Super Monk

Chapter 2165

"Headmaster, do you mean there are other people acting? Are all these villagers helping Xia Rui to hide? " Cao man suddenly thought of a possibility and said with a cold breath, "this Xia Rui has a very high position in the eyes of the people of Nancun. Is the disappearance of Ji Wei's family related to the whole village? Even the whole village helped Xia Rui kill the Ji Wei family? "

"No matter how high Xia Rui's status is in the hearts of the villagers, even if one or two villagers are willing to kill for Xia Rui, the whole village is impossible!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the situation in Nancun is more complicated than this. I have a little guess, but there is not enough evidence yet!"

"But we've met Xia Rui today. If it's really about Xia Rui, I'm afraid she's going to do it soon!"

"Xia Rui looks like an ordinary person. If she really wants to plot against us, don't blame me for being rude!" Cao man said angrily that he had already choked his stomach in Lao Li's house just now.

"Be careful this evening, and give youwan another call. Don't let her get close to Nancun, just stay in the town and wait for us!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, headmaster, I'll call her now!" Cao man nodded and said.

Lao Li's family was very busy at noon. Before the dinner, almost all the villagers came. But as soon as lunch was finished, half of the villagers left immediately. In the evening, most of the villagers left, leaving only some relatives of Lao Li's family.

Lao Li's daughter-in-law is missing. Originally, she was supposed to kneel down for a night, but the body of fifth sister Zhang opened her eyes. She didn't dare to come back at all. Lao Li had to take three or four brave relatives to watch the night. But even so, Lao Li and these people hid far away in the yard, and didn't dare to get close to the mourning hall.

As the night gets deeper and deeper, Xiarui sits in front of the mirror and combs her hair. The darkness around her is like water waves, creeping slightly. It looks very strange. Jiwei's big monkey squats not far from the room and stares at Xiarui, with no expression on her ugly face.

"Time is almost up. Let's see what these two people have." I don't know how long after that, Xia Rui stopped combing her hair. She suddenly snapped her fingers, as if she was talking to herself.

At the moment when Xia Rui snapped her fingers, in Lao Li's mourning hall, Sister Zhang's terrible face slowly opened her mouth, vomited a breath of black air, and slowly sat up from the coffin.

In the mourning hall, Lao Li and a few night watchmen are hiding in the yard, dozing in the distance. In the past, they used to play cards outside the mourning hall for other people, but no one is in the mood to play cards this evening. Everyone is dozing in the distance.

Lao Li was also dozing off, but he didn't know why he was suddenly awakened by a chill. He subconsciously looked to the Lingtang, and he vaguely saw a dark shadow passing by. Lao Li was shocked and suddenly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and the dark shadow disappeared.

Because of the angle, Lao Li couldn't see the situation in the coffin, but he didn't dare to see it. He was afraid to see Sister Zhang's muddy eyes. Lao Li turned around and saw that several other night watchmen were dozing. He moved his body, leaned on others and began to doze.

The coffin in the mourning hall was empty. Sister Zhang climbed out of the coffin, slowly climbed out of the yard of Lao Li's family, and slowly climbed into the darkness of the village.

At the same time, at the village head's house, Cao man carried a bucket of water and was taking a shower in the yard of the village head's house. He lifted the bucket and poured the whole bucket of water on him. Zhao Fugui runs Daoli cross legged upstairs and slowly promotes cultivation. With the amount of aura in heaven and earth, his cultivation effect is very small. The effect of cultivation is just to stabilize the realm. The only way to improve now is to get demon Dan cultivation.

Cao man was standing in the yard to take a shower. Not far behind him, Sister Zhang's terrible face slowly emerged from the outside of the yard. It was like a big black centipede. It slowly crawled along the yard, and then crawled to Cao man on the ground.

Just as fifth sister Zhang was about to climb behind Cao man, Cao man suddenly showed a grim smile on his face and slowly turned to look at fifth sister Zhang who was about to climb on his back.

"To die!" Cao man showed a grim smile on his face and grabbed Zhang Wu Jie's head fiercely. Although Cao man had never seen a ghost or a strange corpse like Zhang Wu Jie, he was not afraid of such a thing because he was a strong master and had the hand of Huang Quan.

"Roar!" Fifth sister Zhang opened her mouth fiercely, and the corner of her mouth cracked all the way to the temple. Two rows of sharp and terrible black and yellow teeth were exposed in her mouth. She bit Cao man's neck hard, but it was fast, Cao man's speed was faster.

"Click!" Cao man's palm grasps Zhang WuJie's head. With a bang, Cao man crushes Zhang WuJie's head. Zhang WuJie's head was crushed directly, and the headless body fell on the ground. Her limbs were still struggling to stand up, but there was no threat at all.

"Rubbish, this kind of rubbish dares to appear in front of my grandfather!" Cao man looked at the corpse on the ground with a ferocious face. He stepped on it and crushed the skeleton of the corpse, making it lose the ability to move completely.Cao man killed the resurrected corpse. He looked around coldly and saw that there was no other ghost. He directly threw Zhang WuJie's corpse out of the yard. Then he turned to push the door and wanted to go upstairs to find Zhao Fugui. Now that something had begun to appear, he had better stay with Zhao Fugui. If only the ghost appeared, he would not worry, but if the mutant appeared It's not the same.

Cao man pushed open the corridor door of the village head's three-story building, then strode upstairs. He didn't notice that there was a light black fog in the small building he pushed the door into. Cao man quickly went upstairs, pushed open the door of Zhao Fugui's room and went in. He originally wanted to find Zhao Fugui, but he didn't know why. After entering this room, he suddenly looked in a trance. He closed the door and lay on the bed. He didn't find Zhao Fugui who was not in the room.

"Dada dada!" In a trance, I don't know how long later, Cao man, lying on the bed, suddenly heard a knock on the door. He shook his head and sat up from the bed.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, fifth sister Zhang!" Answered the knock at the door.

"Sister Zhang Wu?" Cao man seems to remember that he attended a funeral today, and the person who died seems to be Sister Zhang Wu. Cao man shook his head. He felt that there was a paste in his brain. He couldn't remember anything clearly. "What can I do for you?"

"I've brought you game. Please eat it!" Said the woman outside.

"You, aren't you dead?" Cao man murmured.

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