Super Monk

Chapter 2221

Early the next morning, a girl's family member went to the hospital to report to the police, saying that their daughter didn't go home overnight. They searched all the places she might go and couldn't find her. However, because the girl was an adult and had not been missing for more than 24 hours, the police didn't directly file a case, but also informed the secret service of the case.

In the afternoon, there was a second alarm. A 25-year-old company employee was missing. He didn't go to work and couldn't get through the phone. He and his roommate called the police. He didn't go back since he went out on a date last night, and his date was the previous girl.

"Director, the identities of the other two missing persons have been determined. They are a couple. The girl is from the provincial capital, and the man is an employee of the company. They all have family and friends. You are right to judge. The mutant's courage has really grown and began to attack people who have family and friends in the provincial capital!" In the afternoon, Song Jun gathered all the intelligence together and reported to Zhao Fugui.

"Whose human skin was found in Lvjing community?" Zhao Fugui asked gravely. Once this mutant is not careful, every part of the provincial capital with nearly ten million people may be its hunting ground, and anyone may become its prey. Once this happens, it will be troublesome.

"It has been tested out, because the laboratory has also carried out some other tests, so it took more time!" Song Jun said, "that human skin is indeed Li Wei's, and we also found a small amount of DNA of Li Wei's muscle and bone in human skin. At the same time, we found a small amount of residual mucus. This special mucus is very strange. It can melt muscle, viscera and bone in a very short time, but it will not affect the skin. At present, we are testing the composition of this mucus!"

"Li Wei's human skin is the same as the human skin we found in the park. I believe that he has been eaten, instead of becoming a mutant and fleeing away!"

"What happened to Wang Yanhong? Why is it in the park? " Zhao Fugui frowned and asked again.

"According to the picture taken by a camera of the excuse, Wang Yanhong originally wanted to go home, but when she walked near the park, someone might have called her. Then she walked to the fence outside the park and was dragged into the park, but her human skin was never found!" Song Jun said.

"There were two couples in the park at that time. No one came in and out of the park at that late time. In addition, the plants in the park were luxuriant and the light was dim. The people in the park were the best targets of attack. Why did the mutant attack Wang Yanhong? This can only show that it is most likely to attack Wang Yanhong intentionally! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "it deliberately attacked Wang Yanhong and attacked Li Wei very early."

"Both Li Wei and Wang Yanhong had a conflict with Fang Xiaozhen. Li Wei's dog bit Fang Xiaozhen, and the trouble was not small at that time. Wang Yanhong's two sons even insulted Fang Xiaozhen!" Song Jun's face changed and he murmured.

"In addition, there is the earliest variant breath in Xiaozhen's room above, so there is only one possibility. That variant is most likely parasitic on Fang Xiaozhen!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid that's what happened before and after this incident. Fang Xiaozhen was bitten by Li Wei's dog, and she was in a bad mood. Not long after that, she was insulted by Wang Yanhong's son in the elevator. She was so stimulated that her psychology was greatly affected and full of hatred!"

"Then there are parasites. The smell we noticed in Fang Xiaozhen's room should have been left at that time. After being parasitized, Fang Xiaozhen must have gained the power beyond ordinary people, and her appearance also changed to a certain extent. At that time, her psychology was full of hatred, and she attacked Li Wei first, ate Li Wei, and scared Li Wei's wife out of her mind for some reason! "

"But at that time, Fang Xiaozhen might still have some sense, or maybe it was because the parasite was cautious. After eating Li Wei, she might be afraid of exposure, so she hid, hid in the sewer, and began to attack the tramp, until now. It may be that the attacks again and again did not cause any danger, so this mutant became more and more daring! " Zhao Fugui said slowly.

"That's how it should be!" Song Jun is saying, just at this time, his mobile phone suddenly rang, answered the phone, Song Jun face slightly sank, hang up the phone and said to Zhao Fugui, "that sun Yong explained again, he said that he not only insulted Fang Xiaozhen in the elevator, even raped her in the absence of Fang Xiaozhen's parents before!"

"No wonder Fang Xiaozhen will be so stimulated, and even attract parasitoids!" Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly, then his eyes flashed, and he thought of an idea.

"These three bastards of the sun family have indirectly killed so many people. We must let them go to jail this time!" Song Jun says discontentedly that Fang Xiaozhen has become a mutant. I'm afraid she has eaten at least dozens of people. In Lvjing community, the agent stabbed by Li Wei is still in intensive care unit. The root of all this is the sun family.

"No, don't let them go to jail. Let the sun brothers go!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. Song Jun's face changed. He looked at Zhao Fugui without knowing what he meant. "I have a plan to use both of them. If I can find the mutant, I will count on them. Maybe this is the last chance. It's going to be out of range sooner or laterAt the same time, in the sewer without a trace of light, a long white figure constantly wriggles in the muddy and stinky sewer. It keeps moving forward along the sewer, slowly swimming to the depth of the sewer. The sewers in the provincial capital used to be very narrow, but under the newly built roads and tall buildings, the sewers are becoming wider and wider, and some places are even enough for cars.

White figure slowly into the depths of the sewer, and soon came to a place full of stench, where several sewer channels meet. The white figure showed a little girl's face, with a complete human skin in its hand, and the hair on it was like Wang Yan's red hair.

The long white shadow put his body together and looked at Wang Yanhong's human skin carefully. His face showed deep hatred. Then he threw the human skin aside. There were all kinds of human skin, and there were at least dozens of them.

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