Super Monk

Chapter 2167

It seems that the two teenagers came out of the yard and walked into the village, which is totally different from what Cao man remembered.

"Richness, what's wrong with the village?" Seeing what the village looked like, Cao man was shocked and asked. The village is dead and quiet. Although the day is bright, few people appear in the village. Even if we see a few people occasionally, everyone looks listless.

Moreover, every family in this village is doing funerals. It's not even right to say that they are doing funerals. Every family is waiting for death. This place is not like a South Village at all. It's more like a cemetery.

"Cao Xiaoman, don't you know that all the people in the village are ill?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Sick? Why do you get sick? Why don't you go to the hospital when you get sick? " Cao man asked, what kind of disease can make the whole village wait for death here? The more you walk in the village, the clearer the new memory in Cao man's mind, and the more blurred the previous memory becomes.

"I don't know. Since Sister Zhang got sick, the people in the village soon got sick, and the hospital couldn't see them well. They sent us to the hospital and asked us to come back, and the village became like this!" Zhao Fugui said, "look, that's Zhang shunzi's grave, that's Li Yan's, that's Li Sanbao's, and that's Zhang Wenwen's!"

Zhao Fugui suddenly points to a few new mounds of earth bags at the back of the village. Cao man has some impressions of these names, which seem to be the names of some of his friends and Zhao Fugui.

"Zhang Wenwen, are they all dead?" Cao man murmured.

"They are all dead. There are few people in the village!" Zhao Fugui said that at this time, Cao man suddenly felt a little itchy on his cheek. He scratched hard and felt that something was broken on his face and some sticky liquid came out.

"What's the matter with me?" Seeing Zhao Fugui staring at him, Cao man suddenly felt weak and asked.

"You're sick, too. Let's go back!"

Cao man's face didn't know when, even like those villagers in the South Village, he grew a terrible abscess. Zhao Fugui supported him, and he followed Zhao Fugui in horror and walked slowly to Zhao Fugui's home in the village.

"Richness, Xiaoman, are you still there?" At this time, an old voice sounded. The head of the South Village, with abscesses on his face, came over from another road in the village on crutches. When Zhao Fugui and Cao manzheng wanted to talk to him, the old village head suddenly fell to the ground and soon lost his voice.

Seeing this, Cao man's legs softened, but Zhao Fugui's face was calm, as if he had been used to this situation for a long time.

"Come on, it's been like this every day for the last few months. Aren't you used to it? Maybe we'll fall somewhere in the village in a few days! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Richness, let's run away, let's run away, go to the hospital, let them help us!" Cao man is helped home by Zhao Fugui. He lies on the bed, grabs Zhao Fugui's arm and says, "I don't know why. Cao man wants to leave here. He wants to get out of here immediately.".

"It's no use. We're all ill. No one can save us!" When Zhao Fugui turns around, Cao Mancai sees that the clothes on Zhao Fugui's back are bulging. Zhao Fugui is already ill.

Cao man stupidly looked at Zhao Fugui, a trance of consciousness, and then passed out in a coma. Cao man felt very sick. He was very sick, as if he might die at any time.

By the time Cao man opened his eyes, it was dark outside, and Zhao Fugui was lying in bed. During the day, Zhao Fugui didn't seem to be sick, but now he seems to be sick, and he is very sick.

Cao man tried to get out of bed, but he soon found that getting out of bed had become an extravagant hope. He had no strength to get out of bed. He was too sick.

"Cough, Cao Xiaoman, do you drink water?" At this time, Zhao Fugui seemed to hear Cao man's movement. He opened his eyes and coughed a few times. He looked over here and asked Cao man.

"Drink!" Cao man nodded difficultly and said in a weak voice.

Zhao Fugui slowly got up from the bed, poured a glass of water for Cao man and fed him a drink. They were like two critically ill people walking through their last days.

"You see, Jiwei, this is human beings. Even if they are physically strong, they are mentally weak. They are like puppets in my hands, which can be easily played by me! The world is about to change. These human beings are destined to be our food. What are you hesitating about? Eat your parents and sister and you'll be with me forever Outside the room, Xia Rui stands in the dark, quietly looking at Zhao Fugui and Cao man in the room. Not far from her, the big monkey that Ji Wei becomes is standing there, also looking at this scene.

"Roar!" Big monkey fiercely issued an angry roar, threat of low roar from its throat, it seems to be threatening Xia Rui.

"You want me to let them go? Unfortunately, according to our previous agreement, you have to help me kill these two men before I let them go, but they are too weak, I don't need your help to kill them, so the previous agreement is invalid. When I kill these two men, I will eat your sister first. She looks delicious. As for your parents, I'll give you another chance! " Xia Rui said with a peach blossom smile, "unless the two men don't die tonight, I may need your help. In that case, your parents may be saved!""Roar!" The big monkey let out an angry roar and rushed to Xia Rui. But Xia Rui slowly melted into the darkness and disappeared completely. The big monkey tore up the darkness like crazy, but it was useless. Xia Rui had disappeared.

The big monkey let out his anger for a while without meaning. Then he looked at Zhao Fugui and Cao man who were not disturbed in the room. A strange look appeared in his eyes, and soon disappeared in the dark.

In the dark, Zhongnan village is dead. Cao man takes a sip of water and goes to sleep again. In the middle of the night, a suppressed cry starts. Zhao Fugui gets up from the bed, opens the door and goes out.

In the living room, Zhao Fugui's "mother" is hanging on the beam, and his "father" is tying another rope on the beam. When he sees Zhao Fugui coming out, the middle-aged man puts a knife into Zhao Fugui's hand.

"Richness, we have no way to live. I'll go with your mother first, and you'll kill yourself too!" The middle-aged man finished, drilled into the rope, and soon stared at Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui, with a knife in his hand, looked at the two bodies hanging on the beam of the house, and slowly approached his neck with the knife.

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