Super Monk

Chapter 248

"Plop" soil falls on Xia Hongyan's side, splashes a piece of water and falls on Xia Hongyan. Xia Hongyan is not afraid. Instead, she laughs, like a big white fish swimming to the side.

Chen Jia blushed as if he wanted to bleed, and Zhao Fugui was a little embarrassed. It seemed that there was a trace of fragrance left on his palm.

"Well, I don't think you should go to the coral reef to take photos. The water there is too deep and dangerous!" Zhao Fugui is a little afraid to look at Chen Jia. He looks at Xia Hongyan and says.

"That's no good. It's very useful for us to take this group of pictures of inland underwater scenery. It's related to a big advertising magazine. We have to take them!" Chen Jia said immediately.

As long as the drowning people are rescued, they will recover quickly. Many of them don't need to be sent to the hospital for observation and treatment. Chen Jia doesn't want to go to the hospital, so she has to continue to take photos.

"Mr. Zhao, we won't shoot if you don't have coral reefs here, but we don't want to miss the beautiful red coral here." Xia Hongyan in the lake also said.

"Yes, we must shoot it!" Chen Jia also nodded firmly and said, but she hesitated and worried in her eyes. She almost drowned in the lake just now. Chen Jia hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to go into the water again.

Zhao Fugui can't persuade the two girls, so he can only get ready to go into the water again. He hopes Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia won't have an accident, otherwise first aid will be a trouble.

"Jiajia, what's the matter with you? Come down quickly Xia Hongyan sees Chen Jia standing on the Bank of the lake and doesn't get into the water. She waves and shouts in surprise.

"I dare not go into the water, I'm afraid!" Chen Jia was crying with her camera on her back, but she couldn't step into the water.

"Then what? Why don't we come back tomorrow! " Xia Hongyan saw her best friend's face of fear, slowly swam over and said.

"How can we do that? We'll hand in the sample the day after tomorrow. I'll have to deal with the photos tomorrow. It's too late to deal with them tomorrow! " Chen Jia said anxiously.

"Then you dare not go into the water. What can you do?" Xia Hongyan also anxiously said. This group of photos is of little significance to Xia Hongyan, but it is different to Chen Jialai.

Chen Jia is well-known in China's photography circle, but this group of photos may help her further.

"Why don't I do it for you?" Zhao Fugui raised his hand and said.

Suddenly, two wonderful eyes fell on Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui was at a loss when he was looked at by these two hot eyes. It's OK to be stared at by beautiful women, but the key is that these two beautiful women are wearing sexy swimsuits, and Zhao Fugui's black face will soon turn red.

"Do you know underwater photography?" Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia asked in unison. The two beauties thought at the same time, "photography has become a commodity these days, even the head of a small village can play."

"I took all those billboard pictures of corals in the city!" Zhao Fugui said.

"My God, the developers in Xiaowan village should be very rich. They don't want to find a professional photographer to shoot advertisements, but they let you shoot them. The developer's brain is really big! " Xia Hongyan exclaimed.

"Beauty is right, but Mr. Zhao's photos are also very good!" Chen Jia nodded, thought about it and said, "please help us to take a picture of it. If I dare to go into the water later, I'll take another picture myself!"

"There is no developer in Xiaowan village!" Zhao Fugui whispered, but he didn't bother to explain to Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia.

"Jiajia, are you right? My mother took a plane shot, every minute is thousands of pieces, an hour minimum also need 120000. Now you ask an amateur to take pictures of me? " Xia Hongyan is dissatisfied with the call up.

Zhao Fugui said, "I'm afraid you're drowning, so I want to help you, OK? You have thousands of yuan a minute, but I still have tens of thousands of yuan a minute! "

"Beauty, don't be so angry. Mr. Zhao also helps us!" Chen Jia appeases Xia Hongyan for a long time, but she doesn't know what to say. Xia Hongyan turns angry into happy and nods her head and agrees to let Zhao Fugui shoot.

"Well, let the head of black village shoot first. Jiajia, you can recover quickly. I'm afraid that the level of the head of the black village can't keep up Xia Hongyan casually teased Zhao Fugui and said.

"All right, all right, I'll get ready as soon as I can!" Chen Jia repeatedly nods to coax Xia Hongyan, and then says to Zhao Fugui, "Mr. Zhao, I'll trouble you. Here's the camera. I've adjusted the camera. You can shoot it directly!"

Chen Jia originally wanted to explain to Zhao Fugui the three elements of photography and the golden ratio. Later, she thought it over. It's not a photography class. Besides, the talent of photography accounts for most of the quality. If you have talent, you don't need to talk about it. If you don't have talent, you can talk about it in vain.

Zhao Fugui took the camera, did not dare to look at Chen Jia carefully, quickly turned around and jumped into the black dragon pool.

"Miss Xia, we'll start shooting when you're ready!" Zhao Fugui jumps into the water and fiddles with the camera. He says to Xia Hongyan that this camera is the same as Chen Yihan's, but the lens is slightly different. It's not difficult for Zhao Fugui.

"OK, village head Zhao, you can take a good picture. Don't be blind. I'm such a good model!" Xia Hongyan said.Xia Hongyan and Zhao Fugui swim to Heilongtan again. Chen Jia is standing on the Bank of the lake. The sunlight falls on her white porcelain body, making her like a goddess walking out of the halo. Zhao Fugui looked at it and did not dare to look back. He thought that these two women were really a disaster to the country and the people.

"It's almost here. Are you ready, Miss Xia?" About one or two miles away from the East Bank of the lake, Zhao Fugui felt that the position was almost the same. He turned back and said to Xia Hongyan.

"Let's start shooting then!" Xia Hongyan flashed an inexplicable light in her eyes. She gathered her long hair and said. Zhao Fugui swallows his saliva and quickly looks away. This Xia Hongyan is really out of line.

Zhao Fugui found afraid to look at themselves, Xia Hongyan proud smile, and then turned to dive into the water, swimming to the bottom. Xia Hongyan is really a professional model. She stretches her body in the water, and all kinds of movements are wonderful. Zhao Fugui keeps taking pictures behind him.

After a while, I took photos from behind, after a while, I swam to the front, or above or below Xia Hongyan. After a while, I took dozens of photos.

Fiery red coral appears at the foot, Xia Hongyan suddenly stops above the coral and doesn't move. Zhao Fugui looks at her in surprise and doesn't know what she wants to do. After waiting for a few seconds, Zhao Fugui suddenly saw Xia Hongyan reach out to her back and slowly pull open the swimsuit rope on her back.

Zhao Fugui's eyes widened in an instant. Shit, what's going on?

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