Super Monk

Chapter 2085

"These two damned bastards, they are not enough to succeed, they are more than enough to fail, they have killed themselves and our people!" Wang Dong scolded angrily. Li Jian and Zhu Xingwen must have been controlled by the mutant, otherwise they would not have the courage to kill people. Being controlled by the mutant is definitely dead, but Li Jian and these damned guys killed a lot of people before they died.

"Go back first, as long as the mutant doesn't run away, they will appear again sooner or later!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. The villagers also had some confidence when they saw Zhao Fugui's move. Although the mountain road was destroyed, they didn't despair. After slowly regaining their composure, they began to return to the mountain village.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the long line came back to the village. When the villagers came and went, Yungang village seemed even more silent. Seeing that the black fog over the village became more intense, Zhao Fugui immediately knew that the mutant had not escaped. He was afraid that he still wanted to revenge.

"The mutant probably didn't escape. It was injured by me today. It is very likely to retaliate at night. Be careful tonight!" Zhao Fugui said, "this monster is good at digging holes. The ground of the mountain village is almost full of soil, and there is no cement ground. Let the villagers push down the courtyard walls and lay all the brick walls on the ground. The floor of the room will tear down the doors and windows of the houses that have no people, and pad the doors and windows on the bricks and stones. It can play a little role."

"In addition, cameras will be installed in every room. If there is any movement, we will know immediately!"

"OK, I'll arrange it right away!" Wang Dong nodded. He had just contacted Yuegong base by satellite phone. Yuegong base will send reinforcements this evening. However, in order to prevent the mutants from being scared away, the reinforcements will not appear before the mutants appear. No matter what, the village will have to go through some very dangerous moments this evening.

Wang Dong immediately organized people to make arrangements, and the members of each capture team were also very nervous, because the reading on the detector was increasing, and it was obvious that the mutant did not know when it would attack the village.

It's very difficult for the villagers to tear down the walls and lay them on the ground. No one would want to tear down their own houses, even if they were just some walls. However, under the threat of "mutant creatures" and the "immortals" have spoken, the villagers not only have no objection, but also act very quickly.

The people in the mountain village were good at work. They quickly knocked down their courtyard wall, and the whole family went to battle, spreading all the bricks and stones on the floor of the house. Many villagers felt that it was not safe to lay a layer of bricks and stones. They went to the outside of the households where there was no one at home. They directly pushed down other people's walls and pulled the bricks and stones back. On the opposite side of the house, they piled several more layers, and then paved wooden doors and leaves on them. This was a little relieved.

I'm afraid these things are better than nothing for the mutants. They are nothing more than two more digs. But even if they can only be delayed for a few seconds, they may give Zhao Fugui and the capture team more time to save them.

What the villagers are doing is that the members of the capture team are doing the same. Knowing that the attack is coming from their feet, the members of the capture team also try their best to reinforce the ground. Unfortunately, this is a mountain village. Otherwise, if the ground is full of cement, the variants will not be able to walk so freely.

As time goes on, the whole village is busy. But just when the village is busy, one person after another appears in the distant mountain forest. These people are dressed in the clothes of the villagers in the mountain village. Most of them are blue and blue, and their faces are stiff. They are all dead. They are living bodies. Only the first two people look like living people.

Li Jian stands on a big tree and looks at the mountain village in the distance without expression. Zhu Xingwen stands under the big tree. Occasionally, there is a look of struggle and fear on his face, but most of the time, his face is full of hatred. The mutants control people through strong negative emotions. That night, Li Jian finds out that Jiang Weiwei and Zhu Xingwen are having an affair. There is a strong anger and hatred in his heart, so he is taken advantage of by the mutants.

Zhu Xingwen was frightened and angry because of Jiang Weiwei's death, so Li Jian took the opportunity to blow in a black breath. However, his anger was not strong enough and did not turn into much hatred, so he was not firmly controlled.

When Zhu Xingwen was under control, he even dared to eat people with Li Jian, but when his control was not so strong, he was extremely afraid. He wanted to run away, but he didn't have the courage.

"The master has already said that he will eat them up tonight and eat all of them clean. But if Zhao Fugui wants to stay, the master will not only eat his heart, but also eat all of his flesh. Zhao Fugui has great strength, and his flesh and blood are very important for his master to recover his strength! " Li Jian stood on the tree and looked for a while. Then he jumped down from the tree and said.

When Zhu Xingwen heard this, he trembled and lowered his head. It was more than 100 people. The owner he had never seen wanted to eat so many people. This kind of thing can only be done by the demons in the myth.

Zhu Xingwen didn't dare to look at Li Jian. His eyes were awake and confused. When he was awake, he was extremely timid and scared. When he was confused, he felt that his body was full of desire. He wanted to eat people and fresh flesh.

"Sasha Zhu Xingwen heard that there were things constantly appearing in the mountain forest. He knew that they were all demon corpses controlled by the "master". They would attack the village with the master tonight and eat up all the people inside. With the sun gradually setting, Zhu Xingwen's consciousness became more and more blurred. When it was completely dark, the sober look in his eyes had completely disappeared."It's dark!" Zhao Fugui looked up at the dark sky and said slowly that during the day, he could still detect the movement of some mountains outside the village, but after dark, the black fog cut off most of his perception. Zhao Fugui could not detect the strange outside the village.

"Captain, no matter how many casualties we have tonight, we must not let the mutant escape. If we let it escape, we don't know how many people it will eat!" Wang Dongshen takes a deep breath to drive away the uneasiness in his heart and says in a deep voice.

"Be careful in the evening. Today, not only the metamorphosis will come, but also the living corpses controlled by it will come!" Zhao Fugui said slowly.

"As long as we can finish the task, even if all the people in the Moon Palace will die, that's what Mr. Li said. I think Mr. Li is right. Now that the world is changing, I just hope our sacrifice today will be meaningful in the future! " Wang Dong looked at a dark mountain forest and said slowly.

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