Super Monk

Chapter 2081

Li Jian is squatting in a dark corner in the Chaifang. There is a bodyguard lying in front of him. The red blood is flowing out from Li Jian's feet. Ma Wenbo vaguely sees that Li Jian is holding a hand and eating crazily.

As if aware of someone peeping, Li jianmeng turned his head and looked at Ma Wenbo fiercely. Ma Wenbo was so scared that he almost fell to the ground.

Ma Wenbo turned around and wanted to run. If he hadn't urinated just now, he would be scared to urinate now. Ma Wenbo just turned around and was about to run away. He turned around but hit a man and sat on the ground.

"Courtyard, President, Li Jian is eating people!" Ma Wenbo saw that the man who appeared behind him was Zhu Xingwen, and immediately said.

"Cannibalism? Nonsense. How could Li Jian eat people? Stand up and show me! " Zhu Xingwen's face sank and said unhappily. When Zhu Xingwen said this, Ma Wenbo hesitated a little. He doubted whether he was wrong. How could cannibalism happen to a normal person.

"Good, good!" Ma Wenbo nervously gets up from the ground. He looks into the yard in a trance. The two bodyguards in the yard seem to be missing. Before Ma Wenbo can figure out what's going on, the door of the firewood room behind him "creaks" and is opened.

"What's the matter? Uncle Ma, what are you doing? " Li Jian's voice rang from behind Ma Wenbo and asked suspiciously.

"Li, Li Jian, you didn't eat people?" Ma Wenbo quickly turned around and saw Li Jian standing behind them, looking at them strangely. There was no blood on Li Jian's body and hands.

"Cannibalism? Dr. Ma, how can I eat people? Did you have a nightmare? Uncle, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early. I still have to go to bed! " Li Jian then turned and walked to the Chaifang. Ma Wenbo hesitated now, and he began to believe that he was too nervous just now.

"I'm going back to sleep, maybe!" Ma Wenbo suspected that he was wrong, but he vaguely smelled a faint smell of blood. His legs slowly began to tremble. He said to Zhu Xingwen casually that he wanted to go when he turned around. However, as soon as he turned around, a rope was put around his neck fiercely behind him, and the rope tightened instantly.

"Courtyard, Dean, help, help me!" Ma Wenbo is old and frail. He can't get rid of the power of terror behind him. He reaches out to catch Zhu Xingwen, but Zhu Xingwen steps back and looks at Ma Wenbo strangely. He doesn't mean to save him at all.

Ma Wenbo was dragged into the firewood room. His face turned purple and red. Lack of oxygen made him tremble all over. Then he gradually lost all his strength. Soon, Ma Wenbo began to lose consciousness. He felt that he had been thrown on the ground and his face was covered with thick blood.

Zhu Xingwen watched Ma Wenbo lose all his voice gradually. Then he slowly walked into the Chaifang and closed the door of the Chaifang with his backhand. The Chaifang suddenly fell into the darkness, and soon the sound of chewing began to sound in the darkness.

The two bodyguards in the yard disappeared. The bodyguards in the kitchen and the main room seemed to be unconscious and still sleeping. Outside the yard, the bodyguards watch too closely during the day. Wang Dong's people have no chance to quietly install cameras in the yard. There are no cameras in the house, and no one can find anything unusual here just by relying on the cameras outside.

As time goes by, the ambush members of the capture team can hardly hold on, and the members in charge of the guard are also very tired. Everyone is busy during the day, and they can't hold on for several hours.

"Damn it, get ready to change shifts!" Wang Dong looks ugly and says that several team members who are arranged to go to bed in advance are awakened. These team members who go to bed in advance are just to prevent this situation.

Wang Dong came out of the tent with an ugly face and walked quickly to the front of the monitoring screen. There were two members of the capture team staring at the screen.

"Is there anything unusual?" Wang Dong asked.

"No, there's only the cow on the east side of the house. It moved a little while ago, and nothing else happened! Zhu Xingwen, there's no movement on their side. No one's coming in or out! " Said one of the team members in charge of surveillance.

"Don't worry about the cow, keep an eye on other places. This time the mutant is very smart. It may start before dawn!" Wang Dong said, then he took a look at Zhao Fugui's tent and went back to his own tent after a tour. The replaced players also immediately began to rest, seize the time to recover.

Wang Dong didn't sleep soundly. Zhao Fugui didn't sleep at all. He let out his perception and shrouded it within 30 meters. Any wind and grass movement within 30 meters couldn't escape Zhao Fugui's perception. However, as the night became deeper and deeper, and the black fog continued to increase, Zhao Fugui's perception had been compressed to less than 20 meters by dawn. This kind of feeling was just like Zhao Fugui Entering the field of other super powers, perception is compressed in all directions.

"This thing is so powerful, it seems that it has eaten a lot of people. According to their classification, this variant may have entered the third stage!" The cold light in Zhao Fugui's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help thinking of it in his heart.

This kind of situation is quite dangerous. Generally, the best way to meet this kind of situation is to take the initiative to attack and nip the danger in the bud. Unfortunately, in this place, Zhao Fugui and his followers can't even find the shadow of the enemy. They don't know what this mutant looks like or where it can hide."Where is this mutant hiding?" Sitting in the tent, Zhao Fugui said to himself that he had participated in the capture of high-level variants this time. Although he had not caught the variant itself, it had given Zhao Fugui a new understanding of this variant. These mutants are not as easy to deal with as the one Zhao Fugui met next to Taihu Lake. I'm afraid the one next to Taihu Lake has just been parasitized and has no ability at all.

Zhao Fugui sat cross legged in the tent and let out his perception. Nothing happened overnight within the range of perception. The members of the capture team stayed in the middle of the village, and they didn't find anything abnormal. Wang Dong didn't sleep soundly all night. He got up early in the morning. He thought nothing happened last night, but a scream of terror broke the peace of the village in the early morning.

"Go and have a look!" The scream of terror suddenly rang out. Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and shot out from the tent. Wang Dong's face also changed. He immediately led people to chase after Zhao Fugui and rushed to the place where the scream came out. The scream came from a house near the small basin.

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