Super Monk

Chapter 2403

The mythical demon slave was hit by a blow in front of Zhao Fugui. The powerful black knight Pamir was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Zhao Fugui. He was hit by Zhao Fugui without any struggle.

Kovinus's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. Pamir, the Black Knight, was a demon of the current mythological level. Even if it was not the current mythological triple heaven, it was almost far away. Such a demon could be smashed by Zhao Fugui, which showed that Zhao Fugui was also a strong man of the demigod level.

As a demigod of human beings, kovinus has not seen many of them in the hundreds of years of his reign. All of them have become peerless overlord. If their life span is not too short, the organization of eternal life may not be able to suppress the world for so long.

Corvinus knew that Zhao Fugui was very strong, but he never thought that this human would be a strong man of the same level of demigod as him. Such a strong man would not easily offend even the longevity organization. If they had known that Zhao Fugui was a strong man at the level of demigod, they would certainly try to win over Zhao Fugui. Unless they had to, they would never be enemies with Zhao Fugui. But now things have developed to such an extent that Zhao Fugui and the Changsheng organization are enemies.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you are also a strong demigod. I haven't seen a new strong demigod in the last 100 years of human society. You really surprised me!" Covinus said coldly, "in the last 100 years, human science and technology have made rapid progress, and the damage to the environment has become more and more serious. A large number of auras on the earth have disappeared, which is very bad for you human practitioners. I didn't expect that you could even reach the level of demigod. I'm really surprised!"

"There will be more and more things that will surprise you in the future, but you won't see them in the future!" Zhao Fugui said coldly. Not long ago, Zhao Fugui devoured a demon pill, which pushed Taiping daoshu to the small holy land. His strength officially entered the realm of demigod. This news is unknown to the Lingwu sect in China, let alone the eternal life organization. Even though the Changsheng organization has a good eye, it has too much work to do now and has no time to investigate Zhao Fugui in such detail.

"I'm really surprised by the Chinese Zhenwu circle. You are only the second strongest man in the list of heaven, and you can defeat the demigod level. No wonder in the secret stories handed down by the wolf clan from generation to generation, we are asked not to enter China by the dark race. It seems that you have a lot of secrets about China!" Corvinus sneered, "you're only in your twenties, and you've become a strong demigod. If you're given another period of time, I don't know how far you can reach. Unfortunately, you don't have time now!"

"Demigod, two demigod level strongmen. It's incredible that I can see two demigod level strongmen!" On the other side, William's legs began to tremble in horror. Even though he was very far away, William also felt a terrible momentum on Zhao Fugui and kovinus.

With five mythical level demons and two demigod level top strong men, William felt that he was as vulnerable as an insignificant mole ant in such a battle.

"Whoosh!" Zhao Fugui has just smashed the Black Knight Pamir with one blow. Safirus, the closest blood high priest to Pamir, instantly appears behind Zhao Fugui and grabs Zhao Fugui's back with a sharp hand. The blood flame on saffroth's arm is solidified as if it were real, even no less than Lilith when she was in the castle. Saffroth has the strength of half step and half god.

Saffiros suddenly attacks from Zhao Fugui's back. In front of Zhao Fugui's eyes, the Nordic evil god AGRIS, with a strange Trident weapon, rushes directly in front of Zhao Fugui. This Trident weapon carries a strange force, just like the great power of the sea.

"Well come!" Zhao Fugui's eyes burst out a brilliant fine awn. He popped out a sword awn behind him. The sword awn was only a few centimeters long at first, but it was stretched to more than ten centimeters in an instant. The powerful sword awn, which was more than ten centimeters long, immediately chopped to safiros.

Zhao Fugui's left hand popped up his sword behind him, and his right hand smashed it directly. A golden fist seal the size of a car smashed it at the northern European evil god AGRIS. I don't know when there has been no God in the world. The so-called Nordic evil god is just a demon left by blood sacrifice. Its strength is even the weakest among the five demons, but the Trident in the hands of Agnes is a little different.

After Zhao Fugui's death, the powerful sword cuts directly at saffiros, who is attacking secretly. Saffiros grabs Zhao Fugui's terrible sword with one claw.

"Poof Saffroth's blood flame on his arm was cut off directly. The sword cut off his arm instantly. Saffroth let out a piercing scream and quickly stepped back. Even if saphirus is a strong man who is infinitely close to the half step and half god, he will step up to heaven if he has taken that step, but if he has not taken that step, he will fall into the clouds and mud.

Saffiros' blood flame can even block the strike of half step and half god, but in front of Zhao Fugui, its blood flame is not much stronger than paper paste.

Saffiros shrieked back and smashed the punch mark about the size of a car in mid air at the northern European evil god Agnes. But at this time, kovinus didn't know when he had appeared behind saffiros. His figure flashed from behind saffiros and he grabbed Zhao Fugui."The fury of darkness!"

A dark wolf claw of more than two feet appeared in an instant. The dark wolf claw was deep and dark with terrifying power. There were even cracks around the sharp nails of the wolf claw, which seemed to tear the space. The terrifying wolf claw took advantage of saffiros' sneak attack and retreated, and also took advantage of Zhao Fugui's sneak attack. Wolves are naturally cruel and cunning. As the ancestor of the wolf clan, kovinus has also played this to the extreme. However, Zhao Fugui seems to know in advance that kovinus will sneak attack. A bright sword cuts the dark wolf claws from bottom to top.

"Zhenshan river!" An ancient sword escapes from Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge. Taking the ancient sword as the center, the powerful sword suddenly condenses. A sword that is several times stronger than just now cuts to the dark wolf's claw. Each sword of zhantian nine sword can play several to dozens of times stronger than the ordinary sword. The last three swords of zhantian nine sword are integrated into Tianhe sword Sutra, and their power is extremely powerful.

The ancient sword with a strong sword awn instantly cut on the huge black wolf claw, the strong sword awn and the huge black wolf claw immediately had a fierce collision.

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