Super Monk

Chapter 2267

"Ah, there seems to be something in the water!" Just as she was talking, Ye Ling suddenly stood up with a scream, looked nervously at the hot spring under her feet and said, "it seems that something slippery just touched me!"

The hot spring water is almost one meter deep, and the bottom of the water is covered with specially transported volcanic rocks. When it gets dark, the bottom of the water begins to darken. She can't see the situation under the hot spring at all. Ye Ling hasn't seen anything for a long time, but now there are at least four or five hundred square meters of rockery hot spring, which makes her feel extremely terrible, as if there is something hidden inside.

"This is hot spring water. How can there be something in the water? You feel wrong!" Ye Yanhua said disapprovingly that she has been in this pool since childhood. What's in the pool that she doesn't know?

"I don't want to bubble, you bubble yourself, I'll go!" Just now, Ye Ling clearly felt something slip past her legs. It was as wet and slippery as a snake, but it seemed much bigger than a snake.

"If you are so timid, it's up to you!" Ye Yanhua said casually, Ye Ling quickly stood up and wanted to leave the hot spring, but at this time, a dark shadow slowly floated out of the hot spring water, ye Yanhua instantly widened his eyes, and even forgot to send out the scream of fear.

Under the water, the head of the middle-aged woman slowly appeared, followed by a thick snake body. The body of the snake was not as big as the variant Fang Xiaozhen had become, but at least it was thicker than a strong adult thigh. The head of the middle-aged woman grew on the head of the snake, as if the head of the middle-aged woman was inlaid on it, even without the neck.

"Why don't you talk?" At this time, Ye Ling suddenly felt wrong. Looking back in doubt, she saw that the middle-aged woman in the hot spring had become a terrible monster. "Ah

Ye Ling let out a piercing scream. Her scream awakened Ye Yanhua. Ye Yanhua stood up madly, turned around and wanted to escape. But at this moment, the middle-aged woman's head suddenly split from the middle and split into two parts. The empty skull fell on the water, and two strange snakeheads appeared from the middle-aged woman's head.

Ye Ling turns around and wants to run. A snake head jumps on her and bites her in the neck. "Poop Tong" drags her into the water. Ye Yanhua also wanted to run, but the two headed snake's strong body directly entangled her and instantly dragged her into the water.

Ye Ling and ye Yanhua screamed in horror and were immediately submerged by the hot spring water. The water in the hot spring kept flapping, as if someone was struggling in it, but the water slowly recovered to calm in two minutes. After a while, the middle-aged woman's head disappeared from the bottom of the water. A thick black shadow swam slowly under the hot spring pool. Then she swam to the rockery in the middle of the hot spring pool and circled around the bottom of the rockery. In the dark, it was like a circle of shadow of the rockery. If no one came to the side and dived into the water to see, she could not see the monster at all.

Two clear human figures disappeared in the monster's stomach. The monster quickly digested Ye Ling and ye Yanhua in a very short time.

"Why did Ye Ling and Yan Hua stay in the hot spring for so long and Jiahe disappeared? They didn't know how to help them find it!" Soon after, several people came to the hot spring, but they did not find Ye Ling and ye Yanhua.

"Their bath towels are still here. Where are they? Look for it A person of the Ye family suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately said, "today, the little granddaughter of the old lady has disappeared. Is the daughter and niece of the old lady gone too?"?

Several people of the Ye family and their servants began to search for them, but after searching the whole hot spring garden, they found nothing but some things left by them.

"Quickly, inform elder brother to see if anyone has seen them!" One of the Ye family members saw that Ye Ling's and ye Yanhua's mobile phones were still beside the hot spring. His face suddenly changed and he immediately went to the main house of the summer resort. In the hot spring pool, the shadow under the rockery keeps shaking slightly with the water wave.

In a short time, the news was reported to Ye Wenzhi. Ye Wenzhi immediately called all the descendants of the Ye family, all the servants and maids, even the bodyguards who went in and out of the manor, but no one saw Ye Ling and ye Yanhua, and no one saw them go out. Their cars were parked in the villa, and they didn't move at all.

"Check, check the monitoring for me. Three living people, two adults, just disappeared in the villa. When my Ye family had such a big trouble, you must find out the people for me!" Ye Wenzhi's face was ugly.

Although ye Tiannan and another mythical strongman at that time were not there, ye Tiannan was in Kunlun Mountain, and another mysterious strongman was in Ye's ancestral home, Ye's family was heavily guarded. There were more than 100 bodyguards alone, not to mention great masters and masters. They could come and take people away quietly, unless they were mythical strongmen at that time However, even those who are strong at the level of myth dare to offend the authority of the Ye family? Not to mention, what's the use of kidnapping a few people?

"Is it Zhao Fugui?" Ye Wenzhi's face changes slightly. I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui, the youngest man in tianbang, is the only one who has such a bold son in Zhenwu circle to come to the Ye family to look for trouble. Maybe Zhao Fugui is the youngest man in tianbang. He is young and brave enough to fight against the ye family. What's more, he may be angry with Tang Bao. If it is Zhao Fugui, I'm afraid it will be troublesome.There are three missing people in the Ye family in succession. The old lady is angry, loses her temper, and even severely punishes several bodyguards. The Ye family summer resort is full of chickens and dogs. All the people are looking around like headless flies in the villa, but the three missing people can't be found until late at night. Moreover, the bodyguard team leader also checks the monitoring and asks all the bodyguards, which is very sure The three missing Ye family members never left the villa.

"Where's the man who didn't leave the villa? Can you drill a hole and hide in it? " Cried the old lady discontentedly.

"It's a bit strange. We've looked everywhere in the villa, but we still haven't found anyone!" The bodyguard captain said with an ugly face. Ye family's summer resort is hundreds of acres in size, hundreds of thousands of square meters, and the garden is full of flowers, rockeries, leaves and trees. Many places can be Tibetan. If the missing three people are determined to hide, it is difficult to find them in a short time, but they have no reason to hide.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " At this time, the two men appeared from the front door. Seeing the situation here, they immediately asked, and ye Wenzhi's face suddenly showed a trace of joy.

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