Super Monk

Chapter 2411

In the pillar of holy light, Catherine's head suddenly rises a white halo. From the halo, an angel's holy image flies out. The angel's wings are open, full of holiness and dignity. It holds an archangel sword in its hand and wears Angel armor. It looks majestically at the sword light of chopping God and greets the sword light without hesitation.

The angel's wings protect Katherine. Seeing this scene, Zhao Fugui looks dignified. He reaches out his hand and pours his powerful power into the sword. The sword soars again and then cuts down the shadow of the archangel.

Today, there are too many things beyond Zhao Fugui's expectation. The longevity organization wants to open the seal, which seems to have the shadow of the temple. As an ordinary person who has no fluctuation of power, Catherine will be protected by an archangel shadow when she is attacked. It seems that there is someone behind all this.

"Boom!" The huge sword was cut on the angel's sword in the archangel's hand. The angel's sword instantly sent out a bright and full-bodied holy light. The holy light had almost become the essence, but the holy light only resisted two breaths under the sword. Then the angel's sword suddenly darkened, and the holy light broke up and was directly cut away by the sword.

Then the white wings behind the shadow of the archangel suddenly opened and fiercely wrapped the sword. The dazzling holy light erupted like a small sun. The dark monarch amoro and the wolf warrior akura screamed fiercely. Their bodies melted like burning candles in the holy light. These two powerful men in the current myth of triple heaven were swept away by the aftershocks and died completely.

"What's the matter? What the hell is going on? Who is this woman? " Corvinus's face was also full of shock. He knew that Catherine had some origins, otherwise he would not put her in the last place, but no one told her that Catherine could resist the sword that even he could not resist.

Behind this action, there was a secret that even he, the fifth God of the wolf clan, didn't know. Kovinus's ferocious face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Even Zhao Fugui's eyes narrowed when the dazzling holy light shone. However, Zhao Fugui had confidence in the sword. Even kovinus would die under the sword, not to mention a woman who had no power fluctuation all over her body. Even with the protection of Archangel shadow, the woman would die.

But before the dazzling light disappeared, a clear and magnificent female voice came from the light and continued to say, "the Lord is the shepherd, we are lambs. The Lord leads us forward, and we will not lose ourselves. Those who believe in the Lord will step on the road of light, Amen!"

The burning light dissipated slowly. Under the light, Catherine's clothes were burned clean by Zhao Fugui's sword or the flame of the burning light. Her golden hair was hanging on her waist, and her whole body was free of any flesh from top to bottom. She was like a product loved by God, and she was perfect everywhere. She was like a Greek God The goddess of perfection, if she didn't stand here, would be a beautiful creature to turn all living beings upside down.

However, looking at the perfect back, Zhao Fugui's face was very ugly. She couldn't kill Katherine with a sword. In just a few breaths, Katherine had finished reading all the Dead Sea books. The voice that Zhao Fugui just heard was not what was on the Dead Sea books, but Katherine's devout prayer.

Maybe Catherine thought she had done a good deed to seal the hell again with the Dead Sea book, but in fact, all this was just a conspiracy, and Catherine was just a tool used by some people.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha Regardless of his injury, kovinus laughed wildly. He lost and had no way to avenge Li Yaoguang. However, the plan of Changsheng organization was completed and the plan of Changsheng organization was successful. The seal of the dead sea has been opened.

"Devil, I have been ordered by the Pope to seal this place again. The Pope sent me here to reinforce the seal! Your plan failed. The book of the dead sea is a sacred object of the temple. It's impossible to help you open the seal. You've been cheated Catherine couldn't find her clothes. She put her hands under her chest and body, and yelled at covinus with a holy face.

"The Pope?" Corvinus's face was grotesque and sarcastic. He said with a grim smile, "Alsace is just a dog. What kind of Pope is he?"

"Failed, or failed!" On the ruins of the altar, William watched in despair as Catherine finished reading the Dead Sea book. Corvinus was not deceived at all, but the influence of the organization of eternal life was too strong, I'm afraid it had already penetrated the temple. Catherine didn't know that she had been used.


Just at this time, the whirlpool of blood color in the sky was shocked fiercely, and a little bit of crystal clear rain fell from the blood cloud. This little bit of rain looked very beautiful, just like a little bit of crystal clear agate falling from the sky. The shining of blood clouds in the sky makes this "rain" tinged with some strange beauty, strange beauty.

"What is this?" William's expression was dull, as if he was attracted by something. He even reached for a little bit of "rain". As soon as the rain fell into William's hands, it immediately penetrated into William's hands."This is a parasite?" Zhao Fugui also saw the crystal clear silk thread falling from the sky like rain, but he was very clear about the horror and ugliness of these beautiful things, because these things are parasites that form variants, and parasitized by these things will eventually become variants.

"Ha ha, they have come, Zhao Fugui. I hope you can leave here alive. Don't die here. Next time, I will take revenge!" Corvinus looked at Zhao Fugui with a ferocious face and roared bitterly. When those crystal things were not yet on him, he directly turned and rushed to the flame in the center of the altar. In the flame in the center of the altar, he didn't know when a looming six pointed star appeared. Corvinus's target was the just emerging six pointed star.

In the sky, most of the glistening parasitic bodies fly to Zhao Fugui. These parasitic bodies are dense, as if there are thousands of them. They seem to be very interested in or hate Zhao Fugui, and most of them fly to Zhao Fugui. At this time, Catherine seems to know that she has done something wrong. She has an unbelievable expression on her face, and she is extremely angry. She is cheated by a person she trusts most and works for the devil. This anger and disbelief even made her forget to protect her body.

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