Super Monk

Chapter 2173

"Crackle!" There was a huge crack beside the shadow monster's fist. It was like the crack of the wheel of a high-speed heavy truck, as if the monster had smashed the air with one blow. The crack was just the sound of the air burst.

The huge shadow fell down, just like a giant wielding a hammer, the terrible sonic boom suddenly broke out, almost sweeping the whole South Village.

The strength of this shadow monster is equivalent to the myth of the world. It has a kind of power of breaking down when it hits with a crazy fist. Even if a tank is under the shadow monster's fist, I'm afraid it will be beaten into a discus.

"Boom!" Just at the moment of the monster's blow, a dull thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The thunder burst in the sky. A huge lightning passed through the sky and lit up the night sky. Then bursts of spring thunder followed. A dark cloud in the sky slowly gathered to cover the moonlight, and the cold wind slowly blew up.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the shadow giant's fist hit Zhao Fugui's head. At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt like a huge mountain. The protective power of Zhao Fugui's look suddenly darkened. The strength of this huge shadow monster was equivalent to that of the current myth, but his strength was more than 100 times greater than that of the current myth.

"Dong!" Zhao Fugui was like an iron pillar hit hard by a giant pile driver. In an instant, he was like a bullet out of the chamber and smashed into the ground. Zhao Fugui's body directly smashed the ground, smashed into the ground, its body was smashed into the ground for more than 20 meters, then the shadow monster's huge fist smashed down, and it was smashed into the ground for more than 10 meters before it stopped. At the moment when Zhao Fugui was smashed down, even the ground of the whole South Village vibrated, as if there was an earthquake.

In an instant, the whole South Village was dead and silent. Cao man was stunned to see Zhao Fugui smashed into the ground by a huge shadow monster and disappeared.

In the dry blood pool, the huge insects entangled the sword light dozens of feet long with meat whiskers. The huge sword light chopped up dozens of meat whiskers. Scarlet blood and broken meat were everywhere. The rest of the meat whiskers entangled the sword light and dragged the sword light to death. The meat whiskers slowly annihilated the sword light.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui is deeply smashed into the ground, the huge shadow monster shakes Nancun like a mountain. Xia Rui's face on the belly of the huge insect shows a proud grin.

"Damned human strongman, you are just like this. I hope you are not beaten into meat mud, otherwise your delicious blood will be wasted!" The face of the huge insect's abdomen made a ferocious sound. Until this time, Cao man reacted fiercely and rushed to the place where Zhao Fugui was smashed into the ground. The face of the giant insect's abdomen gave him a scornful look and said, "kill him!"

At the command of the face above the giant insect, more than a dozen ghosts rushed out of the darkness and rushed to Cao man. Cao man was surrounded in a blink of an eye, and soon fell into a bitter battle, unable to check Zhao Fugui's situation.

"Dig him out, I'll eat it!" The face of the giant insect's abdomen gave a shriek, and the giant one armed shadow giant slowly raised his fist, and then grabbed it. It was like a giant forklift. It grabbed a large piece of soil and grabbed Zhao Fugui deep in the ground. With its speed, I'm afraid it could dig Zhao Fugui.

"Master, did you lose?" Ji Ling stands on the top of the mountain in the distance. She can barely see the situation on the other side of the South Village. She sees that the huge shadow monster smashes Zhao Fugui into the ground with one blow, and then she can't see Zhao Fugui again. Ji lingdun murmurs worried.

Standing on the top of the mountain, she tries to look at the South Village with wide eyes. Ji Ling wants to find Ji Wei. She wants to see Ji Wei help Zhao Fugui, but the distance is too far. She can't find where Ji Wei is, and even there is no place for the Third Battle. This shows that Ji Wei has no past at all, and even if it is, he has not participated in attacking the big bug battle.

"Brother, you can't go now, you have to fight!" Ji Ling clenched his fist and looked back at his parents who were still unconscious on the ground. He said firmly.

"Dig, I can't wait to eat him, quick!" The face of the giant insect's abdomen shows an extremely humanized and greedy look, and yells at the one armed shadow monster.

When the shadow monster heard the command, it immediately speeded up the excavation speed. Large pieces of soil fell around like raindrops, and soon it began to rain in the sky. But at this time, the face of the giant insect's abdomen suddenly changed, and immediately looked at the sword light entangled by the flesh whiskers. Originally, Zhao Fugui had begun to change more and more after being attacked by the shadow monster The dimmer the sword light was, the brighter it was. The sword light began to flourish again.

"Fool, stop, that damned human is not dead!" Xia Rui's face in the giant insect's abdomen immediately yells at the shadow monster. The huge shadow monster immediately stops digging. It looks down at the deep hole smashed by Zhao Fugui's body. From the hole, it can see that the light golden light is getting brighter and brighter in the hole. This human is not killed by him.

"Damn human beings!" Xia Rui's face on the abdomen of the giant insect became more and more gloomy. The three strange insect eyes above this face began to emit light. Two insect eyes showed a faint black light, and then the black light began to become brighter and brighter.Zhao Fugui was deeply smashed into the ground. At the moment when he was hit, it felt like he was hit by a giant with a huge hammer. The huge power is like a mountain smashing down, which almost smashes Zhao Fugui's body protection power in an instant.

Fortunately, Zhao Fugui was hit in midair when he was hit. If he was standing on a thick solid steel plate, I'm afraid that even if he had the power to protect himself and Xiaocheng's body, he would not be able to resist the terrible power of shadow monster. He stood in midair, so he didn't let the terrible power of shadow monster release completely.

A fishy smell spread in Zhao Fugui's mouth. His eyes, nose, and even his heart were shocked out of his blood by the terrible power of the shadow giant.

It's true that the shadow monster didn't kill Zhao Fugui with one punch. Now it's his turn to die.

Zhao Fugui's eyes are cold. He reaches out his hand in the soil at the edge of the pit and presses it to rush out of the pit. But at this moment, his arms stretch out from the darkness of the soil and catch Zhao Fugui. His terrible faces are also exposed from the soil.

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