Super Monk

Chapter 2476

"You deal with the things here first. I'll talk with Mr. Li later and ask the Moon Palace to add some equipment to us!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said to the people in the monitoring room.

"Headmaster, I also have something important to report!" Elder Ren said quickly.

"I'll see Mr. Li first. You'll have something to talk about later." Zhao Fugui can't hide the excitement of elder Ren. He knows that this guy must have some ghost ideas, but now he has no time to talk with Ren long.

"Yes, master!" Ren long is like being poured a head of cold water, look a little stiff said.

Zhao Fugui comes out of the monitoring room. Li's car has already stopped at the gate of Lingwu sect. He and several people have already arrived in Lingwu sect.

"Fugui, I'm relieved to see that you're OK. Now the situation is complicated. It's not easy for us to directly intervene in the affairs of Zhenwu circle. Things happen so fast that we don't even have time to negotiate! " Seeing Zhao Fugui, Li shook his head and said helplessly. If we want to directly intervene in the affairs of Zhenwu circle, we must send heavy troops to intervene, but this kind of thing can not be carried out in a hurry. If it's something else, they can coordinate, but this matter involves ye Tiannan, and it happens so fast that they can't even coordinate.

"It's not so easy for ye Tiannan to kill me!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this matter. Richness, let's find a place to talk about it first!" Old Li sighed and said, but it's only a month since I saw him. His hair has turned a lot whiter and he looks a lot older. Now, with the problem of variant becoming more and more serious, old Li is afraid that he can't do what he wants.

"Go inside!" Zhao Fugui nodded and took Mr. Li to the innermost villas of Lingwu sect. These villas have just been cleaned up, and there are signs of fighting in some places.

"Richness, what's going on with the Minsk? Now North America has identified the Minsk as a shipwreck, which is probably the most serious shipwreck in history. They are very strict in their intelligence blockade. Up to now, we can't get any useful information. We don't know what's going on. We just know that this matter may have something to do with the American seal! " As soon as Mr. Li sat down, he said directly.

"Minsk was sunk by a sea monster, which took us to an underground cavity, but I don't know where it is!" Zhao Fugui then gave Mr. Li a brief account of what happened on the Minsk.

"You mean that underground cavity is sealed with a dragon made up of parasites?" Boss Li was shocked and asked with a shocked face.

"Yes, that dragon is all made up of parasitic bodies. The number of parasitic bodies is almost endless. I don't know how many there are!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Is there so many variants in just one North American seal?" Old Li murmured, his eyes showing deep concern.

"Mr. Li, so the whole world is more than just a sealed place?" Zhao Fugui also frowned and asked, "one seal land has enough mutants. If there are more seal land, there will be no future for human beings. Once those parasites are released.

"According to our latest information, there are Kyushu seals in the world, which are collectively referred to as Kyushu seals. It is said that there are five seals in total. The American seal is one of them, and now it is said that three seals have been opened, and the North American seal is one of them! " Li said with a sigh, "it is said that there are only two seals left, one of which is the seal of northern Europe, and the other is the seal of kunxu."

"There is no news about the seal of northern Europe at the moment. The seal of kunxu is printed with ye Tiannan sitting in the town, which is relatively safe at present. Nordic seal there, several Nordic countries are still looking for, once found there will be blocked, no one is allowed to enter! At present, we have reached a consensus with several countries in North America and Europe that no matter whether the crisis caused by the variant is global or not, it will not be allowed to happen! " Li said.

"The seal of Ye Tiannan sitting in kunxu? Can he be trusted? " When Zhao Fugui heard that ye Tiannan was guarding the seal of kunxu, he suddenly said something ugly. But no wonder ye erzu came to take revenge on him, but ye Tiannan didn't come. It turns out that's the reason. This guy is in the kunxu town.

"Ye Tiannan is the God of war in China. He has not done anything harmful to the country for so many years. The country still trusts him! In addition, ye Tiannan is not allowed to enter kunxu even if he has other ideas! " Mr. Li said, "you and ye Tiannan really have a personal feud, but I hope you can bear it now. After all, the variant is too important to have any problems!"

"Ye Tiannan has entrusted me to apologize to you. He has found out that the destruction of the Ye family has nothing to do with you. If he has a chance in the future, he will apologize to you face to face!"

"Ye Tiannan is really interesting. He can advance and retreat freely. He wants to expose this matter with an apology!" Zhao Fugui said coldly with a flash of cold light in his eyes. If Zhao Fugui's strength was a little weak and he lacked a little luck, I'm afraid he would have died long ago and the Lingwu sect would have been even. Seeing that he can't kill Zhao Fugui, ye Tiannan wants to let it go with a casual apology. He really regards himself as a big man who can't move."Rich and noble, as long as the problem of the variant is solved, if you want to take revenge on ye Tiannan, no one will stop it, but now you are also very clear about the situation. The country needs you and ye Tiannan. I hope you can put the overall situation first Li Lao advised.

"I don't believe ye Tiannan. There must be something wrong with him. You should make more preparations for kunxu." Zhao Fugui frowned and said, "for the time being, I won't go to him for trouble. I'm not a person who doesn't know the importance. I'll wait until the Kyushu seal and the Changsheng organization are settled!"

"Rich and noble, I'm relieved to have you! The seal of Kyushu is really troublesome. I didn't expect that if you went there yourself, you couldn't stop the Changsheng organization from opening the seal of North America. However, kovinus, the ancestor of the wolf clan, one of the five gods of Changsheng organization, died. This is good news. There are still four of the five gods left. The risk has been reduced a lot! " Li said with a sigh of relief.

"The key is that we don't know enough about the seal of Kyushu. We don't know how they are going to open it. Otherwise, there will be opportunities to stop them. Now I don't know how they will open the seal. It's hard to stop them! " Zhao Fugui said, "in addition, there are four gods in Changsheng organization, Xuezu and the other three gods who don't know their origins, so they may not be easy to deal with!"

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