Super Monk

Chapter 2237

The mutant Fang Xiaozhen became obviously felt that she knew Zhao Fugui, but what she knew was not Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Fugui's sword, Tianhe sword Sutra.

It can be inferred from Fang Xiaozhen's words that the seal of these variants is most likely made by the owner of Tianhe sword Sutra, so the variants think that they know Zhao Fugui, not Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Fugui's sword meaning and Tianhe sword Sutra.

The seal they don't know how many years, let them never forget that deep into the bone marrow of fear, these are left by the master of Tianhe sword Sutra. A variant is so dangerous and terrifying. Zhao Fugui doesn't know how powerful the person who can seal all variants is.

However, Zhao Fugui has determined that it is better not to use Tianhe sword Scripture in the future if he can not use it. The owner of Tianhe sword Scripture is so powerful that he may leave no less enemies. At least once those variants know that Zhao Fugui has inherited Tianhe sword Scripture, they are afraid that they will be the first to want to get rid of Zhao Fugui's bones.

In addition, Zhao Fugui not only got the black bead demon Dan, but also got another news. These mutants are not only underground, but also sealed. If so, as long as the seal is found again, it should be possible to seal the mutants that haven't escaped yet.

Zhao Fugui thought carefully for a while, and then he directly took out his satellite phone and called Mr. Li. This is an opportunity. We can't just miss it. We have to find a way to deal with those mutants.

"Mr. Li, it's me. I want to discuss something with you." As soon as the satellite phone was connected, Zhao Fugui said straight to the point.

"What happened? Is there another variant Looking at the time, Mr. Li found that it was more than three o'clock in the morning. It must be important for Zhao Fugui to call him at this time. The monster was destroyed by the moon 50, which was the only weapon used to destroy it.

"It's true that a mutant has been found in the provincial capital, but the mutant has been eliminated and the casualties are not small, but the situation can be controlled. When I killed the mutant, I got something from the mutant's mouth Zhao Fugui stopped for a moment and continued, "maybe we have a chance to stop these mutants!"

"What? What information did you get? " Li was shocked and immediately sat up from the bed. When the guard outside heard the news, he immediately opened the door and came in. Li waved his hand and drove him out.

"The mutants we eliminated say that they really come from underground, but they are not just underground, but sealed underground. Now that the seal is loose and there are cracks, there will be variants. I think it is very likely that the seal continues to expand, so there will be more and more variants! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Seal? Is the news true? " Old Li heard the news and murmured in shock.

"What's the news? What's the news from you, Mr. Li Zhao Fugui asked immediately.

"According to our intelligence exchange with North America, we have found some information about the Changsheng organization in North America. It is said that the Changsheng organization is carrying out a huge conspiracy recently!" Mr. Li said, "our intelligence organizations in China and North America are investigating this matter, but only the top level of the Changsheng organization knows the details of this matter. In addition, the reverse osmosis of the Changsheng organization is so severe that neither we nor the people in North America can find anything useful!"

"You know the longevity organization? It's said that the five gods of Changsheng are doing it! "

"I know that I killed Li Yaoguang, the son of wolf ancestor, one of the five gods of Changsheng organization." Zhao Fugui said with a flash of cold light in his eyes, now the situation of variants has become more and more dangerous. What does the organization want to do at this time?

"The five gods used to dominate the underground world. You must be careful when you kill the son of one of them!" Li said slowly, "if what the mutant said is true and there is a seal, I suspect that the purpose of the immortality organization is to destroy the seal, release those parasites, and let them parasitize and become mutants!"

"What?" Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly. At least some of the five gods of the organization are human beings. Even if they are not human beings, what good can they do after releasing those mutants? Mutants don't care if you've helped them or not. "Why do you want to organize longevity?"

"We don't know, even if they're going to do it or not!" Mr. Li rubbed his sideburns and sighed, "now several big countries all over the world are stepping up their investigation. The variation has attracted the attention of the above. The think tank is analyzing the seriousness and possible harmful effects of this incident. Once the above consensus is reached on this incident and the state forces intervene, those escapes will soon be eliminated!"

"At present, the harm caused by the variants is far less than the pressure faced by other aspects of the country. We stand in different positions and worry about different things, so it's useless for us to worry about it." Li Lao slightly hinted and said.These mutants are like a few bugs coming out of the ground. It's troublesome for insects to eat people, but it's comparable to dealing with other countries that are eyeing us? Comparable to the possible financial crisis? Comparable to the development of science and technology economy? Even if there is a nest of insects underground, it has not been confirmed, and even the scientific research institute has not reached a conclusion on the emergence of these variants. How can it distract the upper authorities and make great efforts to deal with them, or even use massive resources to deal with them? Nothing else?

"If evergreen really wants to break the seal, what are we going to do?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked. What Mr. Li said is really reasonable. It's not so easy to make a big decision when the volume is large. It's not a decision for a person to make. Even if a person wants to make a big decision, he has to discuss it with his family or even friends?

"We will strengthen cooperation with North America in this matter, try our best to collect some useful information, or find the five gods and see what they want to do!" Mr. Li thought for a while and said, "the information you provided is very useful. I will inform you of this information. If there is any new information here, I will inform you immediately. If we can't use the regular army to deal with the five gods, we can only count on you!"

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