Super Monk

Chapter 2226

"Everyone ready, it's coming!" There was only the sound of rain in the dark, Zhao Fugui's voice suddenly rang up, his voice was like thunder in general, instantly let everyone feel a fierce shudder.

In the huge rain, Sun Wu is only four or five meters away from the corner of the alley. He hears the little girl's voice and turns to look at Gu Qiu. Through the rain curtain and the light at the back door of the bar, he can see a little girl falling in the dark. His two slender arms seem to be bare and struggling on the water on the ground.

Sun Wu was going to chase the wine girl, but when he saw the little girl lying on the ground, he immediately lost interest in the bitch who was laughing every day. Sun Wu and sun Yong have special hobbies. They just like the young virgins, so they have done several cases.

"What's the matter? Where's your little sister talking? " Sun Yong also heard the sound. He turned his head in a daze. The girl he was holding rushed to the back door of the bar and looked strangely at the alley. People living in this area all know that the back alley of the bar street is not safe. How could a little girl come here?

Sun Yong is too far away from the other side of the alley. He can't see clearly what's going on there through the rain. When he looks back at the other side, Sun Wu has already staggered to the other side.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, brother, come and help you!" Sun Wu's face showed a trace of obscene smile. He was slapped and half of his teeth flew away. This guy could still insist on saying vaguely with his leaking mouth.

This guy stepped into the rain curtain a few steps. The alcohol irritated his head, but he staggered to the corner of the alley. Soon Sun Wu's eyes lit up. He saw a little girl lying on the corner of the alley, her white arms bare, her white face seemed familiar, and she was showing a strange look, which was even strange.

But Sun Wu's dull brain didn't recognize who this face was, and he didn't think why the little girl would still be here in such a heavy rainstorm, when the raindrops hit people and even hurt. Sun Wu didn't think there was anything wrong with the expression on the little girl's face.

"Little sister, I'll help you!" Seeing the little girl, Sun Wu even spoke more quickly. The guy quickly walked to the corner of the alley and grabbed the little girl. At the moment when his hand touched the little girl on the ground, sun Wumeng shivered. He felt as if he had touched a piece of ice. It was cold and frightening.

"Click!" Before Sun Wu could react, the little girl grabbed Sun Wu with a cold arm. The thin and pale arm had the power of terror. The power even pinched the bone of Sun Wu's arm to make a "click" sound. Sun Wu's face twisted in pain. But at this moment, he forgot to scream and widened his eyes.

The rest of the little girl's body slowly emerged from the back of the alley, but it was not a human body. It only had arms, shoulders and head. The rest of it was a long and terrible body, which was like a huge snake.

Strange, monster, in an instant, Sun Wu was scared to wake up. His brain, which was anesthetized by alcohol, suddenly became very sober. He suddenly recognized this cold and pale face, Fang Xiaozhen. This face is Fang Xiaozhen's face, which was bullied by their two brothers.

Fang Xiaozhen turned into a monster and came back to find them? Sun Wu's whole body trembled in horror. A smell of Sao smelled, and he was scared to pee directly.

There was a strange and cruel expression on the mutant's face. It didn't eat Sun Wu. Instead, it grabbed Sun Wu's neck with one hand, tore it with the other hand, and the blood gushed out. The mutant tore off one of Sun Wu's arms.

"Ah Sun Wu screamed bitterly. A broken arm and blood were thrown out of the rain and fell directly near the back door of the bar.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Two wine girls standing at the back door of the bar saw the broken arm and screamed in horror. They rushed into the bar without looking back.

"Close the door, don't let him in!" When she rushed into the bar, a hostess suddenly and cleverly yelled, "bang" and pulled up the fence door of the back door of the bar, then quickly locked it and put sun Yong outside.

"Sun, Sun Wu, Wu Zi!" When sun Yong saw the broken arm wine, he was also instantly awakened, but he couldn't see what was happening there. He didn't dare to go there, so he could only shout with trembling all over his body. In response to his voice, he was chewing flesh and blood one after another.

"Ah, ah Sun Wu's shrill scream continued to ring, and then shunyong saw a white shadow carrying Sun Wu's incomplete body slowly coming over from the rain curtain. The monster's body is snake tail, and Sun Wu's bloody body is in his hand. In the dark and remote alley, he is extremely ferocious.

"Help me, brother, help me!" Sun Wu is like a chicken leg being eaten. Pieces of flesh and blood are constantly torn down by the variant of human body snake tail. His blood gushes out like rain and falls to the ground with rain water. Soon it turns red.

"Fang, Fang Xiaozhen!" Sun Yong's teeth trembled. He felt a cold chill from the sole of his feet. In an instant, it spread to his whole body. He recognized the pale face in an instant. At this moment, he had only one idea. Fang Xiaozhen turned into a monster to seek revenge.The variant of human snake tail shows deep hatred in sun Yong's eyes. It inherits part of Fang Xiaozhen's memory and also Fang Xiaozhen's hatred. The rainstorm forced it out of its comfortable human skin nest. It is similar to snakes, but it has countless times of powerful tracking ability. After the variant appeared from a sewer in area 25, it was quickly detected Sun Yong and Sun Wu's weak breath, slowly tracking over.

It wants revenge, it wants to eat people.

"Open the door, monster. There's a monster. Let me in!" The mutant slowly approaches, and the ferocious snake body looks extremely terrible. Sun Yong tries to beat the back door of the bar to let the people inside open the door, but no one cares about him. Who knows if the murderer will rush in after opening the door? Now there are so few people in the bar, and the rain is so heavy, even if they are killed, I'm afraid they won't be found for a while. It's no wonder We can only blame sun Yong and Sun Wu for their own misfortune.

"Monster, monster, run I don't know when a figure suddenly appears behind Sun Yong. He seems to be scared by the mutant. He pulls sun Yong fiercely, turns around and runs deep into the alley.

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