Super Monk

Chapter 2553

The evil spirits were killed one by one, and the evil demons did not dare to devour the captured people. All the evil demons tore the throat of the evil people and then threw them into the seal of the magic pool. Thousands of corpses are piled up in the magic pool, but they can't fill it at all. The magic pool is too big, even more than 100 meters in diameter, and the corpses of thousands of people can't fill it at all.

However, it's not akura's purpose to fill the magic pool with corpses. Akura, what they need is not the corpses, but the blood flowing out of the corpses.

The blood of thousands of corpses flows on the seal, filling the gaps of those seals little by little. The blood makes the evil Qi under the seal more manic. The evil Qi condenses into strange shapes, and madly impacts the seal, but it can't break the seal at all. However, the seal is darkening at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really effective. The sword Qi is too weak to be checked!" Acura reached over the seal, and the feeling that his arm was about to turn into debris had disappeared. The power of seal overflow was not enough to hurt Acura. "It seems that the power of villain's blood is really effective. The seal has begun to be destroyed!"

"The crack is beginning to widen!" From the position of the statue, he could hardly see the situation in the magic pool, but he seemed to be able to see the situation in the magic pool and suddenly said.

Akula looked down and saw that the cracks on the seal began to expand slowly like cobwebs. Cracks spread on the seal. The small cracks were like a piece of tempered glass that was smashed by a hammer. They were full of cracks and seemed to explode at any time.

"The blood is on the top, the corpse is on the bottom, and the seal is really beginning to be destroyed!" Acura's eyes lit up when he looked at the seal. On the seal of the magic pool, the blood of evil was left on the seal, still spreading along the crack of the seal, but the thousands of corpses began to sink slowly from the seal.

The corpse seemed to ignore the barrier of the seal. It was like falling on the mud pit of the swamp. It fell to the magic pool under the seal. Half a minute later, thousands of corpses disappeared under the magic pool. Tens of thousands of evil demons lie around the magic pool in awe and dare not approach the magic pool at all.

"Boom boom!" The evil Qi in the magic pool condenses into a terrible form. It fiercely bumps into the seal. There are more and more cracks on the seal. It seems that it may be broken at any time and let the things in the magic pool run out.

"There is a voice that can be transmitted. Has the seal been destroyed?" Acura heard the voice and said in surprise. Akura is very clear that the things in the magic pool under the seal seem to be under the seal, but in fact, the things below are not in this world at all, they just seem to be in this world. However, the sound can be transmitted, which means that the seal must have been seriously damaged.

"They are just lured by thousands of corpses. For tens of thousands of years, they have no body, only eternal darkness. Obviously, those things haven't smelled the smell of blood and human flesh for a long time!" The statue said indifferently.

"It's a pity that the main seal has not been opened. They can't completely destroy the seal after all, but now the cracks are getting bigger and bigger. Maybe some low-level guys can escape!" Akura said, "but no matter who escaped, no matter how glorious and magnificent it was, before the main seal was completely destroyed, the limitations of this heaven and earth made it impossible for them to completely recover their strength. After all, they could not be stronger than us in a short time!"

"If we can snatch their divinity, their divinity and ignite their fire before their strength is restored, we can become real gods!"

Akura's eyes showed an extremely greedy look. In today's world, it is extremely difficult to achieve demigod. It took a long time for these gods to achieve their present power, but the road to progress has almost been blocked.

Even if the five great gods control the organization of eternal life, they have unparalleled potential power on the earth, but they are also unable to shake the world's restrictions, so they can only think of other ways. Open the seal of Kyushu, destroy the restrictions of the world, open the way to continue to move forward, at the same time, capture the gods sealed ten thousand years ago, seize their divinity, plunder their divinity, and become new gods.

This is the plan of the immortal God. The five gods of this plan have been planning for nearly a hundred years, and it has actually been implemented for decades. They began to collect information and items about the place of seal before the silence of Changsheng organization. This situation became more crazy after the silence of Changsheng organization.

A few decades ago, but after obtaining information that could break the seal of kunxu, the Changsheng organization actually started to destroy the five seals. However, the plan to destroy the seals was not mature at that time, so it has been delayed until now, and only in the last two years has it started.

In fact, the first seal of Kyushu seal, Changsheng organization, was opened last year. That seal taught Changsheng organization a good lesson. Although it opened the seal, it made Changsheng organization suffer heavy losses. It also made Changsheng organization almost silent for a year before it began to open the second seal.

However, with the experience of opening the first seal, the loss of Changsheng's experience in opening the second one is much smaller and much more smooth. Opening the seal is more and more smooth, and the action of Changsheng organization is also faster and faster. However, when sealing in North America, Changsheng organization did not expect that Zhao Fugui would kill kovinus, causing great losses to Changsheng organization.Therefore, when the Changsheng organization was ready to open the fourth seal, they deliberately released information to lure Zhao Fugui to kill him. The Changsheng organization is absolutely sure that it can destroy the seal of northern Europe before Zhao Fugui arrives here. Because of the existence of the labyrinth and the monsters in it, Zhao Fugui can't come so quickly and affect their actions.

Now the plan is developing perfectly according to the arrangement of the immortal God. Zhao Fugui is trapped in Pan's labyrinth, and the sacrifice in the temple is about to be completed. Even if Zhao Fugui comes now, they can't stop them from destroying the seal.

"The blood of evil has spread all over the seal, and the eclipse is coming to an end. The seal has been irreversibly damaged. As long as the seal of kunxu is opened, all the seals will be completely invalid at the same time. No one can stop us. The next thing is to kill Zhao Fugui!" Acura said with a grim smile as he watched the seal crack filled with blood.

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