Super Monk

Chapter 2091

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui was hit by the strange ball, and immediately felt as if he had been hit by a heavy artillery shell. With a bang, the golden light burst. Zhao Fugui's most peripheral body protection power was defeated in the blink of an eye, followed by the extremely condensed body protection power on the surface of his body, which suddenly appeared cracks.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt as if he had been hit by a hill. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Zhao Fugui's mouth, and a mouthful of blood rushed straight to Zhao Fugui's throat. Zhao Fugui put the mouthful of blood in his throat, but there was still a trace of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

That strange ball oppresses Zhao Fugui's most concise body protection power. His power is full of cracks. Even Zhao Fugui's chest makes an unbearable "click" crack sound. There is a clear depression in his chest. Zhao Fugui knows very well that if it is not for his strength, he has reached the realm of little sage, and he can get rid of the abnormal body Spit out the monster ball can even directly penetrate his chest.

Zhao Fugui was hit hard by this strange ball, and his feet stepped on the ground, leaving two deep marks on the ground. Each mark is almost 30 to 40 centimeters deep, like a deep gully. He was hit more than ten meters away, crushing the wall behind him before he stopped.

The strange ball smashes Zhao Fugui hard, then "dribbles" around, wrapped in a dense black fog, and then flies back to the mutant. Zhao Fugui only saw the mutant giant rat open his mouth with a fierce suction. A huge suction came, and the ball fell into the giant rat's mouth.

"Want to go?" Zhao Fugui swallowed the blood in his mouth. His eyes were frozen, and he said coldly, "the big hand print of conquering the devil in one breath!"

A huge golden palm seal suddenly appeared, which is similar to Zhao Fugui's Buddha palm, but with completely different strength. Zhao Fugui's hand print is basically a kind of magic power, which has gone beyond the realm of martial arts. Although his palm is supernatural, its current power is not enough to compare with it.

However, this is mainly because Zhao Fugui has not been able to give full play to the power of the Buddha's palm. With the improvement of Zhao Fugui's strength, the Buddha's palm will become stronger and stronger. Zhao Fugui feels that the upper limit of the growth of the Buddha's palm will eventually be higher than the big handprint of conquering the devil in one breath.

The huge palmprint grabs the monster's ball in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he catches up with the monster's ball and grabs it in his hand. The black air on the ball rises suddenly, shaking and struggling wildly, trying to get out of the control of the huge palm, but it can't escape the control of the big hand of subduing the devil in one breath, and is seized by the big hand.

"Come back!" Zhao Fugui grabs the ball and flies to him. Although he doesn't know what the ball is, he knows very well that if he didn't fight for it, it's impossible for the mutant to fight for it.

"Squeak!" Seeing that the ball was taken away by Zhao Fugui, the mutant rat was really anxious. It cried out anxiously. Then its stomach swelled up and sucked wildly. A strange wind appeared out of thin air. With the wind, a huge suction also appeared. In the strong suction, the huge handprint suddenly stopped in the air.

"Zhenshan river!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes were fixed and his sword Jue was unfolded, a sword light escaped from the sea of knowledge in an instant and chopped at the giant rat bravely. The giant mouse's eyes showed a confused look. It was very clear about the strength of the human in front of it. If it had not tasted the blood of the human, it would immediately turn around and run away after knowing the terrible strength of the human. However, the human's flesh and blood in front of it was too delicious. As long as it ate him, it would immediately recover its strength.

This kind of temptation makes the giant rat unwilling to leave. He also wants to hide in the village, waiting for an opportunity to kill the human and eat his flesh. However, the giant rat did not expect that Zhao Fugui's strength was so strong, and he directly found the hiding place. After eating old man sun and his grandson, the giant rat hid in the stomach of old man sun's cattle. It ate up everything in the stomach of old cattle, and turned the old cattle into the same thing as those wild animals and living dead people controlled by it. It turned the stomach of old cattle into its own nest.

Giant mouse didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was so powerful or that Zhao Fugui could find him so soon. But now it's a bit late for him to escape. He can give up anything, but he must never give up his demon pill. Otherwise, his strength will be no different from that of an ordinary giant mouse.

"Hum!" The powerful sword light almost freezes the space. Zhenshan River means to suppress the mountain river. The powerful sword light makes the giant rat unable to escape.

The fierce light in the giant mouse's eyes flashed, but it didn't flash much, and it couldn't escape. It stared at Zhao Fugui with blood red eyes, and a blood red light immediately came out of his eyes. As soon as the blood red light left the eyes of the giant mouse, it was like a blood sword to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui knew that the giant rat was weird. He had just suffered a loss on the blood red ball. How could he let the blood light shoot on him now. Seeing the appearance of the blood light, Zhao Fugui knew immediately that it must be one of the means for the giant rat to press the bottom of the box.

"Chop!" Zhao Fugui draws the sword light up with his backhand, and the sword light of Zhenshan River instantly reverses and cuts directly to the blood red light. The blood red light went straight to the sword light and didn't evade at all. Zhenshanhe chopped on the blood red light in an instant, but the strong sword light chopped on the blood red light heavily, and the blood red light was not affected at all. Zhenshanhe's sword light chopped the blood red light directly, and the blood red light didn't even fluctuate. It flashed directly and appeared in Zhao's eyes in an instant Before the eyes of wealth.Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed. If the sword light of Zhenshan river was instantly destroyed by the blood red sword, Zhao Fugui would not be surprised. But now the blood light is not forced at all. Zhao Fugui didn't think of this at all. It's too late to react. At the critical moment, Zhao Fugui opened his eyes fiercely, one eye of yin and one eye of Yang, forming a line of yin and Yang in an instant The whirlpool instantly covers the blood red light.

This time, the light of blood red was fierce. This time, it could not be interfered. In the blink of an eye, the light of blood red was smashed in half. But then the whirlpool of yin and Yang suddenly swelled, and it was penetrated by the light of blood red in an instant. Blood red directly shot at Zhao Fugui's Yin God. At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt the pain from his soul.

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