Super Monk

Chapter 2105

"Boy, you're going to kill him, you're going to kill him!" Liu Shao's bodyguard leader stares at Zhao Fugui coldly and shouts with a fierce wave. Liu Shao's bodyguards are all professional bodyguards, all of them are extremely fierce. They are also a person who can fight ten people outside. As soon as the bodyguard leader waves his hand, these people will fight immediately.

Shuya's expression immediately became nervous. She didn't bring bodyguards when she came to the provincial capital this time, and she couldn't ask people to protect them at this time. Zhao Fugui's expression is flat. He doesn't look at these bodyguards at all. These small roles are not worth Zhao Fugui's hand at all.

"To die!" As soon as she looked cold, the Fusang knife in her hand danced, and a silver light bloomed from her hand. It was like a gorgeous fireworks. Unfortunately, the fireworks were full of danger. Although Yamada did not systematically learn Zhenwu, she was taught by famous Daoists since childhood. Her strength is not worth mentioning when dealing with powerful Zhenwu, but her strength is extremely strong when dealing with bodyguards from ordinary people.

As soon as the bodyguards rushed to the front of Shantian picturesque, suddenly there were blood flowers blooming. The scream continued to ring. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight bodyguards fell out. But Yamada's face was cold. He held the handle of the knife in one hand but didn't hand it. Yamada's hand was only when he couldn't resist it.

"Ah, ah The shrill scream continued to ring out, seven or eight bodyguards flying out of the light of the sword all broke their hands and feet, and Yamada's hand didn't show any mercy at all.

A group of bodyguards stopped in horror and looked at the picturesque Sands of Shantian. There were broken hands and feet at the door of Binhai hotel. The bodyguards stopped abruptly and didn't dare to continue to fight. When did they see such a ruthless person who didn't have any scruples, and the most important thing was that they didn't have weapons on their hands. Even if they started by force, they didn't know how many talents they would hurt It can take down the picturesque sand of Yamada. No money to earn, if the hand was cut off may not be able to take back, not to mention Liu Dashao they give money is not enough to buy hands and feet to buy life.

"A bunch of rubbish, come on, kill this boy for me!" Liu Da Shao's face became very ugly. They didn't expect that the charming little beauty, Shantian huilisha, would be so difficult to deal with.

"Liu Shao, forget it, call the police, call the police to solve it!" Manager Chen, with a look of panic, quickly said that this beautiful woman is so fierce and has no scruples, which further shows that their identity is extraordinary. Manager Chen has regretted that he really shouldn't be involved in this matter.

"Go away, today Laozi represents brother Li's face. Where can I put away brother Li's face if I don't waste this boy?" Liu Da Shao slapped manager Chen in the face and yelled, "go on, give me the fuck. If you don't kill this boy today, you'll wait for brother Li to clean you up!"

"Go ahead, all for me!" Hearing Liu Dashao mention brother Li, the head of the bodyguard showed a trace of panic in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and yelled that the origin of brother Li was too mysterious and terrible. They couldn't afford to offend him. They had to bite their teeth and rush up.

"You don't have to keep your hand. Today I'll see how amazing this" brother Li "is!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Yes, master!" There is a trace of murderous spirit in Yamada's eyes, and the whole person's momentum has changed. If Yamada's main attack was to hurt people before, now she is ready to kill people directly.

Liu Dashao and his bodyguards are also professional. As soon as they see the momentum change of Shantian picturesque, they know that she is going to be ruthless. They are afraid of Shantian picturesque, but they are even more afraid of the mysterious brother Li. After a few seconds of hesitation, the bodyguards rush up again.

"Stop it At this time, a loud voice suddenly rang up, and a middle-aged man with excellent maintenance rushed over and yelled.

"Mr. Deng!" A group of bodyguards saw the middle-aged man who came in a hurry and immediately seemed to see the Savior. They quickly stopped and retreated to the side.

"Here comes Deng Farong!" Shuya saw the middle-aged man, face a, you whispered to Zhao Fugui said, she is to remind Zhao Fugui this middle-aged man is not easy to provoke, should be careful to deal with.

"Mr. Deng, you're here. These guys are making trouble in Binhai hotel. Today, when brother Li is arranging a big event, you can't let these guys off lightly!" Seeing the middle-aged man, Liu dasheo immediately welcomed him and said that the family behind Liu dasheo was no worse than that of Deng Farong, but Liu dasheo was not the owner of the Liu family. He was lower than Deng Farong.

Liu Da Shao just finished, but found that Deng Farong didn't look at him at all. Instead, he went directly to Zhao Fugui and bowed himself respectfully and said, "Mr. Zhao, I didn't expect you to come here. I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"What?" Liu Dashao, his brothers and manager Chen suddenly changed their faces. They couldn't believe what they saw. Deng Farong should be respectful to a young man. It's impossible.

"Do you know me?" Zhao Fugui took a look at Deng Farong and asked faintly, what kind of boss Zhao Fugui with tens of billions of money has never seen before, this kind of person in Zhenwu circle is the peripheral family of the great Zhenwu family, just a white glove. As Zhao Fugui is now, most of them have no chance to meet Zhao Fugui."A few days ago, when Mr. Zhao was in charge of his funeral, I was introduced to meet Mr. Zhao from afar." Deng Farong respectfully said that Zhongzhou used to be a Zhenwu desert. He didn't know anything about Zhenwu circle before. Later, he found out something about Zhenwu families in Zhenwu circle. He knew that Zhenwu families were terrible and offended them. No matter what kind of boss you are, you may never wake up one night.

"Since you know me, how do you deal with this today? My friend has reserved a box with you. Your people even said that they didn't, and they let these wastes harass me. How can you solve it? " Zhao Fugui asked flatly, but this fell in Deng Farong's ears, but he felt a chill in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao. I'll deal with this matter to your satisfaction and the lady's satisfaction." Deng Farong quickly said, "Chen Xin, you go to the financial settlement of wages, you will not have to come from tomorrow!"

Manager Chen's face suddenly turns pale. Binhai hotel is the largest hotel in the provincial capital. If he is expelled from this hotel, there will never be another hotel in Central China that will let him work.

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