Super Monk

Chapter 2499

"These stupid guys are really vengeful. They left us behind!" More than 20 Military Humvees left the airport in a straight line, and all the other vehicles drove to the front. Only Zhao Fugui and his Humvee fell at the end, even far away from the car in front.

"Let's just let them go ahead and get rid of the miscellaneous fish of the longevity organization!" Zhao Fugui said with indifference that only one or two masters of Changsheng organization will come this time, but I'm afraid the number of miscellaneous fish will not be small. The first task of Changsheng organization is to open the seal of northern Europe, and the second task is to kill Zhao Fugui. It must be miscellaneous fish to deal with these mechanical transformation people and strengthening people. I'm afraid Changsheng God is too lazy to deal with them.

"Master, we are about ten kilometers away from the scope of the Olympus mountains. Then we will enter the lalman pass. After passing the lalman pass, we will go along the mountain road and wasteland for about twenty kilometers to reach the aucklay pass! After entering aucklay pass, the road leading to the main peak of Olympus can't be entered by vehicles. You need to walk to reach the main peak of Olympus! " Xia muhui opened a map, pointed to the map and said, "because of the intelligence problem, we only know that the ground of this mission is about near the main peak of Olympus, others are not clear, and we don't know where the entrance is. I think if the Changsheng organization wants to stop us, it should be carried out in a certain advantageous terrain area near the main peak!"

"The people of Changsheng are very proud. They know that no matter what the situation, the Greek government will not allow anyone to use heavy weapons to bombard Olympus. Therefore, they may attack us at any time. They have no scruples and don't care about the advantageous terrain!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

In a battle, only when they think that their own power is slightly weak, or when both sides balance power, will they consider what terrain to ambush. Once one side thinks that they have absolute advantage, then they will not consider what time, place, environment, they will attack as long as they want to.

"The Greeks sealed off the whole Mount Olympus, which is convenient for our action!" Soon you can see a large mountain range from a distance. On the periphery of the mountain range, there are Greek soldiers patrolling everywhere. These soldiers cut off the road and do not allow any tourists to come near. Zhao Fugui opened the window and looked outside, and saw that many tourists were stopped.

However, it seems that Mount Olympus is not a particularly popular tourist area. Only a few dozen tourists are stopped, and most of them seem to turn around and return to the city after they are stopped.

"Why did you suddenly block Olympus? Why is there no reminder on the travel tips? " Just under the mountains, Li Ya, a long legged beauty with long hair and shawl, complained in English to a Greek soldier who stopped them. After landing from Mordor to Athens Airport on an international flight, Li Ya and Jiang Cheng took the train directly to come here. Their original plan was to stay in Olympus for two days, and then take a special train "Oriental Express" across the European continent Across the continent to London.

Dongfang Qijia is a special tourist train, it only receives tourists, just like a mobile Hotel, which has three levels of tickets for sale. The most expensive ticket provides the best room, which is made up of a whole train carriage. The ticket for 11 days and 10 nights is 80000 pounds. You can enjoy the service of a five-star hotel with a British Butler on the train these days. The worst ticket is 30000 and the worst is 16000.

Jiang Cheng couldn't bear to spend so much money, but he wanted to have a romantic trip to Europe, so he bought a half way ticket. He and Li Ya only need to spend 6000 pounds to get to England by train, but that's why their first stop can only be at Olympus.

"Why is such a big mountain blocked for no reason? Is it because of the possibility of debris flow or earthquake? " Jiang Cheng said to himself.

"Come on, Olympus is a stone mountain. Besides, there's no rainstorm. Where's the debris flow! In addition, the world can't give early warning for earthquakes. How can it be because of this? " Li Ya takes a contemptuous look at Jiang Cheng and says that Xindao doesn't know how he is studying abroad. He doesn't even have any common sense.

"Yes? I'm just talking about it Jiang Cheng said awkwardly.

As soon as the convoy of military Humvees drove over from Greece, it just slowed down a little.

"Well, why can't we go in if they can?" Jiang Cheng saw the motorcade directly drive in, and asked a Greek soldier discontentedly.

"It's Mr. Zhao. He's in the car, too!" Just at this time, the motorcade slowed down and passed. Li Ya saw Zhao Fugui in the last military Humvee. When Li Yadun screamed, his eyes widened.

"Zhao Fugui? How can he be in the car? Look at the license plate. These guys are in military cars. Blockade Mount Olympus and let these guys in. Maybe they are the vanguard troops that the president of a certain country wants to visit. Let them take charge of security first, and then the president will visit again. It must be so! How can Zhao Fugui get into such a security force? The people sitting in these cars may be the president's bodyguards! " Jiang Cheng said with disdain."Anyway, I'm not wrong. It must be Mr. Zhao in the car. Mr. Zhao's identity is really mysterious. Are these motorcades escorting him to visit Olympus?" Li Ya's eyes brightened and she said to herself that her heart was filled with remorse. If she had known that Zhao Fugui was such a powerful person, she should have tried her best to get close to Zhao Fugui on the plane. Maybe she could reach the sky step by step, instead of wandering around with some incompetent turtle like Jiang Cheng. She even had to take a ride on any train and had no money I want to be romantic.

"How can it be, Xiaoya? What kind of President do you think Zhao Fugui is the son of a financial oligarch?" Jiang Cheng said with ridicule.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you. The blockade of these Greek soldiers is not very tight. There are not many soldiers in the place where there is no road. They can enter from there. If I can catch up with Mr. Zhao and meet him by chance, Mr. Zhao won't drive me away. Maybe he will take me on a trip with him! " Li Ya said excitedly, then she turned around and hurried to the distance.

"Xiaoya, what are you talking about? We are going to take the Orient express this afternoon." Jiang Cheng's face changed and he ran after him and said.

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