Super Monk

Chapter 2457

"What kind of monster is that?" With the appearance of the huge snake head, the real warriors at the foot of the Lingwu sect are in a commotion. The snake head is even bigger than the previous steam locomotive. Such a huge monster is hidden at the foot of the Lingwu sect, but the real warriors don't find it. Fortunately, Zhao Fugui is attacked by this thing. If it is attacking them, I'm afraid now I don't know how many people will be swallowed.

"How could this snake grow so big?" Countless Zhenwu people were shocked to see this scene. The snake only looked at its head and speculated that it would be hundreds of meters long. It was an ancient giant snake.

"This is the snake demon, this must be the snake demon!" And the real warrior cried in horror, what is such a huge snake not a snake demon. After all, there are only a few true warriors who know the variants. Most of them have never seen the variants and do not know the horror of the variants.

"Ha ha, God wants to kill Zhao Fugui. There is such a huge snake attacking him!" More real martial arts see this scene, immediately excited to laugh.

Some of these laughing people are Alan dari and uncle Tang. They are still worried about the stalemate and no one is willing to fight. But now there is a big snake attacking Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's strength can be known immediately.

The huge snake bites Zhao Fugui fiercely. Zhao Fugui's people are in the middle of the sky. Originally, the consumption of Taoist power is too much, and he is almost unable to empty. But at this moment, Zhao Fugui's eyes are frozen, and a force of Taoist power is barely burst out. He shoots directly to the side in the void.

But Zhao Fugui's power consumption was too great. He just managed to avoid the snakebite. Then he was hit by the snakehead and flew out in an instant. Zhao Fugui had been hit and flew hundreds of meters, smashing a Lingwu villa before he stopped.

"Ha ha, he really doesn't have much vigorous Qi. He can't even escape the attack of giant snake. Zhao Fugui is dead today!" Seeing this scene, uncle Tang immediately burst into laughter. He couldn't even fly in the air with Zhao Fugui's strength. It must be because he was no longer able to do so.

"Zhao Fugui really can't, but I'm afraid this giant snake is a trouble!" Alan dari said cautiously that this giant snake is too huge. If things are abnormal, there will be demons. I'm afraid that even if they work together, they may not be the opponents of this giant snake.

"Let's look at the situation first. There's something wrong with this giant snake. You see, it not only has two heads, but also has a head in the middle of its head!" At this time, the huge double headed snake has slowly climbed out of the ground, the snake said cautiously.

"My God, why is this giant snake so big? I'm afraid it can be entangled on the mountain!" Seeing the two headed snake slowly crawling out of the ground, countless Zhenwu people said with fear. If it wasn't for the sudden rainstorm in the provincial capital, which obscured the sight, maybe someone could see a giant snake more than ten miles away. This giant snake was too huge. When ye erzu and I sneaked into Lingwu sect, this giant snake was not so big.

This giant snake must be lurking underground, devouring the essence and blood of those dead Zhenwu people, and then it grows up again in a very short time.

The double headed snake slowly climbed out of the ground, its huge body directly blocked the Mountain Gate of Lingwu sect, and the whole foot of the mountain was about to be occupied by this strange double headed snake.

"Variants?" Zhao Fugui pushed aside the collapsed floor and other things, and stood up directly from the ruins. The collapsed floor and impact did not affect Zhao Fugui at all. Although there was no Daoli, the body of Dacheng in Taiping daoshu could easily resist such attacks.

When Zhao Fugui saw the head in the middle of the two snake heads, he immediately recognized it. It must be a variant, but the variant came to the foot of the Lingwu sect. The Lingwu sect didn't find it. I'm afraid there is no one in the duty room of the detector now. In this situation, I'm afraid no one can work at ease.

"Zhao Fugui, ye erzu didn't kill you. You are very lucky, but you are dead today. I want to avenge my son!" Ye Zhu's head in the middle of the two huge snake heads is staring at Zhao Fugui from a high position. His eyes are full of hatred. He stares at Zhao Fugui and screams.

"Your son? Who's your son, also a member of the Ye family? " Zhao Fugui waves to stop the Lingwu sect people who want to rush over and slowly walks to the giant snake and says.

First, ye erzu came to revenge, and now even this mutant has come to revenge. It's like Zhao Fugui really destroyed the whole Ye family. Today, when this story is spread, I'm afraid Zhenwu circle will think that Zhao Fugui really did it.

"My son is Tang Bao, the man you killed in Shangjing! My son has been clever since he was a child. He has always been a good boy. I didn't expect you to kill him, my precious son. I'm going to avenge him today. I'm not only going to kill you, I'm going to kill all the people you know, so that they don't have a place to die! " Ye Zhu cried out bitterly.

"Tang Bao? The man who ambushed me in Beijing? If you don't have the ability, don't kill like others, or you will die easily. I'm afraid your baby son is a disaster to others. It's a good thing for others to die! " Zhao Fugui said coldly. Tang Bao and Zhao Fugui still remember that this guy was fighting with dragon Qi to suppress Zhao Fugui in Shangjing. He took more than 100 big gangsters to encircle and kill Zhao Fugui, but he didn't expect that even if Zhao Fugui was suppressed by dragon Qi, he would not be able to compete with those big gangsters just by his body.I'm afraid Tang Shali would have been killed if he wasn't the one who protected his family. This kind of person is also worthy of being called a good obedient child?

"Zhao Fugui, how dare you insult my son? You don't have much strength now. I want you to die, I want you to die!" Ye Zhu's eyes turn red instantly. She screams bitterly. A huge snake head opens its mouth fiercely and sucks fiercely at Zhao Fugui.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui suddenly felt a strong suction coming from the huge snake mouth, but the huge snake head did not want to suck Zhao Fugui into his mouth, but wanted to suck away Zhao Fugui's vitality and essence.

Strange suction came from the huge snake mouth. At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt that his spirit and spirit began to be unstable, as if even his soul would be sucked away by this strange snake head. Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the two handed snake was so strange. Sure enough, no one was easy to deal with.

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