Super Monk

Chapter 2259

"I always mean what I say. Since you let Xiaoyan go, I'll spare your life, but I'll charge you some interest." Zhao Fugui grabs Chen Yong's arm and twists it violently. With a bang, Chen Yong's arm is broken. He dares to threaten her not to pay a price. "Go away!"

Chen Yong uttered a shrill scream, but without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away. It was better to lose an arm than to lose his life. Chen Yong runs away in a stampede. Zhao Xiaoyan is already stunned. Zhao Fugui takes a blank look at Tang Bao and throws him away.

"Headmaster, it's time to go!" Ren long saw that the people Tang Bao got were dead, running and injured. It's estimated that the situation here will soon be discovered. I'm afraid there will be some trouble at that time. He said quickly.

"Go Zhao Fugui finally takes a look at Zhao Xiaoyan, who has been stunned, and directly gets into the car. Then Ren's bodyguard pushes out a road. Three cars leave quickly and disappear into the night. Soon after, several more cars rush to the car.

"Son, my son, who dares to beat you like this!" A fat, mean faced middle-aged woman got out of the car and howled at the sight of Tang Bao.

"Who is it? Who did it? " A middle-aged man also came down from the car to see such a furious shout. This middle-aged man is Tang Bao's father, and the fat and mean middle-aged woman is Tang Bao's mother. However, the reason why she grew up to marry Tang Bao's parents is that she was born in the Ye family and married for the sake of marriage.

"Master, I have just asked the boy Chen Yong that Zhao Fugui did it!" Middle aged people around an old man in Tang Dynasty clothes, a dignified face said.

"Zhao Fugui? What is Zhao Fugui? Find him out, and I'll tear him to pieces! " The middle-aged man roared angrily that Tang Bao was a member of the Tang family. Although he usually killed and maimed the common people, it was all a small mistake. But now Tang Bao was made to look like a ghost, that is, he had to bear the anger of the Tang family instead of giving them a face.

"Master, Zhao Fugui is the second in the list of heaven. He is the one who defeated Huangfu invincible some time ago and made Huangfu invincible recognize his master!" The old man in Tang costume whispered. As soon as he said this, the middle-aged man's face changed. He opened his mouth wide and didn't dare to scold any more words. Then the old man in Tang costume whispered what Tang Bao and Chen Yong had done.

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, I dare to do such a thing. I don't care about it!" The middle-aged man shivered all over, turned and got on the bus directly, and the driver drove away. That's the second strongest man in the list of heaven. I'm afraid ye Tiannan doesn't dare to say that he will win. This villain dare to ambush and attack. It's crazy.

"Tang Guoxin, if you dare not avenge my son, I will divorce you!" Seeing that Tang Guoxin didn't care about his son, the middle-aged woman immediately stood in front of the car and shrieked.

"Revenge? I don't have the ability to take revenge. If you have the ability, you'll let the head of the family take revenge on Zhao Fugui! " Tang Guoxin put his head out of the window and yelled at the middle-aged woman. Then the car fell back, turned around and drove away, ignoring the middle-aged woman's threat. If it wasn't for the face of the Ye family, he would have divorced 800 years ago.

I'm kidding. That's Zhao Fugui, who is the second in the tianbang list. Let alone killing a Tang Bao, I'm afraid I can't get revenge even if I kill the inner door of the Tang family or even the people of the Ye family, let alone a Tang Bao. To deal with Zhao Fugui, if ye Tiannan doesn't do it himself, who can deal with him?

And will ye Tiannan fight with the second strongest man in tianbang for the sake of a younger generation in his family? If you win, it may be a tragic victory. If you lose, you can't afford it. Not to mention that Tang Bao wants to ambush Zhao Fugui this time. Let alone that the Ren family is about to kill a Tang Bao, even if they directly destroy the outer Tang family, the Ye family doesn't dare to say anything.

"What are you doing? Send the young master to the hospital quickly Seeing Tang Guoxin, the middle-aged woman turned her head and yelled at the Tang family.

"Quick, quick, take master Tang to the hospital quickly!" Several people in the Tang family are in a hurry to send Tang Bao to the hospital, but Tang Bao's blood flow is too much, and now he is almost cold. Even if he is sent to the hospital, I'm afraid he will not be saved.

The people of the Tang family should not only take Tang Bao to the hospital, but also clean up the scene. After all, this is Shangjing. If it is not good, things will become very troublesome.

"Send me to Wangdu mountain resort!" The middle-aged woman, with a gloomy face, watched as Tang Bao was taken to the hospital, then got into a car and said directly to the driver. The driver's face suddenly changed slightly. He didn't dare to say more. He immediately drove out of the city.

Wangdu summer resort is the location of Ye family's inner family. Many years ago, ye Tiannan lived there all the year round. It was not until more than ten years ago that ye Tiannan suddenly left and lived in seclusion at the foot of Kunlun mountain that ye family's children moved there slowly. Before ye Tiannan was there, even ye family's inner disciples could not go there easily, so as not to disturb the home owner.

Wangdu summer resort is almost like the Holy Land in the eyes of Zhenwu family. Even the powerful families in Zhenwu circle are not allowed to enter, let alone other families. Although the Tang family is an in law relative of the Ye family, the inner Tang family can only pass on New Year's day. The outer Tang family can only visit the current principal of the Ye family every year when Tang Guoxin is celebrating the new year.Only this middle-aged woman, who was the granddaughter of Ye's grandparents in inner gate, was loved by them when she was a child. Therefore, she dared to pass in this situation. Generally speaking, the Tang family did not dare to pass.

The middle-aged women's car had been driving for two hours before they arrived at Wangdu. But it was early in the morning, and the middle-aged women's car couldn't get in at all. The night watchman outside the summer resort neither informed nor released it, so they let the middle-aged women wait. The middle-aged women stayed in the car until dawn, and then the door of the summer resort opened.

"Granny, granny, the enemy of heaven dares to ignore the dignity of the Ye family and kill my precious son. You must avenge Tang Bao!" As soon as the middle-aged woman entered the summer resort, she began to wail with the blood of the Ye family.

Many people in the Ye family look ugly, but it's hard to stop them. After a while, several maids came out with a white haired old man.

"You came to mourn for me in the early morning?" The old woman glared at the middle-aged woman and said angrily. The middle-aged woman immediately stopped in fear and did not dare to call again. "Even the people of my Ye family dare to move. Who killed your son so boldly?"

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