Super Monk

Chapter 2559

As soon as the Basilisk in the way dies, the exit behind the passage is exposed, and the space outside the passage is dark. From the exit of the passage, Zhao Fugui only saw some barren caves and rocks. There was no grand golden palace in his imagination. It seemed that after he left the maze, there was nothing outside.

"There is something wrong. If there is only such a labyrinth, what is the purpose of building this golden labyrinth? There's no point in leaving such a maze! " Zhao Fugui saw the scene outside the maze, frowned immediately and said.

"There's something wrong. If it's really a sealed place, there shouldn't be only one labyrinth!" Lilith also said that Lilith had seen the seal in North America. It was like a small world. It was not what it is now. This place could not have nothing but a labyrinth.

"What are you talking about? Now the exit to the maze is right in front of us. Let's get out of here. Now the people of the company commander's organization are almost dead without seeing our people. There's no way to do this task. Now we'd better think about how to get out of here alive. The front is the exit. Let's get out of here as soon as possible! " Dawn said, and then he didn't care about Zhao Fugui and Lilith at all, and rushed straight to the exit.

Dawn wants to live, so he wants to leave here immediately. His speed is very fast. Heavy footsteps reverberate in the corridor. Dawn rushes to the exit of the passage, but he just rushes to the exit of the passage. The next moment, there is a huge crash in the passage.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise. Seeing that dawn was about to rush out of the passage, he didn't expect that there seemed to be any invisible obstacle in front of the passage. He bumped into it directly and made a loud noise. Dawn was directly hit by the anti shock force and sat on the ground.

Zhao Fugui clearly saw that when dawn bumped into the invisible barrier, the picture behind the barrier flashed for a moment. At that moment, Zhao Fugui understood that the exit of the passage was fake.

"It's a trap. Let's go!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, his figure suddenly retreated. But just as dawn hit the invisible barrier, the trap here was launched. Everyone's feet suddenly empty, Zhao Fugui their feet of gold ground has disappeared, the whole underground has become a deep darkness.

"Boom!" At the same time, the top of the gold, which is more than 100 meters long and at least 10 or 20 meters thick, is like a broken dragon stone. The long gold, which is composed of this kind of special gold, weighs at least hundreds of thousands of tons. Even Zhao Fugui's giant can't resist such things.

"Damn it Lilith's face changed greatly, her body turned into a blood shadow in an instant, and she directly followed Zhao Fugui back abruptly. If she was hit by hundreds of thousands of tons of long gold, she would be smashed into a meat cake. As for dawn, who can take care of him now, this guy has to ask for his own fortune.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui and Lilis retreated to the end of the tunnel. But just as they retreated to the end of the tunnel, the tunnel at the end of the tunnel suddenly closed, directly blocking the retreat of Zhao Fugui and Lilis.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's backhand blows directly on the gold wall behind him. The gold wall makes a dull noise, even without shaking. The gold wall behind him is at least 20 or 30 meters thick. Even with Zhao Fugui's strength, it is impossible to cut the gold wall directly in a few seconds.

"Go down!" The front road and the back road have been sealed up. The long gold on the head has been smashed fiercely, and the speed is faster and faster. Hundreds of thousands of tons of gold fall from the height of hundreds of meters, which can completely crush everything below and destroy everything below.

Zhao Fugui and lilisi had no other way to go, and they fell down directly. However, dawn had already fallen down and disappeared into the dark.

Zhao Fugui stepped in the air and fell directly into the darkness. Their speed was very fast, but the heavy long gold falling from it was not slow either. In a twinkling of an eye, the heavy gold of hundreds of thousands of tons fell down with sharp and violent friction.

"Go Zhao Fugui steps in the air. As soon as he pulls lilisi, he sweeps directly to the front of the darkness. The strong in the realm of great master can step in the air, so can the strong in the realm of half step, half god and half god. The only difference is the length of time. Lilith's volleying time is not long enough, and it's not as fast as Zhao Fugui's, so Zhao Fugui directly pulls Lilith forward, and Zhao Fugui wants to find a way out ahead.

"There is no road ahead. It's a fatal trap. We must resist the huge gold pieces falling from it!" Lilisi is pulled by Zhao Fugui to hurl forward. In the blink of an eye, she can see that the road ahead is still dead. The road ahead has been blocked by the thick gold wall.

"We can't do it with the two of us!" Zhao Fugui looks dignified. In the blink of an eye, he and lilisi fall on the ground. The gold under his feet is still thick. The gold under his feet is at least ten meters thick, and the long piece of gold on his head is at least hundreds of thousands of tons. If Zhao Fugui and lilisi can't carry it, they can't even summon the ghost emperor.

"What shall we do?" Lilith's face showed a panic expression for the first time. The pit Zhao Fugui and Lilith fell into was not deep enough, but it was only forty or fifty meters. The huge heavy gold nugget on their heads had been smashed down with a sharp roar. Maybe two seconds later, Zhao Fugui and Lilith would be smashed into meat cakes."Smash!" In Zhao Fugui's eyes, there was a flash of cold light. An ancient sword suddenly appeared from Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge. The powerful sword appeared wantonly, and the bright sword cut directly at the huge long gold nugget.

"It's no use. It's no use cutting off the nugget!" Lilis screamed in despair, and then she saw Zhao Fugui's smash chop directly cut into the front corner of the huge gold nugget, and then she cut into the huge gold nugget, directly cutting the heavy special gold. At the same time, Zhao Fugui's other hand pulled toward the void, and directly pulled out a huge piece of gold in an oblique triangle. It felt like he had taken off a corner of a huge gold. '

"go!" Zhao Fugui pulled out the huge triangle of gold and threw it away. In a short moment, Zhao Fugui took Lilith and rushed into the bottom of the huge long gold which had lost a triangle of gold. At the moment when hundreds of thousands of tons of huge long gold fell down, Zhao Fugui stretched out his hand again and pulled daoen void which was not far away.

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