Super Monk

Chapter 2270

A wisp of fog began to appear in the Ye family's summer resort, which was like the mist in the early morning, and slowly began to appear with the coming of night.

"Now it's foggy in the afternoon!" Ye Feng frowned and looked out of the window. He said casually that ye Wenzhi also looked out of the window, but the fog was very thin. It was nothing strange. He didn't look again after a look.

"I hope the second ancestor can arrive early. It's getting dark!" Ye Wenzhi said helplessly that it's a pity that the second ancestor has a bad temper and has no real blood relationship with the Ye family. Otherwise, he would have called to urge him.

"Er Zu should be here soon. Er Zu doesn't like people to follow him. He left alone. Otherwise, he can call the people who are with him!" Ye Liancheng also shook his head helplessly and said that the second ancestor of the Ye family was strict and eccentric. He devoted all his life to martial arts, and even practiced martial arts crazily than ye Tiannan. It's a pity that practicing martial arts doesn't only depend on hard work, but also requires talent, so the gap between him and ye Tiannan has not narrowed, on the contrary, it has become bigger and bigger.

In addition to the master ye Tiannan, no one in the whole Ye family can command him to do anything. Otherwise, the second ancestor will not stay in the Ye family's ancestral home where people are not happy.

As the darkness slowly falls, the mist in the Ye family's mansion begins to thicken. If ye Liancheng and Ye Feng have several experiences in fighting with variants, they will be on guard now. It's a pity that ye Liancheng and Ye Feng have been waiting with ye Tiannan at the foot of Kunlun Mountain since a few years ago, and they have never met a mutant. Although they know the news of the emergence of the mutant, they know it's different from meeting it. They have no experience in dealing with the mutant at all, so even if they see the white fog in the villa, they don't arouse enough vigilance.

In the slightly remote hot spring pool of Yejia summer resort, a double headed snake is coiled on the rockery in the middle of the hot spring pool. Its size is one size larger than that of the first appearance last night.

At this moment, this double headed snake is coiled on the rockery. One of its heads is opening its mouth wide. From the ferocious snake's mouth, it is constantly spitting out wisps of white fog, while the other snake's head is constantly swallowing in the air. Soon after, a hazy red breath begins to appear and is slowly swallowed by it.

There are people missing in succession in the Ye family's manor. The master has already lost five people. The master's people are missing, and the servants are also worried. Who knows if the master's people will be missing all the time, and when the master's people are missing, it will be their turn. Therefore, even these servants intentionally or unintentionally start to avoid the remote part of the manor and lean to the main house in the middle of the manor For this reason, the huge two headed snake kept spewing out fog, but the people in Ye's manor didn't find it.

"Little fish, why are you so pale? Did you not sleep well last night because you were afraid?" Two maids were resting outside the arbor outside the main house. One of them asked, looking at the pale face of the other. Now the masters of the Ye family are hiding in the main house, and the servants outside are no longer in charge. These maids also begin to sneak around. The servants sitting nearby are not only the two of them, but also many others.

"I slept well last night, but I don't know what happened. I feel a little tired from the afternoon. Now I really want to find a place to sleep!" Little fish said pale.

"Me too. I don't know what's going on. I feel tired in the afternoon. I want to find a place to rest. I don't know if I haven't had a good rest recently." The maid who spoke before also shook her head and said that in the dark and hazy light, they did not notice that their faces began to get worse and worse, and even their skin began to lose luster and become dry and rough.

"Why is the fog getting thicker and thicker as it gets older? Let's go to a place to sleep while no one cares? I feel more and more tired! " Said the little fish.

"Well, let's go to the utility room." The two maids staggered to their feet. After a few steps, they could not walk any more. They could only help each other to walk in the direction of the utility room.

In the fog, they didn't notice that many servants had fallen to the ground silently in the corner around the pavilion. Their faces were very ugly, their skin was white and frightening, and they were dry and rough, without a trace of life luster. Even some people began to breathe weaker and weaker with the more and more fog they inhaled, until they even slowly stopped breathing .

Before Xiaoyu and another maid came to the utility room, they fell to the ground with a "puff". Their hair turned gray, and the skin on their young faces became like the orange skin on an old woman's face. In a few minutes, they seemed to be tens of years old.

"Poop, poop, poop!" One after another, the sound of falling to the ground began to ring out. At first, it was only the maid outside, then the bodyguards who looked after the house. Soon, even the people in the main house began to have an accident.

Soon some of the second and third generation of the Ye family, who had been hollowed out by wine and sex, began to fall down. Everyone seemed to be several decades old in just a few minutes. Until their final death, ye Liancheng and Ye Feng came down from the stairs and immediately found out something was wrong.

"Something's wrong!" Ye Liancheng saw the situation of the main house downstairs, and immediately felt a chill rising from his feet. Even if he was determined, he could not help feeling numb. The people of Ye family, even the children of several years old, fell to the ground in a short time. Ye Liancheng had never seen this strange situation."What's the matter? My God Ye Wenzhi follows Ye Liancheng and sees the situation downstairs. His legs soften and he just sits down on the ground. He almost faints.

Ye Liancheng stretched out his hand to pull Ye Wenzhi up, but he found that with the breath of Ye Wenzhi, his body began to age rapidly.

"It's the fog. There's something wrong with the fog. Hold your breath Ye Liancheng's face changed greatly. He and Ye Feng held their breath at the same time and looked at each other again. The two men, who were 34 years old, now look at least 10 years old. They are aging slowly because of their strong strength and strong Qi and blood. But it is obvious that if this strange situation is allowed to happen, they will become different from others sooner or later.

Ye Wenzhi barely held his breath for more than a minute. Then he couldn't hold on. Instead, he began to gasp. With his breathing, ye Wenzhi, who was in his 50s and was in his 30s and 40s, seemed to have grown old age spots in the blink of an eye and became a dying old man.

"Get him out of here!"

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