Super Monk

Chapter 2489

"Well, psycho, is it because you have some money at home? What's the big deal Seeing Zhao Fugui and them leaving, Jiang Cheng said with a cold snort.

"What do you know?" Liya said disdainfully, pulling her suitcase and stepping on high-heeled shoes, she went directly to the outside of the terminal. Jiang Cheng's face was ugly, so he ran to take the initiative to pull up the suitcase, accompanied by a smiling face and talked to Liya, but Liya still ignored him.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm Jones, the local liaison officer of Greece. I'm responsible for sending you to the contact point. The action teams of North America and the European Union have arrived, and they will start operation after morning!" Outside the airport terminal, as soon as Zhao Fugui and Zhao Fugui appeared, a white man came and said in the Chinese language of Liuli.

"Trouble you!" Zhao Fugui nodded and followed Jones to the outside. There was already a car with diplomatic license plate waiting outside. Several people got on the car soon.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know if your contact person has introduced some arrangements for this operation to you, so I'd like to briefly introduce some information about this operation first!" When the car left Athens Airport, Jones sat in the co driver's seat, turned back and said with a smile to Zhao Fugui, "this operation is led by North American command, assisted by EU special operations team, and you, as an overseas observer of China, will be responsible for observing this operation!"

"That is to say, the North American operation team is in charge of the command and responsibility of this operation, and the EU operation team participates in it. Mr. Zhao, you have only the right to observe, but not the right to act. You should obey the command, not act without authorization, and not threaten the success of the operation. I hope Mr. Zhao can keep this in mind!"

Although Jones is smiling, what he says has a sense of supremacy. North America is acting around the world to solve all the things they think are troublesome. They obviously have absolute confidence in themselves. I'm afraid they didn't pay attention to their last defeat in the sixth inning. Even those arrogant Americans may not find the sixth inning agent parasitized by Fang Nan .

"Have you ever dealt with longevity?" Zhao Fugui asked suddenly.

"Of course not. The Changsheng organization is just an outdated organization. In 1945, we could force them to give in and withdraw from the world stage, and now they will not be our opponents. They're like fleas coming out of the garbage. We'll trample them all to death Jones raised his chin slightly and said confidently.

"Yes? It seems that Changsheng will have a very happy game this time! " Zhao Fugui said noncommittally.

"Of course, we are hunters, they are prey, it will be a happy hunting operation!" Jones said with a smug smile.

"I like your confidence!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said with a smile.

The city of Athens is full of exotic customs. The streets in the early morning are extremely clean and quiet. Only occasionally one or two people in windbreaker walk slowly through the streets. Soon after, the bus drove to a resort hotel on the outskirts of Athens. It's not the peak tourist season, and it seems that there are not many guests in the resort hotel.

"Oh, my God, it's amazing that they don't need any rest at all!" Jones took Zhao Fugui and they got out of the car and went into a separate holiday villa. There was a lot of noise in the villa. The North American and European action teams did not rest, but played cards all night.

In the hall of the villa, a group of burly white and black people are gathering to play blackjack. The hall of the villa is full of smoke, which is like thick fog. Many strong white men and black people sitting on the card table are smoking cigars and even marijuana.

There are still several people on the side of the villa who don't play cards. These guys have two people playing sandbags around a special sandbag. The dull sound of sandbags is like the sound of a pile driver.

As soon as Zhao Fugui shows up with Xia murizi and lilisi, the villa is quiet. When Zhao Fugui sees these guys, he immediately frowns. How can these mobs, who don't pay any attention to the enemy and play cards all night before the war, have the confidence to "hunt" the immortal organization?

These guys really think that North America is the number one military power in the world, so they can walk across the world, and no one dares to move them?

"Ha ha, our dear Huaxia weak chicken is here. He's coming so fast. I thought this guy would hide until the end of the task, and then pretend to come and have a look. It's the completion of the task!" A strong white man said with a big grin and full of ridicule.

"This damned Chinese guy is still with a girl and a kid. He thinks he's coming for an outing!" Another white man sneered.

"Hey, be careful what you say. This guy is said to be a strong Chinese. Be careful if he gets angry and kicks your ass!" Another strong black man said with a loud grin while playing cards.

"Kick my ass? Kiss my ass is almost the same, Chinese monkey, kiss my ass, ha ha ha The white man who spoke before actually stood up carelessly, turned to Zhao Fugui, slapped his ass twice, and yelled with a loud sneer, half of the people in the room also laughed.

But at this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed by, and the white man who was patting his butt was surprised. He rushed forward and ran into the card table, and directly overturned it. The chips and Meijin fell to the ground like rain."Insult your master and die!" Xia muhualizi holds a sword in his hand and stares coldly at the white man who has just provoked. He says coldly that Zhao Fugui is standing beside him. He doesn't mean to stop Xia muhualizi at all. These guys' mouths stink. Zhao Fugui doesn't mind giving them a lesson.

"Damn bitches!" The white man who bumped into the card table like a dog eating excrement stood up in a rage and wanted to rush towards Yamada. But he just took two steps and fell to the ground with a bang. A stream of oil was flowing out of his body. When the white man looked back, he saw that half of his body had been cut, if not just He was quick to hide. Now I'm afraid he's been cut in half. "My titanium alloy bone, you can cut off titanium alloy!"

The white man looked at Xia Mu Hua Lizi in horror. His face was full of disbelief. He was a mechanical man. His bones were made of titanium alloy. Although it was not the strongest super titanium alloy, it could not be easily destroyed. How could this seemingly weak woman cut off his titanium alloy bones?

"That's enough, Miller. You can't deal with a woman. You're so shameful. Get him down and fix him!" Just then another rough voice came up and said.

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