Super Monk

Chapter 2484

"The longevity organization went to northern Europe to seal?" Zhao Fugui stood up fiercely and asked in a deep voice. He didn't expect these guys to move so fast. But it's not surprising that there is not only one God in the organization, and they are powerful and have no shortage of manpower. Their actions must be one by one. Since the seal of North America is successful, they will go on to the next seal.

"Yes, according to the information received yesterday, some European intelligence officers found akura in Greece. The blood ancestor appeared in Greece, and the joint intelligence unit in North America and Europe determined that the Nordic seal was in Greece according to the interrogation of the traitor of Changsheng organization, and the Nordic seal was probably near the Olympus mountains. The joint action teams in Europe and North America have passed. This time, we are cooperating with them. They are responsible for the main action. But I don't trust them very much, so I want you to pass! " Li laofei said quickly.

"We cooperate with them? That's to give them a hand? Where do Europeans and North Americans have the confidence that they can deal with the immortal God without using a large number of regular troops? " Zhao Fugui said coldly. In North America, Zhao Fugui and Bob have basically figured out the situation in North America. The high-end combat power in North America is to transform people. They rely on the power of combat clusters to deal with powerful variants.

The combat cluster is really powerful. The armored cluster cooperates with the air force cluster. As long as the combat cluster is big enough to use all kinds of weapons wantonly, there are few targets that they can't eliminate.

Although Zhao Fugui has never been to Greece, he also knows that there is a tourist attraction in the Olympus mountains. No matter what the reason, the Greek government will not allow Europe and North America to bomb there. You should know that the Olympus mountain is not only a tourist resort, but also a Greek resort. According to Greek legend, the Olympus mountain is the land of gods. If it was bombed by Europe and North America, how would the Greek government explain to its citizens?

Therefore, Europe and North America can only send high-end combat power in the past. To put it mildly, what kind of high-end combat power are those who transform people? The strength of North America is based on its strong military strength, super strong naval and Air Force combat cluster and nuclear weapons. In the words of a North American five-star general decades ago, North America does not need strong men.

North America doesn't need strong people. In a sense, North America really doesn't need strong people. Their military capabilities can basically solve any problem. However, the world environment decades ago is different from what it is now. In this operation, the military strength of North America and Europe can not play a role at all. They can only rely on high-end combat power to solve the problem. But even so, North America and Europe are not willing to cooperate with Huaxia on an equal footing, and they even want Huaxia to fight against them. What a joke.

"It's not to attack them. We are observers. They act. We observe and see what they do!" Li said.

"Arrogant American, it seems that the loss in the sixth inning last time didn't make them remember long!" Zhao Fugui said with a sneer, "I can't rely on them at all. Mr. Li, you can arrange the plane, and I'll get there right away!"

"Well, richness, I'll arrange it right away! You'll go to the provincial airport later, fly from the Provincial Airport to Mordor, and then fly directly from Mordor to Greece. After arriving in Greece, you'll make peace with them in Greece! " Mr. Li immediately said that there was no direct flight to Greece at the Provincial Airport, so he had to go to Mordor airport first.

Although Zhao Fugui has a private plane, it can not fly directly to Greece. One is the problem of voyage, the other is the problem of formalities. After all, it takes a long time to make arrangements to fly across the borders of several countries. It's better to take a plane directly. Mr. Li and his colleagues can make arrangements to let the plane go ahead of time or delay waiting for Mr. Zhao Fugui to pass.

"I know. If you have any new information, please contact me again!" Zhao Fugui nodded and hung up.

"Richness, what's the matter?" Chen Yihan just came over before Zhao Fugui answered the phone. After hearing Zhao Fugui's call, she immediately asked.

"There's something wrong with the northern European seal. The people from Changsheng organization have already passed, and I'm going to rush there right away!" Zhao Fugui said briefly. Then he waved to others and said, "if you have any questions about the expansion of Zhenwu army, you can find Ren long and Huangfu Wudi. That's it!"

"Leader Zhao, let's go first!" The heads and elders of other Zhenwu aristocratic families looked at their eyes, nose and heart, as if they had not heard Zhao Fugui's phone call just now. They immediately bowed to Zhao Fugui and said.

"Come with me. The leader has something important to do. Let's go elsewhere to discuss the specific arrangements!" Ren long said, and then Huangfu and Ren long went out with the owners and elders of the dazhenwu family.

"Richness, North America and Europe say they deal with Nordic seals, so don't go!" As soon as the others left, Chen Yihan said anxiously, "there are four other gods in Changsheng organization, one more powerful than the other. The last time you went to northern Europe to seal, you just met a kovinus, which is so dangerous. If Changsheng organization went to several more gods this time, you will be in danger!"

"Corvinus is not a big trouble. It's not difficult to kill him. I don't have to deal with him because I'm expending so much power!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "the Nordic seal is not the most important seal. The Changsheng organization will not put all its strength there. I estimate that this time they will only go to one God at most, namely akura, the blood ancestor. Their main strength should be the seal of kunxu, which is the most dangerous place! ""Akura's strength is not much better than kovinus. I'm not worried about him. On the contrary, I'm not here for Lingwu sect. I'm afraid ye Tiannan will make other moves. Although he is unlikely to do it himself, he may do some small moves!" Zhao Fugui pondered for a while and continued to say, "I leave the ghost emperor in Lingwu sect to protect you. The ghost emperor also has the power of demigod. It can deal with ordinary enemies with it!"

"You don't have to worry about us. Those sealed places are too dangerous. You must take the ghost emperor with you!" Chen Yihan said firmly, "the Zhenwu army of Lingwu sect has left 500 people with all kinds of weapons. Jiling has also found the monkey that Ji Wei turned into. Now the monkey that Ji Wei turned into has the strength of the myth triple heaven. Mandrill, big black and ghost will also be able to deal with the same strong. Other people's injuries are slowly recovering. With such strength in the mountain, it will be OK! ”

"we don't know what Nordic seal is, don't let us worry!"

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