Super Monk

Chapter 2432

"Yes, Laozu, the death is strange and miserable! All the masters, men, women, old and young, are like bodies that have been dried and decayed for many years. It's like, it's like, their vitality has been sucked up! " Ye Weixin felt that ye Tiannan's attitude seemed to be wrong, but he didn't dare to ask more, so he could only honestly answer.

"How could they all die like this?" Ye Tiannan picked the eyebrow, put down the teacup and murmured, "retribution, it's retribution. Those things came out and killed the people of Ye family. What's retribution?"

"Laozu, do you know what killed the master's family?" Ye Weixin boldly and carefully asked.

"Isn't it Zhao Fugui who killed my Ye family?" Ye Tiannan smiles, takes a drink from the cup again, and asks with a smile.

"Zhao, Zhao Fugui?" Ye Weixin's eyes widened and stammered that he had killed the Ye family before he came. All the things that can be investigated are clear. Zhao Fugui did go to Shangjing in the days when ye's family was destroyed. However, in Shangjing, Zhao Fugui only killed a Tang Bao, which is reluctantly related to Ye's family.

But after killing Tang Bao, Zhao Fugui left and didn't go to Wangjing Ye's home. How could Zhao Fugui have killed the people of Ye's home? What's more, the death of those people who are in charge of the Ye family doesn't look like being killed. It's just like being killed by some monster.

"Why, isn't it Zhao Fugui?" Ye Tiannan asked flatly.

"Yes, yes, yes, it must be Zhao Fugui, it must be Zhao Fugui!" Ye Weixin is not stupid at all. He nodded and said busily. Several people behind him looked at each other and trembled.

Laozu put this matter on Zhao Fugui. Is it because Zhao Fugui has offended Laozu, and Laozu is ready to cut him? Although Zhao Fugui is the second in the list, his foundation is not stable after all. If ye Laozu goes on, most of the Zhenwu circle in China will be Zhao Fugui's enemy. I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui will be rejected by the whole Zhenwu circle immediately. At that time, Lingwu sect and Zhao Fugui will be hard to move in Zhenwu circle.

"If you let the news out, you will say that Zhao Fugui is extremely cruel and has killed all my Ye family. My Ye family calls on the Zhenwu circle to avenge this together!" Ye Tiannan said casually, "if someone can take revenge for my Ye family, ye Tiannan is willing to pass down the sword of killing heaven, even if he didn't kill Zhao Fugui himself. As long as he takes part in the siege, you can choose the secrets and treasures in my Ye family's arsenal!"

"Kill, kill heaven Kendo?" Ye Weixin was completely shocked. He opened his mouth wide and his whole body became dull. The secret treasures and martial arts of the Arsenal are the treasures of the Ye family for generations. That's not to say. These are not worth mentioning compared with the killing Heaven Sword. Killing heaven Kendo is ye Tiannan's secret. It's known as the first Kendo in Zhenwu circle. It's even the first Kendo in five hundred years. Even some of Ye Tiannan's disciples can't learn it. I didn't expect that ye Tiannan would like to pass it on.

If the news gets out, I'm afraid the whole Zhenwu circle will go crazy. Although Zhao Fugui's zhantian Jiujian is well-known now, it still can't be compared with Shatian kendo. Ye Tiannan's Shatian Kendo is absolutely the most wanted Kendo for real martial artists.

"You'll pass on the news tonight. I want all Zhenwu circles to know the news!" Ye Tiannan said lightly.

"Yes, Lao Zu, I'll call right away to arrange it!" Ye Weixin quickly nodded and said that although there are no base stations in the depth of Kunlun Mountain, ye Weixin can make a direct call with a satellite phone. "But Laozu, no one in Zhenwu circle can ignore the temptation of killing tiankendo, even the top ten in tianbang. But with Zhao Fugui's strength, even Huangfu's invincibility is accepted by him. I'm afraid no one in Zhenwu circle can help him!"

Is Ye Weixin's idea that Laozu didn't think he was sure to deal with Zhao Fugui, so he lured people from Zhenwu circle to deal with Zhao Fugui? Since the rise of Zhao Fugui, it is true that the Vietnam War has become stronger and stronger. However, our ancestors are the God of war in China. We should not be afraid of Zhao Fugui.

"Do you think in your heart that I'm afraid of Zhao Fugui, so I dare not do it myself?" Ye Tiannan looks at Ye Weixin with a smile.

The sweat on Ye Weixin's face suddenly gushed out, and he was already sweating in the blink of an eye. Ye Weixin looked flustered. With a soft leg, he knelt down on the ground and said in a panic, "how can you be afraid of Zhao Fugui. Laozu, the reform never dares to have such an idea! "

Ye Weixin knelt on the ground and said, "BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM" and kept kowtowing. Soon his head was covered with blood. Several people who followed him immediately knelt down and kowtowed together. Ye Weixin is very clear that the ancestor of the Ye family can become the number one God of war in the sky, not by virtue, but by the prestige of killing one person by one.

"Never been defeated?" There was a sneer on ye Tiannan's face, as if he were talking to himself, or with Ye Weixin, who said, "in those days, the young masters of tianbang fought against Dugu bajue. They all said that I killed Dugu bajue. In fact, we fought together, and almost all of them died except me! It's a pity that there will only be one Dugu bajue in the world, and there won't be a second Dugu bajue. Zhao Fugui is not inferior to Dugu bajue in talent and luck, but Dugu bajue was born 30 years earlier, but Zhao Fugui was born 10 years later. If he had another 10 years, he would not have our chance! ""It's a pity that one step earlier is just a dragon fighting in the wild to open the way for the real dragon. One step later, even the dragon can't be made. It's just a worm! When Zhao Fugui's life is wrong, just hold him down. When the tide is over, someone will deal with him! "

When ye Weixin heard this, they kowtowed more quickly and did not dare to look up. These things are all secrets. If you heard them in the past, you might die. Ye Weixin wanted to cut off their ears one by one, so that they could not hear anything.

"If you spread the news, you can leave the rest alone. Let's go!" Ye Tiannan said to himself for a while, then waved lightly and said.

"Yes, Lao Zu!" He stepped back from the ground and asked Ye Weiwu a long question. Ye Weixin feels that today's Laozu is very different. It seems that something happened, which makes Laozu's mood very uneasy. But this incident is not the slaughter of the inner door of the Ye family, it is something else.

Ye Weixin kneels on the ground and retreats, with a worried look on his face. Ye Tiannan doesn't even care that his blood relatives are killed, which is not a good thing for them. But ye Weixin immediately takes out the satellite phone and releases the news that Zhao Fugui has killed all over the family.

The news spread all over the country overnight.

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