Super Monk

Chapter 2235

The wailing of fear of dozens of ghosts is completely different from their ferocious appearance. They can't even stand under the sword. A stream of black air appears from the body they occupy. They want to escape, but they have no place to escape.

"No way, you can't be alive!" The mutant has climbed to the edge of the manhole cover. The manhole cover has been lifted by it. It only needs one step to escape into the sewer, but this step is like a natural moat. It has no strength to continue to climb into the sewer.

There is no sword Qi in the sky. There is only a sword river composed of rain. Every drop of rain in this sword river is a sword. Every water and sword is endless. The Jian River rolls down silently, and all the ghosts are involved in it in an instant. The ghosts are smashed soundlessly, there is no scream, there is no wail. They are like a pile of soil in front of the galloping River, which is washed away in an instant.

Even those black fog did not have a trace to escape, all disappeared quietly under the Jianhe river, the corpse, the black gas, and the Jianhe river rolled over, leaving no trace. The masters of Ren family and Huangfu family were all shocked. They were dozens of masters at the level of great master. Every master at the level of great master could suppress a place. Dozens of masters at the level of great master could fight together. If they didn't send out a large army and use heavy weapons, they would be hard to eliminate. Even the masters at the level of myth in the world could encircle and kill, but these ghosts at the level of great master were killed by Zhao It is inconceivable that wealth and honor will be wiped out with one sword.

Even Zhao Fugui didn't expect that this sword had such power. The only sword of zhantian nine swords could not deal with these ghosts. Based on the Tianhe idea, Zhao Fugui drew out the meaning of Tianhe sword, which was based on the pure meaning of Tianhe sword. This sword can't be compared with the Tianhe in Zhihai, but he didn't expect even this sword This sword has such power.

"Tianhe sword Sutra!" Zhao Fugui slowly spits out a mouthful of turbid gas. The power of this sword is amazing, but the liquefied Daoli in Zhao Fugui's body is consumed by one third. Now the aura between heaven and earth is not enough. This sword consumes almost half of Zhao Fugui's spiritual power absorbed in Fusang. It's hard to liquefy and make up for the liquefying Dao power when it's consumed. It's unnecessary to use this kind of powerful Dao power less. Even in his heyday, Zhao Fugui can only use three swords, which is too expensive.

After dozens of ghosts are swept away, Jianhe river is also slowly disappearing. The sword meaning of Tianhe river is slowly disappearing in the sky, and the terrible pressure is also disappearing. As soon as the coercion disappeared, the mutant suddenly resumed its action and went crazy into the sewer. It was too scared. It didn't expect that the person was still alive, and that person shouldn't be alive, but he was here. The mutant was extremely afraid. It just wanted to leave here, even back to the cage that seemed never to leave, as long as it could leave here.

"Chief, the mutant wants to run!" Song Jun didn't understand the horror of this sword. He was the first to react to it. Seeing the variant body drilling into the sewer, Song Jun immediately yelled.

"Still want to go?" Zhao Fugui looked cold. He reached out and grabbed it. A huge golden palm three Zhang long appeared in an instant and grabbed it hard at the sewer.

"Boom!" The whole sewer was directly scratched by the huge golden palm. Just after getting into the sewer, the small mutant who had not yet had time to escape was caught out like a small snake and could not escape at all.

"Adults around me, I no longer dare, I now return to the seal, never come out again!" The mutant is caught by the huge golden palm and the crumbs of cement and soil, kowtows to Zhao Fugui's head like an eyeless snake, desperately begging for mercy.

"I don't believe in variants!" Zhao Fugui looks cold and doesn't give the mutant another chance to talk. With a big hand, he holds it fiercely. The mutant's body mixed with cement is directly kneaded into meat paste. A faint black air appears from the rotten meat and falls to the ground with the rain. He wants to sink into the ground with the rain.

At this time, the Yin God in Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge suddenly appeared. The Yin God opened his eyes, and the third eye between his forehead fixed the black Qi. At the same time, his eyes were both yin and Yang, and two rays of light fell on the black Qi. Suddenly, there was a cry in the black Qi, and then the light black Qi disappeared.

The mutant's body and black Qi are all killed. This mutant is really not simple. With its degree of alienation, it may have entered the second or third stage. At this stage, the mutant's body is destroyed, and the consciousness may have been impossible to get rid of. But this mutant can still appear some black Qi to escape, which is really not simple.

Zhao Fugui killed the mutant thoroughly, and soon found a dark demon pill the size of a small finger in the pile of rotten meat of the mutant. Zhao Fugui immediately discovered that although the demon pill was not as big as giant rat's demon pill, the essence of Yuehua in it was very pure, and its quality was much higher than giant rat's demon pill. With this demon pill, Zhao Fugui could at least make up for Zhao Fugui's loss of Daoli.

"Chief, is it dead?" Song Jun looked at the variant that had turned into a pile of rotten meat and asked with some uncertainty.

"It's dead. The rain is going to stop soon. Take care of the aftermath." Zhao Fugui looked at the sky with the decreasing rain and said that the buildings of the primary school were almost flattened during the war. At least dozens of people died in the playground, including secret service agents, experts of Ren family and Huangfu family, and ordinary people living near the school.The loss of this war is not small, but it is acceptable to destroy a mutant which is about to become a climate in the center of a city with nearly ten million people. If the mutant is not eliminated, it can even cause hundreds of times of loss.

"Too much rain caused short circuit explosion of transformer, explosion of transformer damaged natural gas pipeline and caused big explosion. Deal with the scene. Let's talk about it to the outside. Let's talk about casualties caused by natural gas explosion!" Song Jun took a deep breath and looked at a few deformed but still familiar faces not far away.

The fight against mutants is brutal. The Moon Palace has lost at least thousands of soldiers since fighting against mutants a few years ago, and this is just the beginning for the secret service.

"The Moon Palace has its own difficulties. I will provide them with an additional 10 billion yuan to manufacture new weapons. I hope they can produce more powerful weapons as soon as possible!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice that the weapons used to deal with these variants must be upgraded.

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