Super Monk

Chapter 2160

"How can it be so noisy? People are forced to death!" The village head and the middle-aged woman who came to call him rushed back to the village and saw several people fighting in Lao Li's courtyard. In Lao Li's hall, an old lady with gray hair and wrinkled skin was hanging on the beam of the house. Her body was shaking slightly with the wind. It looked very terrible.

At the gate of Lao Li's courtyard, a group of villagers who heard the news rushed to the gate. They all gathered around the gate and talked about it. They were bold enough to stand in front, timid enough to hide behind, and children who wanted to see it were all covered by adults.

"It's still noisy. What's the trouble? People are still making trouble when they are dead. Do you want Sister Zhang to die in her own eyes? " The village head stormed into the yard and yelled.

The village head is still more prestigious. When he shouts, the people fighting in the yard stop. Some of these people are relatives of Lao Li's family, and some of them are relatives of Lao Li's daughter-in-law's family. Originally, they were all from the same village, but now they are making a lot of trouble.

"Village head, you have to decide for my aunt. It's this bitch who forced my aunt to death!" After a few seconds of silence, a middle-aged woman in her thirties howled.

"Li Chunhua, don't talk nonsense. Fifth sister Zhang is sick. She can't think of hanging herself. What's the relationship with my daughter?" Another middle-aged woman in her 40s and 50s quit immediately and yelled angrily.

"Enough, or I'll call the police, and you all go to the public security bureau to talk to the leaders?" The village head's face flushed with anger and yelled. As soon as he said this, the yard became quiet. There are three grandsons and granddaughters in Lao Li's family. The youngest two are three years old and one is one year old. If Lao Li's daughter-in-law is arrested, his three grandsons and granddaughters will not be watched.

This is one reason. Another reason is that Zhang WuJie really committed suicide. Even if Lao Li's daughter-in-law is arrested, I'm afraid she won't be locked up for a few days. Moreover, when Lao Li's son comes back, I'm afraid she will make trouble with them. No one wants things to become so troublesome. As soon as the village head said it, the yard was quiet.

"It's OK not to report to the police. This bitch has to be filial to my aunt and kneel down at night, or we'll go to the police station and make it clear!" Cried Zhang Chunhua.

"OK, I'm in charge. I'll listen to you!" The village head didn't ask Lao Li's daughter-in-law's opinion at all. He said directly, and then he immediately said, "put Sister Zhang down!"

"Do evil, do evil!" Old Li walked over shivering and murmured that there were two old men in their 40s and 50s who came to help. They were holding Zhang WuJie's stiff body and lifting her body down. When she was about to lay it flat, Zhang WuJie's eyes suddenly opened.

"The ghost's eyes are open, the ghost's eyes are open!" The two little old men who helped were frightened and panicked. They yelled, turned around and ran out.

"My God Li Chunhua, the niece of fifth sister Zhang, screamed when she saw the scene. She turned and ran away in horror. She didn't care to ask her aunt for justice.

Zhang WuJie's daughter-in-law was stunned to death by turning her eyes. There was chaos inside and outside Lao Li's yard. After a while, almost all the people were scared away. Even the village head had a cramp in his leg and stomach and fled in a panic. The news that Sister Zhang died in vain and was haunted spread all over the village almost in a flash.

At the same time, Zhao Fugui and Cao man didn't know what happened in the South Village. They went into the densely vegetated mountain forest and searched the whole mountain. Zhao Fugui let out the spirit of yin and never let go of any corner.

Not long after that, Zhao Fugui and Cao man went over the mountain and came to the other side of the mountain. The sound of the surging water soon rang, and a small waterfall appeared from the other side of the mountain. The waterfall falls from the top of the mountain and flows into a small river below. The river disappears among the trees along the gully.

In the eye of the sky, there is nothing hidden in this waterfall river. Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhao Fugui looked down and soon saw a deep hole in the weedy place near the waist of the waterfall. There are many white bones in the hole.

"Over there, halfway up the mountain, there is a cave next to the waterfall. There are bones in it!" Zhao Fugui said, and then he jumped down directly and fell down. Then he stepped on a small tree next to the cave and stood beside it. This cave is very secret, and it's hard for ordinary people to get close to it. Bones are hidden here, and it's hard to find.

Cao man also jumped down and landed next to Zhao Fugui. He reached out and fished directly into the cave. From there, he fished out some bones stained with blood and broken meat. There were many bones in the cave. These bones almost filled half of the cave, which were the bones of at least a dozen corpses.

"These don't seem to be human skeletons, like animals, mountain pigs, deer, even wolves!" Cao man looked at the skeletons carefully and said, "does that mutant really not eat people?"

Zhao Fugui looked at the bones. There were many traces of gnawing on the bones. Some of the bones also left a lot of deep teeth marks. It's definitely not left over by animals. Animals can't hide these bones here. It's definitely left behind by variants.

"The chance that the mutant can't parasitize successfully is less than 5%. The probability is very small, but it does exist. This time, we may have met a parasite that didn't parasitize successfully!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "it's so close to the South Village. It hides the bones here, which shows that it is very likely to hide in the South Village!""Leader, Nancun can hardly see any abnormality. This variant may be very good at hiding. How can we find it out?" Cao man asked with a sigh of relief, this mutant does not eat people, so they are much less likely to encounter danger.

"There are dead people in the South Village today. This village is not big and remote. If something happens in the village, I'm afraid the whole village will attend. We'll go through everyone carefully at the funeral, and we should be able to find it out!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Let's go back to the village now. Maybe this mutant still knows Ji..." Cao man was talking. Just at this moment, an evil wind suddenly came from the direction of the waterfall.

"Be careful!" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he yelled, and he was about to turn around in an instant. But as soon as he turned half of his body, a mass of hairy things behind him grabbed Zhao Fugui's back with sharp claws. Zhao Fugui only felt a sharp pain in his back, but he was scratched by the sudden attack. The next moment, it was hit out of the waterfall and fell to the waterfall by the huge force .

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