Super Monk

Chapter 2423

"I grass, this dog is so hard, almost throw me out!" Ma Wu braked the car and stopped. If he hadn't been wearing a seat belt, he almost hit the steering wheel and was thrown out.

The whole Harley motorcycle was smashed into pieces. Some parts even flew forty or fifty meters away. Ma Wu looked in front of the car and didn't see anyone. It's estimated that the person might have crashed into the front of the car. At this speed, he bumped into the truck and died. That's a ghost.

"Get out of the car and work. While there is no one, get all the people and cars up and let's go!" Ma Wu unfastened his seat belt, pushed open the deformed door and yelled to the inside of the car.

"Work, hurry up!" Two men jumped directly from the car, opened the trunk, pulled out a steel plate from above, and supported a slope on the car.

"Pick up the parts first, then pick up the people. Hurry up!" Ma Wu stood on the side of the road and looked at both sides. At that moment, Tang Laosan's car came slowly from behind and nodded at Ma Wu. Then the car sped away to catch up with the van in front. Ma Wu and the two men ran fast, and immediately picked up the broken parts of the Harley motorcycle.

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing. If someone drives a car on the road, it's an accident. Anyway, they have insurance. At most, the insurance company will pay for it. If there is no one on the road, and the accident is caused by a motorcycle or other small car, it's even easier. If someone takes the car with him and takes it away, they will be making a fake scene. It's like a truck bumping into a wall and a stone. They ask an acquaintance to let the insurance company pay for it, and they don't even have to pay for the car repair.

Within a minute, the two men picked up the wreckage of the motorcycle and got it into the truck compartment. They picked up large pieces and kicked small pieces directly into the grass on the side of the road. It seemed that they could not find so many motorcycle parts.

"Come on, lift it up, lift the boy up!" Ma Wu saw that the parts of the motorcycle had been almost picked up, and immediately called to the two men.

"I grass, this kid's whole body all bumped into the car, he certainly didn't think he would die like this in his whole life!" One of Ma Wu's men saw the situation of the front of the truck and said with wide eyes.

"If you don't, hurry up, you'll be seen in trouble later!" Ma Wu urged impatiently.

"Give me a hand and pull him out!" Ma Wu's two men were about to pull Zhao Fugui out of the truck, and one of his men suddenly showed an inexplicable look. "There seems to be something wrong!"

"What's wrong? Move fast!" Ma Wu and his other subordinates said impatiently.

"Without blood, why didn't this guy bleed?" Feel wrong son's hand suddenly say, he this words a say Ma Wu and his another hand immediately quiet down, all around immediately fell into a dead silence.

Ma Wu looked down. There was no blood on the ground. How could there be no blood? The Harley motorcycle was smashed. Even if the driver's body wasn't smashed, he couldn't have lost any blood, unless he didn't hit a person.

Ma Wu suddenly felt cold in his heart and trembled all over. Did he walk too much at night and finally meet a ghost? Ma Wu's face was involuntarily ugly. His two subordinates were frightened, and obviously they wanted to go with him.

"Listen, it's like, it's like there's a sound!" Ma Wu's teeth suddenly trembled and said that ruthless people are not necessarily brave people. Some people deliberately use ruthlessness to cover up their timidity in order to survive in some gangs, otherwise they may be bullied and eaten by others. Ma Wu is such a person. Although Ma Wu is engaged in the business of killing people, his courage is not great.


A sound similar to metal friction sounded in the dark. Ma Wu and three people turned to look at the front of the truck at the same time. They stared at the concave part of the truck. The sound similar to metal friction came from there.

"He's moving, he's moving!" One of Ma Wu's men points to Zhao Fugui with a tone changing voice and says in horror.

"Ghosts, there are ghosts!" Ma Wu's other man screamed and turned around and ran without hesitation. But as soon as he took a step, his neck suddenly tightened, just like he was caught by a big hydraulic pliers. The next moment, he heard the sound of his neck being broken.

"Ah Ma Wu and the rest of his followers saw Zhao Fugui shaking his head directly, stood up from the concave front of the truck, grabbed the runaway man's neck and twisted it abruptly. Ma Wu and the rest of his followers screamed in horror, turned around and ran to the dark.

"Click!" But a second later, Ma Wu heard the second sound of the broken bone, which made Ma Wu's spirits all burst out, and his legs became soft, and he even stuck his head on the ground.

"You're running. The way they both are now is your end!" Zhao Fugui said in a cold voice. The 120 km / h motorcycle crashed into a large truck. Zhao Fugui finally realized that if Dacheng was not strong enough, he would have capsized in the sewer and been killed directly by several snake dealers."You don't come here, you don't come here, are you a human or a ghost?" Horse five hands and feet and use on the ground desperately to climb forward, while climbing side of panic yelled.

"Of course I'm human, but I'm not the one you can provoke!" Zhao Fugui grabs Ma Wu's neck and directly lifts this guy up and throws it on the bodies of his two men. He doesn't give a hand to these guys who are ready to kill. "You can answer whatever I ask. If you don't want to be like them, be honest with me!"

"Yes, yes, I answer When Ma Wu saw the two men who were still talking to him a minute ago with a look of death in their eyes, he was scared and trembled all over, and his trousers immediately became wet.

"Where did the foreigner you arrested go with that van?" Zhao Fugui asked coldly.

"In Magang village, Tang Laosan took them all to Magang village, and Tang Laosan's nest is in Magang village!" Ma Wu did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, said hastily.

"Where is Magang village? You drive me Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Yes, yes!" Ma Wu's eyes flashed a sinister look, and he said busily. He quickly got up and climbed on the bus, shaking all over. Then he heard two dull sounds of "bang bang". Ma Wu knew that the two bodies on the road must have fallen into the carriage now. Then Zhao Fugui opened the door and sat in the co driver's seat.


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