Super Monk

Chapter 2481

Zhao Fugui doesn't believe in ye Tiannan, but the people above believe him. After all, ye Tiannan is the God of war in China, and has never done anything to threaten China. The contradiction between Zhao Fugui and ye Tiannan is only considered as a personal feud. Even if Zhao Fugui says that ye Tiannan has a problem, the people above will think that it is because they have personal feuds and will not pay attention to it.

Zhao Fugui is also very clear about this. Even if he tells Mr. Li that ye Tiannan has a problem, it's useless. Even if Mr. Li believes it, he won't believe it. That's why Zhao Fugui wants to go to kunxu in person. Since kunxu is the most important, Zhao Fugui wants to see kunxu in person.

"The situation at kunxu is very complicated!" Mr. Li hesitated for a while on the phone before he said, "you can't know these things now, but now the situation is complicated and dangerous. I'd better tell you first."

"You say it Zhao Fugui frowned and said, listening to Mr. Li's hesitant voice, he knew that the situation in kunxu was not so simple.

"In fact, we know very little about kunxu. Since the national scientific research institutions discovered the existence of kunxu 30 years ago, we have invested 12 groups of scientific researchers in kunxu! These people are top scientists, folklore experts, feng shui experts, historians, and absolutely loyal soldiers of the security department. There are more than 300 people in 12 groups. From the first group to the last group seven years ago, no one can come back alive Li took a deep breath and said that these are not very good meetings. Many of those experts are Li's comrades in arms, but no one can come back. Kunxu is like a gate to hell, only allowed to enter but not allowed to leave.

"All these people died in the kunxu?" Zhao Fugui asked in surprise that the state will never be rash in scientific research. As shown in some movies and TV programs, it is OK to send some people randomly. There must be a strict plan and strict selection of personnel. All aspects will be taken into consideration. I dare not say that there is no risk. At least there is a good chance of winning.

Twelve groups of people were sent to the past, and all of them never came back. This only shows two problems. First, kunxu is very important and must be studied, even if the loss of personnel is serious. Second, there is an extreme danger that even the country's carefully selected personnel cannot return safely.

"I don't dare to say if I died in it. I can only say that I don't see people alive and I don't see corpses dead!" Li sighed and said, "in fact, after the fourth group of personnel did not return, the northern military region organized a 12000 person army search and rescue work. However, after the troops entered, many strange things happened and serious casualties occurred. Finally, when all instruments failed and almost all communications were lost, the leaders of the military region had to stop the search and rescue after asking for instructions. The judgment at that time was that if the search and rescue were forced to continue, it might not and could not come back! "

"After that search and rescue operation, the research of kunxu was terminated for five years, and then it started again five years later. We had new equipment and the best experts, but the results were always the same. Kunxu is a place where you can't get in and out. There is no exception! "

"More than 10000 troops almost disappeared?" Zhao Fugui's brows wrinkled tightly. Although it was dangerous to seal the underground cavity in North America, if the underground cavity was on land, it would not be nice to say. If there were no casualties, the mutant dragon would not be called to the underground cavity. In a month, Huaxia would definitely push it flat, but kunxu was obviously not so simple.

"Yes, these files are top secret and will never be made public. It's not that I don't want you to go to kunxu, but I can't go at all! " Li Lao said helplessly.

"What is ye Tiannan guarding at kunxu? Can he go in? " Zhao Fugui asked again.

"Although ye Tiannan is known as the God of war in China, he is not a real God after all, and he can't get in and out of kunxu safely. He is actually guarding the entrance of kunxu to prevent people from entering kunxu quietly! " Li said, "in addition, in view of the recent situation, I do not recommend you to meet ye Tiannan!"

"In that case, it seems that the secret of kunxu can only be known when the seal of northern Europe is over!" Zhao Fugui was noncommittal about Li's suggestion that he should meet ye Tiannan now. After pondering for a while, he continued to say, "is there still no news from the northern European seal?"

"Not yet, but the general scope of the Nordic seal has been determined by our European friends. Its location should be on the European continent. This is good news, which means that this operation may be able to send support!" Li said.

"Kunxu and the seal of northern Europe are just like this for the time being. As soon as there is any new news, let me know immediately. If possible, no one wants to turn the world into hell, except the people of Changsheng organization!" Zhao Fugui said that he didn't have much confidence in Li's support. If he went to northern Europe to seal his name, he might still rely on himself.

Those guys in Europe can't even solve some refugees and terrorists. Can they expect them to deal with the immortal God, a creature with several dimensions?

"I'll let you know as soon as I have news. Now we can only rely on you to stop them!" Li said with a sigh, then hung up the phone.

At the same time, somewhere in Europe, a private plane landed at a Greek airport, and soon several Europeans in windbreaker stepped down from the private plane."The air here is really good, full of fresh taste, but it won't be long before the air will be filled with a better taste!" The first white man to get off the plane showed an evil smile on his face and took a deep breath. Then he looked up at the dazzling sunshine and said in disgust, "I hate this thing that is always hanging in the sky. I really hope that one day it can be destroyed!"

"Maybe when you become Apollo, the real Apollo, it will become your everything and follow your will!" Behind the white man, another man in a windbreaker said with reserve.

"The sun god? No, the blood clan will never belong to the light. We are the dark race who betray God. We will always be with the dark There was an ironic smile on the tall white man's face, then he continued, "the appointed time has come, we can start! I've always hated Corvinus, but now he has finally done something that I don't hate, that is death. But as an enemy, I'm happy to help him do one thing, that is revenge. I will avenge him to prove that I am always stronger than him! "

"Yes, my Lord, as you wish!" The windbreaker behind him bowed respectfully and said.

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