Super Monk

Chapter 2429

"What's the matter? Is it an earthquake? " The bosses in Magang village were preparing to run away, but suddenly there was a huge vibration on the ground. These bosses were staggered by the huge vibration and rushed out of the villa one by one.

"What is this?" The escaping elders suddenly stare at the huge ravines in the village. The diameter of Magang village is at most five or six hundred meters. The houses in the village form an irregular circle scattered on the coast. This huge ravine almost directly divides Magang village into two parts.

"The shooters, the shooters are all gone!" On the other side of the col, the commander of this operation looked at the picture sent back by the pinhole camera in horror. His voice changed its tone and said, "it's hundreds of shooters. It's incredible that they were directly vaporized. How could this happen?".

"Boom!" In Magang village, a police off-road vehicle rushed over and smashed the wall outside the village. The special police in the off-road vehicle jumped down from the vehicle. They were stunned when they saw the huge sword light. But after a few seconds, they immediately reacted and thought of their task. Then they rushed to Magang village quickly.

"Hands up, down, down!" A group of special police roared, helicopters in the sky with huge searchlights constantly shining outside the village to prevent people from escaping.

"There's thunder, there's thunder, let's go!" Seeing the special police rushing, the big men in Magang village immediately panicked and wanted to escape, but their hot shooter, Ma Zai, had lost more than half of the money. No one stopped the special police to cover them. These guys were soon caught. Sporadic gunfire rang out and disappeared in less than five minutes. I thought it was a tough task. Unexpectedly, it went very smoothly.

"Hands up, come on!" The special police cooperated with the criminal police and the anti drug police to arrest people everywhere in Magang village. Two special police approached Zhao Fugui and pointed a gun at him from a distance, shouting nervously.

Zhao Fugui didn't even look at the two special police officers. He turned and walked into Tang Laosan's villa. He went to the inside and pulled off the security door with a bang. In the room, Catherine had been frightened by the dense gunfire just now, but now she was relieved to see that Zhao Fugui appeared intact.

"Are you all right?" Zhao Fugui looks up and down at Katherine and knows that Katherine should not be bullied. It seems that these people want to sell Katherine at a high price.

"I'm ok. I used to hear people in my family say that some dark races and humans can even be powerful enough not to be afraid of bullets. I didn't expect that what they said was true!" In the underground cavity, although Catherine saw the power of Zhao Fugui, she did not see Zhao Fugui being fired by bullets after all. People living in modern times have a blind superstition about modern guns. Catherine had never seen particularly powerful dark creatures or human beings before, and even the people in her family could not resist the strafing of several assault rifles, so she was the only one Surprise.

"There will be more and more things that are not afraid of people or bullets in the future!" Zhao Fugui said casually, "let's go, I'll take you to the airport!"

Zhao Fugui comes out with Catherine. Outside Tang Laosan's villa, two special police officers are still standing there. The two special police officers look at each other. When they see Zhao Fugui coming out, the two special police officers immediately raise their guns.

"Don't move, hands up!" The two special police officers have seen the power of Zhao Fugui and dare not shoot indiscriminately. However, the commander said that Zhao Fugui is also one of the targets, and they dare not ignore him.

"Stop it, don't mess about, put down the gun!" Zhao Fugui was about to speak when a hasty female voice suddenly rang out, and then an Xue ran over.

"An Xue?" Zhao Fugui did not expect to see this hot policewoman flower more than 1000 kilometers away from Chengdu.

"Officer an, commander Li suspects that this man is also one of the drug lords. We need to arrest him to assist in the investigation!" Neither SWAT put down their guns, one of them said.

"Mr. officer, we are not drug lords. I was kidnapped by people here. Mr. Zhao came to save me. That's why we are here!" Catherine explained quickly.

The two special police officers, seeing that Catherine is so beautiful and a foreigner, believe what she said. But now is not the time to brush her face. They have procedures and systems, and can't let anyone go.

"They are really not bad people. Put down your guns first, and I will explain to commander Li." Ann snow see Catherine don't know why some not very comfortable, but still said.

"Officer an, we need command from Lee!" The two special police officers still shook their heads and said that Li was in charge of the operation, so they could only listen to the order of officer Li. The order of an Xue was not in line with the regulations, and they could command them even at an Xue's level.

"No more. Take me to your commander!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said, seeing that Zhao Fugui said so, the two special police officers were immediately relieved.

If Zhao Fugui resisted, it would be troublesome. He couldn't kill himself with a gun. He didn't know how to make a light flash in the sky. There were dozens and hundreds of people on the ground. This kind of enemy could not be dealt with by them. It was beyond their ability.

"Well, hundreds of people have disappeared. You still have to explain it clearly!" An Xue also said, but she does not believe that those people are Zhao Fugui missing, how can anyone have such ability, this is simply incredible, there must be other reasons, maybe bombs and explosives."Put the gun down, put the gun down!" However, before several people went to find commander Li, commander Li and several people rushed over quickly. Before they came, commander Li yelled.

"Sir!" Two special police officers saluted commander Li and put the gun away.

"You go first!" Commander Li waved his hand and said.

"Yes The two special police officers saluted again, and then began to go to other places to help. Obviously, the leaders had to deal with the matter by themselves, and their level was not enough to listen in.

"Director Zhao, I'm li long from the south part of the special service bureau. We're late!" As soon as the two special police officers left, one behind director Li saluted Zhao Fugui and said.

"You're not late. You're just in time. You're just in time to take care of things here." Zhao Fugui nodded and said that when the secret service personnel came, it would be easy to handle. They could handle it directly.

"Yes, director Zhao!" Li Long nodded and said to commander Li, "commander Li, the secret service will contact your superiors about this, and we will give you a detailed explanation!"

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