Super Monk

Chapter 254

A few people on the shore were surprised to see that Zhao Fugui had caught the giant fish so quickly with his bare hands. This level is even worse than white streaks.

"Expert Li, come down and have a look?" Zhao Fugui grabbed the freshwater sturgeon and swam to the shore with it, shouting to expert Li who was standing on the Bank of the lake.

Now it's getting dark, and the temperature by the lake is not as high as that in the daytime. The big black dragon lake is a bit seeping. Expert Li thinks that he is an expert. How can he get into the water? This bumpkin really doesn't know how to respect intellectuals.

"You take this sturgeon ashore, drag it ashore and let me have a look!" Expert Li stood on the bank and refused to go into the water.

Zhao Fugui, who had always looked at all this and looked at money, was not happy. Now he is even more unhappy after hearing this. This freshwater sturgeon has never left the water. If it is dragged ashore for a long time, it may die.

What's more, expert Li just came to have a look. It costs 50000 yuan to open his mouth, and the provincial capital is only two or three hundred kilometers away from Chengdu. He can earn 50000 yuan a day by coming to play. It's easier for his sister to make money than for a woman in bed. Expert Li doesn't even want to touch the water, so he wants to earn 50000 yuan. How can he do such a good thing.

"Expert Li, it's not very good for fish to be towed ashore. There's no preparation on shore. Fish are easy to dehydrate. Please go down and have a look! " Lin zhinuo also said.

"Miss Lin, I'm a biology professor. I jump into the water to see a fish. It's insulting! If you don't pull the fish ashore, I won't look at it! " Li said unhappily.

Lin zhinuo's face sank. Now what experts and scholars do not have the spirit of hard work except making money. They don't work well after receiving money. What contribution can they expect them to make to the country?

Zhao Fugui didn't want to talk to this biology professor anymore. He quietly let out the water ghost. The water ghost quietly swam to the bank and grabbed expert Li's foot. Expert Li fell into the water with a scream and turned into a drowned chicken.

"Help, help, I can't swim, help me!" Expert Li "fluttered" in the water and cried out in panic.

On the shore of the lake, Lin zhinuo and others were also a little panicked. They were preparing to go into the water to save people, but they heard Zhao Fugui calmly say, "expert Li, the water on the shore is less than 1.5 meters deep, you can stand up directly!"

Li experts panic choked two saliva, suddenly heard Zhao Fugui said, legs down a pedal, really stepped on the ground.

"It seems that something grabbed my leg just now and pulled me down!" Li expert a little blush, did not expect to lose such a big face, quickly whispered excuse.

"Expert Li, we have everything in Xiaowan village, but there is no ghost. Did the water ghost drag you down just now?" Zhao Fugui said on purpose.

"Maybe I remember it wrong. I should have slipped!" Expert Li said with a few laughs that as a professor in a famous university, he can't tell others about feudal superstition.

"Expert Li, you are in the water anyway. Let's have a look at the fish." Zhao Fugui took the freshwater sturgeon to expert Li and said.

"Well, well, let me see!" Expert Li felt that the water was cold and wet. He couldn't wait to go ashore. After wiping his glasses, Li quickly began to see the freshwater sturgeon in Zhao Fugui's arms.

Expert Li Zizai carefully looked at the freshwater sturgeon, then carefully touched the dorsal fin of the freshwater sturgeon, looked at the teeth of the freshwater sturgeon, and finally slowly pinched the soft abdomen of the freshwater sturgeon.

Zhao Fugui found that the physical strength of these freshwater sturgeons was not good. After a while, the freshwater sturgeon had no strength, and now he was lying in the water without moving.

"This subspecies of sturgeon is very rare, very similar to their close relatives Black Sea sturgeon. I think they may be able to produce caviar, but it needs specific experiments, and I'm not sure about it!" Li said after watching for a long time.

"What you said doesn't mean you didn't say it!" Zhao Fugui said discontentedly that these so-called experts and scholars really earn money.

"Young man, this is a systematic subject. No one dares to define it without experiment. What's more, caviar is all imported. Domestic research is not deep. You have to find someone who can make caviar! " Li expert pushed glasses to say.

"Forget it, call it a day!" Zhao Fugui took the freshwater sturgeon for a swim in Heilongtan. After swimming for tens of meters, he dived down. Then he sent the freshwater sturgeon into the water, patted the back of the freshwater sturgeon, and sent the freshwater sturgeon to the bottom of Heilongtan.

Zhao Fugui releases the freshwater sturgeon, returns to the shore, takes Lin zhinuo to walk, several villagers who help nearby also hastily follow up.

Expert Li saw that no one paid any attention to him, and quickly called out, "boss Zhao, Miss Lin, how did you leave? Give me a place to live and get me some food to serve

Expert Li yelled for a long time, but no one paid any attention to him. This expert's level is not so good, but his posture is very high. Originally, Zhao Fugui was preparing to entertain expert Li after his busy work here, but now he doesn't care about the parallel goods expert. Anyway, the money has been given to him. How does this guy like.

"Rich and noble, I'm really sorry. This expert Li was introduced to me by a friend. I didn't expect him to be such a good person!" Lin zhinuo said to Zhao Fugui with an apologetic face."You're not to blame for this. The experts and scholars nowadays are basically of this virtue. There are more people who cheat the name and steal the world, but less people who are really good at it!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "but this can't be put down like this. Developing caviar is a good project. Do you know anyone who understands this?"

"I'll make inquiries first. I'm sure I'll find someone who really knows what to do this time!" Lin zhinuo said.

"Well, I also have to study freshwater sturgeon. It's estimated that there aren't too many of them in Heilong lake. We can't kill chickens to get their eggs. We have to find another way!" Zhao Fugui said.

Fresh caviar is really a good characteristic item, but Zhao Fugui doesn't want to kill fish for eggs. He wants to take fish eggs and keep these freshwater sturgeons alive. It is not difficult to have Taiping daoshu and Lingquan.

Zhao Fugui and Lin zhinuo walk side by side to the village. In the dark, a building with a height of 40-50 meters has appeared on the shore of Heilongtan lake. It is the jumping machine of the water park, and it is about to be built.

"Miss Lin, you are here. Welcome!" Zhao Fugui and Lin zhinuo have just entered the village when they meet Chen Yihan who comes out of the small kitchen. Chen Yihan is surprised to see Lin zhinuo, and takes the initiative to reach out and shake him.

"Miss Chen, I'm still busy so late!" Lin zhinuo is a little upset by Chen Yihan's hostess's gesture, but her face doesn't show the slightest. She shakes hands with Chen Yihan with the same enthusiasm.

Zhao Fugui is the nerve again big, smelled in the air unusual flavor.

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