Super Monk

Chapter 2443

"Stop, do you think our Lingwu sect is also a place where you can break into?" Ren long, with dozens of great masters and more than a dozen great masters, directly stops those Zhenwu people who want to go up the mountain. Ren long looks at these guys and shouts.

"Oh, isn't this the elder Ren of the Presbyterian Council? Why don't you become an elder in the Presbyterian Council and a watchdog instead? " A real warrior looks at elder Ren and says with no smile.

There are dozens of great masters and dozens of great masters. If there is any family or sect in the Chinese Zhenwu circle that has such strength, it will definitely be a bully in the Zhenwu circle. But now the situation is completely different, because now Lingwu school is competing with the whole Zhenwu circle. Compared with the whole Zhenwu circle, this kind of master and great master is not enough.

"It's OK to be a watchdog. Many people can't be a watchdog if they want to be a watchdog for the Ye family. Ren long, you come to be a watchdog for Zhao Fugui. Now Zhao Fugui has provoked the Ye family. I think your watchdog will soon become a dead dog!" Another real martial arts man laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha, elder martial brother Ma said it well. What is Lingwu sect? Today, Laozi are going to make a breakthrough. What can you do for us?" The rest of the true warriors approached step by step without fear.

Among them, there are only 20 or 30 masters, and there are only two or three great masters. The rest are all half step masters. However, these people are not worried about Ren long, because they know that as soon as they see the opportunity, more real martial artists will come.

"Those who break into Lingwu sect will die!" Ren Long's face became very gloomy. He yelled, and the great master behind him immediately took out his weapon and was ready to fight. It's no use shrinking back now. We have to fight our way out until Zhao Fugui comes back.

"Those who break into Lingwu school are dead!" Hundreds of strong people roared in unison, and for a moment, their momentum even suppressed countless real warriors at the foot of Lingwu sect.

"It's interesting. It seems that the cohesion of Lingwu school is really great, and Zhao Fugui has some skills!" Uncle Tang said with a sneer when he heard the roar.

"What if you want to fight to the death? It's just the absolute difference between the number and the quality of the dead! " Scorpion not satisfied with the bullet dyed blood red nails, casually said. When Uncle Tang saw the action of scorpion, he immediately leaned to the side with great fear. Scorpion is the king of killers. He once inadvertently poisoned a strong man who was close to the half step myth of the great master sanchongtian into a pool of thick blood, which is far from the peak of scorpion.

"You're right. These guys are just a group of corpses. If ye erzu doesn't speak, these real warriors will directly destroy the Lingwu sect!" Uncle Tang looked around with a sneer and said, "but ye Tiannan's appeal seems to be lower than I expected. Up to now, the number of these real martial artists is just over 100000. It seems that Zhao Fugui has defeated many powerful enemies in succession, which makes some real martial artists in China have some scruples."

"So what? Anyway, after today, Zhao Fugui is also a dead man! " Scorpion coquettish incomparable ground ground to grind fingernail, disapprove of say.

"Yes, yes. After today, both Lingwu sect and Zhao Fugui are going to die!" Uncle Tang said with a grim smile. His face was full of the pleasure of revenge.

"Who the hell are you scaring? Ren long, you can move me. Look at the hundred thousand real warriors behind me. If you dare to move today, I can't save you! " With a sneer, a fierce looking real warrior goes directly to the Lingwu sect. He goes to Ren Long's body and pushes his hand to Ren Long's chest. Now that Zhao Fugui of Lingwu school is not here, the rest are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Some real warriors don't think Ren long dare to resist.

"Bang!" Ren Long's face was cold and he slapped his hand on the real warrior's chest. Although Ren long was nothing in front of Zhao Fugui, he was also a great master. He slapped the guy's spitting blood and flew out. "Kill

Ren long slapped this guy with one hand, and without doing anything, he roared and killed the group of real warriors who entered Lingwu sect. In the blink of an eye, a large group of real warriors fought together. The sound of howling and the body falling to the ground began to ring.

"Do it!" Seeing the movement at the foot of the mountain, Dong Jianwu attracted most of the strong members of Lingwu sect. With a wave of his hand, he rushed to Lingwu sect from the back mountain.

"There are people in the back mountain!" The two real warriors guarding the back mountain immediately gave warning, and then rushed to Dong Jianwu and his group.

"Take them and rush in!" Dong Jianwu immediately directed four real warriors to rush over and entangle the two masters of Lingwu sect. The others rushed directly to the core villa of Lingwu sect.

"Someone's coming. Stop them!" Leng Xi yells, and then she and Ji Ling, as well as some disciples of Li Zhaoji's Yamada picturesque gauze, rush over immediately.

"Protect them, go to Ren long and see if they can rush out!" Lin zhinuo saw that a large number of real martial arts people were ready to move down the mountain. He looked anxious and quickly asked others to rush to the mountainside with the youngest disciples of Lingwu sect. There were at least the master and the great master with Ren long. Now they are relatively safe."Ha ha, where does Miss Lin want to go? Dong Jianwu has admired Miss Lin for a long time. Miss Lin, please come with me!" Dong Jianwu is a great master. Leng Xi can't stop him at all. In the twinkling of an eye, Dong Jianwu rushes over and reaches for Lin zhinuo.

Just at this moment, a flash of cold light flashed through the body protecting spirit and cut off Dong Jianwu's palm. If it wasn't for Dong Jianwu's hand shrinking fast, I'm afraid his palm would have been cut off by a sword.

"Still a hot girl, interesting!" Dong Jianzhi's fierce fight is not a big sword.

"Dare you Huangfu's invincible Qi and blood poured back. He was about to reverse his vigorous Qi. At this moment, a golden light shot from the distance.

"Look, die!" Angry voice from far to near, looking for the word appears when the golden figure is still more than ten miles away, until the dead word came, get the golden figure has come to the front.

"Zhao, Zhao Fugui is back!" The sound of panic suddenly rang out, and then the Zhenwu people who wanted to rush up the mountain suddenly became dead.

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