Super Monk

Chapter 2209

"I don't dare. I don't dare any more. Please forgive me!" Captain sun was directly handcuffed, immediately turned into a pool of rotten meat, tears and runny nose, with a face crying desperately.

"Your current behavior is suspected of endangering national security. No one can protect you when you enter our special service bureau!" A person from the special service bureau said coldly.

"Special service bureau?" Team sun's long legs softened, and suddenly a foul smell came out. This guy was scared to pee directly.

"Honey, what's the matter with you? Who dares to catch my husband? I'll fight with you! " The middle-aged woman woke up at this time and saw captain sun was arrested. The woman howled and scratched a special service agent in the face. The agent subdued the middle-aged woman with a backhand capture.

"Take them all away!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Yes, chief!" Not only captain sun, but also the middle-aged woman and her two sons were arrested. The leader of this family's children and grandchildren must have done a lot of things by abusing their power for personal gain, taking bribes and bending the law. His two sons' fighting and wounding and indecent things will not be less. Maybe they can even dig out other cases.

Captain sun's followers were even more frightened and trembled. They even didn't dare to scream when they were lying on the ground. They even pretended to faint when they had a quick reaction. Zhao Fugui, the little characters, didn't even have the interest to catch them.

"Go away!"

"Go, go!" This group of guys ran downstairs with broken legs. All the residents living in this building were shocked. They thought captain sun would bring this group of people to Zhao Fugui and they would definitely suffer losses. Unexpectedly, it was captain sun who suffered losses, and even his family were directly arrested.

"The group of people surnamed sun really kicked the iron plate today. It's their bad luck!" Some residents gloated.

"I've been walking too much at night, and finally I've met a ghost. I deserve this family, son of a bitch. They should have had bad luck long ago!" Another resident said.

"Once the one surnamed sun is caught, our community will lose a disaster in the future!" Team leader Sun's family was applauded by people, almost all the people living in this community.

"Headmaster, do you want me to ask someone to tear down the garden? These bastards dare to smash the detector. It's disgusting!" Ren long looks at the detector wreckage on the ground and says with an ugly face.

"No, this place is reserved for the people of this building to make a public garden!" Zhao Fugui picked up the wreckage of a detector and said, "I'm afraid this detector can't be repaired. People from Lingwu sect can only maintain these detectors, but they can't repair them at all. Moreover, the detector was smashed to pieces, even if someone called the Moon Palace came to repair it.".

"Headmaster, without this detector, we can't detect it here. What shall we do?" Ren long asked again.

"If you can't detect it, you have to say it again next time. When the next batch of detectors come, you can make up another one here!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

Without a detector, the blind area is about 1.5km to 2km in diameter around the detector. Such a circular area is no longer small, which means that it is dark in the detector display.

In the afternoon, all the detectors were installed in place one after another. Most of the detectors were installed very smoothly. Only a few detectors had some troubles, but these troubles were soon solved.

"Headmaster, all detectors have been installed in place, and each detector has been activated!" After inspecting each detector, Ren long made sure that the remaining 29 detectors were OK, and then called Zhao Fugui to report.

"Start testing!" Zhao Fugui received the call and said directly to Leng Xi. The people of Moon Palace in a villa at the foot of Lingwu sect have already trained some people. They are all selected from the families attached to Lingwu sect. Leng Xi is responsible for monitoring the detection signals with them.

"Let's go!" Leng Xi nodded and said directly to the person in charge of monitoring that the screens in the villa soon lit up. Lingwu faction is now installing a medium-sized generator set, which uses solar energy and diesel gasoline to generate electricity. After the installation, even if there is a large-scale power failure in the provincial capital, it will not affect Lingwu faction.

"The signal starts to connect, the signal is connected, and detectors 1 to 10 are online!" A monitor looked at the display on the screen and immediately called out.

"Detectors 11 to 20 are online, signal transmission is normal!" Another monitor said.

"Detector 21 to 30 is online, detector 25 is missing, other signals are normal!" Said the third monitor.

"Don't worry about the 25th. The other detectors are working properly." Zhao Fugui said that when he looked at these monitoring screens, they all looked like radar signals, a ripple swept by, and the data was displayed on the screen. "Is there any abnormality in this area?"

"No abnormality, there should be no variants in this area!" Leng Xi carefully looked at the signals displayed on each screen and said that once the detector scans the energy reaction of the mutant body, it will immediately show light spots on the screen, but now the screen is normal, there should be no problem.It's just that there are at least one million people in the scanning range of these 30 detectors, and there is no sign of mutants in this area. This is good news. Maybe the provincial capital has not been invaded by mutants. At present, most of the mutants appear in remote places, and the number of mutants in densely populated areas is less than one tenth. If all the mutants appear in densely populated areas, I'm afraid that the news can't be hidden for a long time, and those mutants may be in the choice of location.

However, these detectors also have blind spots. Even within the detection range, the area that the detector can scan is only above the ground. The area below the ground can't be scanned at all, and the Moon Palace can't solve this problem.

"From today on, every day the monitoring personnel are divided into three groups to monitor. Make sure that people are watching 24 hours a day!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Master, we've arranged it. There won't be any problem!" Leng Xi nodded and said.

"Keep watching, don't be careless!" Zhao Fugui gave an explanation, then left the villa and went to his own villa. The villas of Lingwu sect are distributed from top to bottom. The most important place is where Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan and Zhao Hongqi, the second sister of Liu, live. On the outside, there are Zhang youwan, Ji Lingshu, Xiaosu and their disciples. Then there are Cao man and Huangfu invincible. On the outside, there are the residences of those families who are attached to Lingwu sect. The villas extend from the hillside to the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Fugui comes back to the villa and takes out his mobile phone. He wants to call Zhao Xiaoyan and ask what's going on.

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