Super Monk

Chapter 2440

Zhao Fugui sat on the plane to the provincial capital. He didn't know how long later, he suddenly felt a wave of divine consciousness. He frowned. It seemed that the wave of divine consciousness was transmitted from Sherman. After accepting Sherman at the beginning, Zhao Fugui left a trace of his mind on Sherman, and now it appears a trace of fluctuation again.

"Isn't Sherman dead yet?" Zhao Fugui said to himself that at that time Sherman was drawn into hell. Zhao Fugui thought that he had been burned to death, but now it may not be that way.

"Sherman's situation is quite special. A considerable part of his ability is to control the fire. Maybe he is not dead!" Zhao Fugui thought for a while, and thought that Sherman was probably not dead, otherwise his mind would not fluctuate. However, Zhao Fugui's perception of divinity is extremely weak now, and Sherman may still be in the underground cavity.

"If Sherman is still alive, we have to find a way to get him out, but he is at the bottom of the sea. He needs the Dead Sea book to summon the sea monster, but the Dead Sea book is lost in the underground cavity, which is more troublesome!" Zhao Fugui thinks about it and frowns again. Sherman can't ignore it, and the Changsheng organization can't ignore it. These two things are more troublesome, and the Changsheng organization is more troublesome.

The Changsheng organization has opened a seal, but depending on the situation, there should be more than one seal, and there may be a main seal. Otherwise, it can't explain why the mutant dragon still can't get rid of the underground cavity after the seal of the underground cavity is opened. Obviously, there are other forces restricting it, which is probably because it still exists somewhere There's a main seal on it.

Because of the existence of the main seal, even if other seals are opened, those mutants will not appear, so there is still a chance to stop the longevity organization.

"Are you Mr. Zhao Fugui? Please follow me to the captain's room. There is an emergency communication for you! " Just as Zhao Fugui was thinking, a first-class stewardess came over in a hurry and bent down to say to Zhao Fugui. It's not allowed to make a phone call on the plane, and the mobile phone has to be turned off. In fact, Zhao Fugui didn't turn off his mobile phone, but there was no mobile phone at all. He didn't buy it when he was in Shenzhen.

As soon as the stewardess said this, a group of first-class guests were surprised to see Zhao Fugui. The pilot on the plane still can't make a phone call. Only the radio on the plane can be used. It's not an emergency. Without enough identity, it's impossible for the captain and the tower to use the radio to contact him.

"Who is this man? The captain used the radio to contact him! " Zhao Fugui stood up and walked to the cab. A group of first-class passengers immediately began to talk.

"I don't think it's an ordinary person, otherwise the captain can't let him use the radio, let alone contact him directly from the tower!" A long legged beauty curiously looked at Zhao Fugui's back and said.

"This man looks ordinary, but he has extraordinary momentum. He is the task of seeing the world, maybe the second generation of some families, or the young talent of some big companies!" Another said.

First class passengers are talking about it, but it's impossible to guess Zhao Fugui's identity. Zhao Fugui directly follows the stewardess to the cab, and then the stewardess stands at the door of the cab and asks Zhao Fugui to go in.

"Mr. Zhao, please take this headset and you can talk!" See Zhao Fugui in the past, the vice captain gave Zhao Fugui the earphone like thing he was wearing directly.

"I'm Zhao Fugui!" Zhao Fugui nodded, put on the earphone directly, and then said to the microphone on the earphone.

"Director Zhao, this is the central China branch of the special service bureau. I'm Zhang Yao from the action team. According to the information we just intercepted, something happened to your Lingwu sect! " The voice of a man in his thirties came directly from the earphone and said quickly.

"What's the matter?" When Zhao Fugui heard this, his eyes suddenly solidified and his face became cold. He is helping the Moon Palace to deal with the mutant outside. Does anyone dare to drag him back at home? Zhao Fugui's affairs are related to himself, his family and friends, but more to the whole country and even the whole mankind. In this case, does anyone dare to make trouble for him?

"Well, a few days ago, the Ye family in Wangjing was killed. It was said that you did it. This morning, the second ancestor of the Ye family killed the Lingwu sect, and more than 100000 real warriors gathered outside the Mountain Gate of the Lingwu sect. At present, they have blocked the entrance and exit of the Lingwu sect! " Zhang Yaofei said quickly, "because this is an internal matter of Zhenwu circle. According to our tacit understanding with Zhenwu circle, as long as they involve ordinary people, we are not easy to intervene, so we can only find a way to inform you of this matter immediately!"

It's a tacit understanding that Zhenwu circle's affairs should be solved by itself, and the people in Zhenwu circle should not directly affect the lives of ordinary people. In addition, this time a large number of real fighters gathered, and it was difficult for ordinary departments, even secret departments, to deal with it. This was a hot potato. The special service bureau could not manage it, so it had to find a way to inform Zhao Fugui of the news.

"What? Ye Tiannan's family Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold for a moment. He had never been to Wangjing Ye's house, let alone killed Ye's house. It was obvious that there was something wrong with it. Either someone planted him, or ye Tiannan wanted to take the opportunity to suppress him, or even kill him. Otherwise, Zhenwu circle could not have such a big scene. Tens of thousands or even 100000 people gathered to Lingwu sect."Yes, director Zhao, ye Tiannan's family. All the people in Wangjing's Ye family died about a week ago!" Zhang Yao said. The people of the Ye family died a week ago, but Zhao Fugui had been to Beijing during that time. After that, Zhao Fugui said that he had gone to North America, but later his whereabouts became a mystery. Ye Tiannan said that Zhao Fugui killed the people, so it had to be.

"Are there any casualties in Lingwu faction?" Zhao Fugui said coldly that the Lingwu school is not deep enough, but with Huangfu invincible, Zhao Fugui is more relieved. After all, few people in China can defeat Huangfu's invincible boxing.

"Now, according to our information, Huangfu is seriously injured, Cao man is seriously injured, Zhang youwan is seriously injured, and Xia muhui is seriously injured. Miss Lin zhinuolin has also been injured, but the injury is not too serious! " Zhang Yao hesitated for a moment and said that the special service bureau doesn't want to have a big event. It's better for Zhao Fugui to talk with ye erzu to make things clear and end peacefully. But I'm afraid that this situation can't be peaceful now.

Hearing that so many people of Lingwu sect were injured, especially Lin zhinuo, Zhao Fugui's eyes were full of murders.

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