Super Monk

Chapter 24

"How many people can come to eat in a farmhouse restaurant? The roads in our village have not been repaired. How many people can come to eat in the city?" Liu Er Jie didn't feel how delicious her food was, so she said.

"When the road is repaired, more people come, and many people come when the road is not repaired. Now some people in the city can run ten or twenty kilometers to catch a fish, and they are more willing to go fishing and eat farm food! " Xu Wei said with a smile.

"I also think we can open a farmhouse restaurant. The farmhouse kitchen on the outskirts of the city is far inferior to my aunt in craftsmanship and poor in materials. But for today's table, the minimum cost is five or six hundred yuan!" Lin zhinuo also said.

"Five or six hundred for just these dishes?" Zhao Fugui was surprised and said that it was only one or two hundred yuan to eat these dishes in the ordinary restaurants in the city. How could it cost so much in the suburbs.

"All the local restaurants use for publicity are local chicken, local duck and all kinds of game. The price is certainly high. This is the normal price!" Lin zhinuo said.

"It's OK to open a local restaurant!" Zhao Fugui thought that if his own orchard attracted people, there would be a local restaurant with better business.

"I have many friends in the city. If you open a local restaurant, I can help you publicize it!" Lin zhinuo said with a smile.

"Rich and noble, I have many classmates in the capital. They say they will come to see me in the summer vacation, and I will introduce them to them then!" Chen Yihan sees Zhao Fugui and Lin zhinuo talking and laughing. He has something to eat in his heart and says quickly.

"That's OK. Anyway, my yard is big, so I'll open a farmhouse, which is called a small farmhouse!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and decided to go ahead.

Lin zhinuo and Chen Yihan eat all the food on the table. Xu Wei leaves a brochure of her company, and then the three people drive back to the city with ginseng. Looking at the 200000 yuan in his family, Zhao Fugui thought about it and decided to go to find Guihua's sister-in-law. She still has a lot of land in her family, and she can't grow it alone. Zhao Fugui wants to contract the land.

"Sister osmanthus, are you at home?" The people who planted the seedlings in the field had gone home to have a rest at noon. Zhao Fugui directly found the home of Osmanthus fragrans, knocked on the door and asked.

"Richness, what's the matter?" Osmanthus fragrans is cool in the courtyard. Hearing the sound, she quickly puts on a piece of clothes, opens the door, and invites Zhao Fugui in.

"Sister osmanthus, I want to contract your land. Uncle Niu, they are not at home. It's a waste of land. Why don't you rent it to me? " Zhao Fugui said.

"There are four people in my family with ten mu of land. Why do you want so much land? Fruit tree or fruit tree Osmanthus sister-in-law asked strangely.

"Yes, it's better to grow fruit trees. Osmanthus sister-in-law, now the village contract land, one mu of land a year is 500 yuan, your family ten mu of land I contracted all, give you 10000 yuan a year how? But I want a one-time contract for at least five years! " Zhao Fugui asked.

"I can't take so much. I'll rent it to you at a rate of 51 mu for several years." The sister-in-law of Osmanthus fragrans said that she was short of money now, and she was worried about what to do. Zhao Fugui wanted to rent the land, which just helped her.

"OK, I'll write a contract, sign a name and press a fingerprint. I'll give you the money for the first year first, and I'll give you the money for the second year at this time next year!" Zhao Fugui said.

Said osmanthus at home to find a paper and pen, Zhao Fugui wrote a simple contract, both signed by the fingerprints, are recognized by the contract. Zhou Fugui immediately counted the money and gave six thousand yuan to Osmanthus fragrans, five hundred and ten Mu and five thousand yuan to each mu. Zhao Fugui forced the extra one thousand into the hands of Osmanthus fragrans.

Zhao Fugui rented the land and came out from the osmanthus family. It's a good deal. He has about 200000 now. It's certainly not enough to build a road. It will cost at least 300000 to build a road. Moreover, if he invested all his money in road construction, he would have no money to do anything else, and the road would have to be built slowly. However, the orchard still needs to continue to increase investment.

"Boss Yang, you can send me ten mu of seedlings. I'll pay you the money when the seedlings are sent." Zhao Fugui called boss Yang of the forest farm and said.

"OK, no problem!" Boss Yang readily agreed, and in the afternoon he pulled two carts of fruit seedlings. Zhao Fugui increased the number of employees and worked for two consecutive days. He planted all the seedlings in the field.

Now Zhao Fugui has an 18 Mu orchard. The 18 Mu orchard is more than 10000 square meters. Zhao Fugui stands on the ground and looks at the orchard with more than 10000 square meters. He is full of pride. When he first came back to the village, Zhao Fugui was empty handed. In a short time, he picked up more than 10000 square orchards, which made him very proud.

However, even if the orchard is watered by the spring water, I'm afraid it will be two or three months later. During this period, the investment in the orchard can't go out. Zhao Fugui has to think of other ways.

"With the orchard, I have to contract Daqingshan and Heilongtan. If the road is repaired, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to rent!" Zhao Fugui said that he would do whatever he wanted, and he turned around and went to the village committee.

In the village committee, Ma Qianqian, the head of the village, was playing chess in the courtyard. When he saw Zhao Fugui coming in, he gave him a sidelong look and asked, "Fugui, why don't you come back to the village again, instead of plundering your orchard?""Village head, I want to contract Daqingshan and Heilongtan!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Rich and noble, black dragon pond can't raise fish, and the fry can't be netted at all. The big green mountain is high and densely forested, and there are many wild animals. It can't do anything. What do you want to do with it? " Asked an old man in the village.

"Wealth is far sighted. It must be reasonable for him to contract Heilongtan and Daqingshan. Why do you ask so many questions?" The village head glared at the talkative old man.

If Heilongtan and Daqingshan are rented out, the village will have more income. If the village has more income, it doesn't mean that the village head has more business. The village head is eager for someone to rent the two useless things, Heilongtan and Daqingshan.

"Rich and noble, you can contract Daqingshan and Heilongtan, but Heilongtan has more than 100 mu. Daqingshan is just as big as Qianshan, so you can't give less money!" Said the village head.

"Village head, no one will contract Heilongtan and Daqingshan at all. I undertake it for the good of the village. I don't have much money. I can give you 30000 yuan a year at most for these two places!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Thirty thousand is not enough. In such a big place, at least one hundred thousand!" The village head said with wide eyes.

"Well, I don't have that much money, so I won't rent it!" Zhao Fugui said and turned to leave. As soon as he left, the village head was in a hurry.

"Rich and noble, one hundred thousand is not good. You can give fifty thousand. Don't go away, richness The village head quickly chased out and yelled.

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