Super Monk

Chapter 2188

"Master, it's only a few days since Xiao Su began to learn martial arts!" As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, everyone was stunned. Leng Xi could not help saying, "let me teach him a lesson. I will keep my hand!"

Shu Xiaosu is only a junior in senior high school this year. She has not been in Lingwu school for a few days. She looks like a soft and weak ordinary beautiful girl outside. She doesn't have the momentum of a martial arts master. Although Chen Feng is not an expert, he is not only a member of the school team, but also the president of the Taekwondo Club. It seems that he is tall, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big.

"Master, let me fight him?" Even Shu Xiaosu was stunned and stammered. She only studied with Zhang youwan for a few days. These days she mainly studied martial arts theory and cultivated Qi sense. Although Shu Xiaosu has successfully sensed Qi sense with the help of Lingquan water, she has not been able to make a complete operation of Qi sense. Shu Xiaosu has never carried out actual combat at all. She just came to play today I didn't expect that Zhao Fugui would let her fight Lu Feng.

"Yes, you fight him!" Zhao Fugui is very sure to say, "this man's feet are flighty and his footwall is unstable. Taekwondo mainly attacks with his legs, but even his footwall is unstable. Why should he kick people with high legs? You pay attention to his footwall, when his center of gravity is unstable, attack him, it's easy to knock him down! "

The first thing to practice martial arts is to have courage. If you have enough courage, you can give full play to your ten levels of strength. If you don't have enough courage, you can give full play to three levels of strength.

Zhao Fugui now has no time to wait for Shu Xiaosu to learn martial arts slowly. Today, it's only the first step to let her fight Lu Feng. In the future, Zhao Fugui will take them to see more dangers and deal with more dangerous situations. Only in this way can they have a greater chance to live in the future, and the flowers in the greenhouse can't live in the future.

"Funny, you even let her fight me, don't you look down on me? I'm the master of taekwondo black belt. Even those thugs outside the school, I can beat seven or eight by myself Lu Feng sneered, "Shua Shua" made two beautiful side kicks.

"Brother Feng, you're good!" Whelk exaggerated clapped his hands, took out a black belt from his clothes, rushed up and tied it to Lu Feng's waist. They Lu Feng's followers follow Lu Feng every day. They know that Lu Feng always likes to play handsome with Taekwondo, so they usually take these handsome props with them.

Lu Feng's taekwondo black belt is bought with money, but his strength also has the level of Taekwondo red belt. The rank of red belt in Taekwondo is second only to black belt. This rank represents aggression and danger, which can not be achieved without years of hard training. Lu Feng is a big man and likes to learn Taekwondo, so he has the strength of red belt.

Later, he disliked the red belt, and begged his father to spend money to certify him a formal three-stage black belt. This guy even has the certificate of three-stage black belt.

Many girls saw Lu Feng's beautiful side kick, and their eyes suddenly became heart-shaped. Lu Feng is very tall and well-developed. Coupled with excellent family conditions, he is quite popular with some girls in the school.

"Lu Feng's strength is really not weak. Last time he fought with two gangsters outside the school, he beat those two gangsters away by himself. Although he couldn't beat five or six gangsters, it's OK to beat two or three gangsters. How could curator Zhao let this elder sister fight Lu Feng? This elder sister only looks one or two years older than us at most!" Summer snow completely can't understand of say.

"Our school's Taekwondo Club is Lu Feng's best, that is, boys can't beat him, let alone a girl. Is it curator Zhao who doesn't dare to fight Lu Feng, so let this elder sister fight him?" The girl standing in front of Xia Xue said suspiciously.

"If that's the case, he'll let the elder sister with the knife fight Lu Feng. I don't know why he let the elder sister fight Lu Feng!" Xia Xue shook her head and said.

"That girl looks so familiar. By the way, I remember, she is Shu Xiaosu. After the first semester of high school, she transferred to another school and left. How did she come?" Several senior three boys look at Shu Xiaosu carefully, and suddenly they shout in surprise.

"It's really her. She seems a little thinner and more beautiful than before. She was a little baby fat when she was in grade one. I didn't recognize her just now!" Another boy yelled.

"It's really Xiao su. I had contact with her before, but I didn't get in touch with her until I was a junior in senior high school. She used to go to school in Chengdu. How could she come here with curator Zhao? She didn't go to school. She was learning martial arts with curator Zhao?" Another girl who had a good relationship with Shu Xiaosu was also surprised.

"She's a good girl who doesn't go to school. What kind of martial arts do she practice? I remember her good grades before, how could she suddenly not go to school! " Many other students began to talk about it. Soon more senior three students recognized Shu Xiaosu. She was beautiful and got good grades, but many people knew her as one of the representatives of the freshmen. They didn't expect that she would meet again after she transferred.

Shu Xiaosu heard someone talking and nodded to some of her former classmates, but her pretty face was still tense.

"Hello, Zhao Fugui, I tell you, if you let her fight with me, I won't be lenient!" Chen Feng shouts to Zhao Fugui."Curator Zhao, fighting is forbidden in our school. You'd better teach boxing as soon as possible. We have to prepare for class after hand in boxing!" President Wang said in a hurry.

As soon as Zhao Fugui saw it, he knew that he didn't pay attention to the activity of martial arts entering the campus at all. In addition, the students are not very interested in it. If we teach it directly, I'm afraid it's better to let them do radio gymnastics. Therefore, Zhao Fugui must make these students interested in practicing seven step Kungfu now.

Schools don't pay attention to it. They can exert pressure through the secret service to force schools to arrange time for students to study, but if students are not interested in it, they really can't teach.

"Headmaster Wang, it's just a duel, not a fight. Don't worry, there won't be an accident!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "and if Shu Xiaosu loses today, we'll leave school, and we won't teach any more when seven steps collapse."

"Well, I agree. If you say so, if I lose, not only the Taekwondo Club will be dissolved immediately, but all the former students will learn from you. Moreover, I will take Shu Xiaosu as my teacher, and I will never go back on my words! " Lu Feng said immediately.

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