team.

"If you don't burn it, install surveillance here, maybe it will come back!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown. As soon as his eyes turned, he saw the old cow lying on the ground in the cowshed. It seemed strange that this thing was not eaten by the mutant. "Is it possible for mutants to parasitize or eat animals?""The mutant basically only parasitizes people, and those monsters like to eat human flesh very much. Unless they are hungry, they seldom eat animals. There are many people in this village and they are easy to be attacked. I'm afraid that mutant can't look up to this cow!" Wang Dong didn't look at the cow and explained to Zhao Fugui.

"Keep an eye on Li Jian and here. Don't let the villagers get close to here. If there are residents nearby, let them move to the center of the village and live with other villagers first!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly, "I've seen all the villagers. There's no problem. I have a hunch that the mutant won't leave easily. It doesn't pay attention to us at all. It will come out to eat people tonight!"

"I'm afraid he was watching us last night, so he didn't come out to eat us. I'm afraid he can't help it tonight!" Wang Dong nodded and said, "we must seize it tonight. The longer it drags on, the stronger its strength will become. It will be hard to catch it then!"

Soon the members of the capture team installed the camera. The camera is facing the big tile house. The room inside the big tile house is also equipped with a camera. As long as the monster reappears, it will be found immediately.


Installed the camera, Zhao Fugui and they turned to leave, just as they turned to leave, the old cow in the cowshed slowly looked up at them.

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