Super Monk

Chapter 2261

"What I mean is that you scold Zhao Fugui in the name of the Ye family owner and ask him to apologize to our Ye family, so that people in Zhenwu circle can know that our Ye family is not afraid of Zhao Fugui!" The old lady said naturally.

"No, grandma, my son is dead. I'll let Zhao Fugui apologize for everything." The middle-aged woman heard this and cried out.

"Mom, the owner of the house is closed at the foot of Kunlun mountain. How can I scold Zhao Fugui in the name of the owner of the house and ask him to apologize? If the owner knows about this, it will be troublesome!" Ye Wenzhi's face suddenly changed and said flatly. I'm kidding. A few months ago, the Presbyterian Council asked the Zhenwu order to reprimand Zhao Fugui and let him go to Beijing for interrogation. What happened later?

Later, the Presbyterian Council has become a mess. The big elder is hiding like a lost dog. Until now, no one dares to be the new big elder.

If he scolds Zhao Fugui in the name of Ye Tiannan, if Zhao Fugui admits counseling, it's OK, then if he doesn't admit counseling, Zhao Fugui will go straight to Wangdu. When ye Tiannan doesn't come back, who can stop them? Not to mention that Zhao Fugui dared to challenge the great master with his master's strength in those years. Now he is the second strongest man in the tianbang. There is only one ye Tiannan in front of him in the tianbang. I can't say that he will take this opportunity to directly challenge ye Tiannan.

The old lady is too self-conscious and thinks that the prestige of the Ye family is unbreakable. But in front of most people, the prestige of the Ye family is unbreakable, but it's different in front of Zhao Fugui. Unless ye Wenzhi is crazy, he will never scold Zhao Fugui in the name of Ye Tiannan.

"Tiannan didn't do it for many years. Don't you know his prestige now?" The old lady said discontentedly, in his memory, ye Tiannan's words are the legal purpose of Zhenwu circle, and the Ye family are the imperial relatives in Zhenwu circle. Unexpectedly, now the Ye family are killed, but they dare not fart. This is a joke.

"Auntie, this Zhao Fugui is a demon in Zhenwu circle. When the master comes back, he will be killed sooner or later. Why get angry with him? It's not worth it!" At this time, another well-dressed middle-aged woman said that this middle-aged woman was ye Tiannan's younger brother's daughter, but ye Tiannan's younger brother had no talent for martial arts and had been ill in bed for many years.

"Grandma, Tang Bao has the blood of the Ye family. Our Ye family is the first family in Zhenwu circle. Can't we even avenge him?" The middle-aged woman is unwilling to shout.

"I said Ye Yan, you have already taken five clothes with our Ye family. What else do you say you have ye's blood on you! Your son, Tang Bao, is not a good thing. You can figure out how much trouble has been caused by the situation of our Ye family these years. If you want me to say that he is worthy of death, why don't you go to collect his corpse and arrange for his future affairs as soon as possible? " The woman who is well-dressed says with disapproval.

"Well, there's no need to talk about it any more. The owner has already spoken!" At this time, ye Wuyou, a disciple of Ye Tiannan, came in and said directly that the old lady had to speak, but she immediately closed her mouth when she heard this. She was respected by the whole Ye family only because she was ye Tiannan's sister, not because she had any special ability. Since ye Tiannan had already spoken, she had nothing to say.

"What did the owner say?" Other people of the Ye family immediately came over and asked, since ye Tiannan was in Kunlun Mountain Qingxiu, he didn't even come back for the Spring Festival, as if his relationship with the Ye family was much weaker. This is one of the reasons why Ye Wenzhi didn't dare to make trouble. When he heard that ye Tiannan was talking about it, all the people of the Ye family were attracted.

"The owner said it was known!" Ye Wuyou said.

"Is that the only thing known? Will the master not avenge my son? " The middle-aged woman asked reluctantly.

"You and my Ye family have already taken five clothes, and they are no longer my Ye family's people. In the future, don't cheat under the guise of Ye family and drive her out!" Ye Wuyou said coldly.

"Get rid of me? Why should you drive me away, grandma? My grandmother and you are sisters. You can't do this to me, you can't do this to me! " The middle-aged woman was driven by two servants of the Ye family. She screamed excitedly, struggling and shouting.

"Your grandmother and I are sisters, but I was not bad for you when I was a child, and I can stand up to you, but now you still want to harm my Ye family, so I can't tolerate you! Drive her away, and if she dares to come again, break her leg for me! " The old lady snapped, and then, leaning on a crutch, she was supported by two servants and maids, and went to the summer resort.

Ye Tiannan said that this matter is known. This is his attitude. When he knows it, he doesn't say how to do it. That is to say, he won't let the Ye family do anything. If the old lady doesn't understand this, she has been living in vain for so many years.

"Let go of me, let go of me, you ye family are a group of cowards, my son died, you did not give him revenge, I curse you not good death, you ye family all not good death!" The middle-aged woman screamed bitterly. Then a servant beat her mouth hard and broke her teeth. The middle-aged woman screamed and couldn't scold any more.

If she takes good care of her son Tang Bao and doesn't let him do harm to others and develop his bold character, he will not dare to design Zhao Xiaoyan and lead Zhao Fugui to Beijing. He even wants to kill Zhao Fugui. If he doesn't, he will not die so early. Unfortunately, there is no if in this world. Since a middle-aged woman lets her son go this way, she has to bear the consequences of going this way.The middle-aged woman was thrown out of the summer resort with her mouth full of blood and eyes full of crazy hatred. The driver of the Tang family rushed to help the middle-aged woman into the car. When he saw the tragedy of the middle-aged woman, the driver didn't dare to ask. Here, even if the middle-aged woman was killed, no one would dare to talk nonsense.

The driver put the middle-aged woman in the back seat, then quickly got on the bus and drove around to Beijing. Now it's just dawn, but it's not quite bright.

Just as the car turned around and drove away, the driver didn't notice that the water in a puddle on the side of the road suddenly began to boil, and then a tiny light suddenly appeared from the water. The light went around the car, then disappeared into the car.

"To Tongcheng villa!" I don't know how long later, the city of Shangjing can be seen in front of me. The middle-aged woman in the back seat suddenly raised her head and said vaguely. The driver saw a glimmer of red light in her eyes through the rear-view mirror in the middle.

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