Super Monk

Chapter 2561

More than ten minutes later, Zhao Fugui cut a passage for people to pass through the 20 meter thick gold wall. As soon as Zhao Fugui collected the ancient sword, he walked out of the passage. Behind the passage is still a golden passage. The golden passage goes straight ahead and disappears at the end of the dark.

"Mr. Zhao, have we gone out of the maze, Garcia? Why haven't those guys heard us all the time? They're not all dead, are they Dawn has not been superior at the beginning. Until now, dawn has found that their so-called Titan armor is just a joke. These armor may be very effective against ordinary people or the army, but against the real strong or those weird monsters, Titan armor has become a joke.

This seems to be a powerful single soldier combat armor in the battlefield should be able to play a role, but in this special battlefield, Titan armor is simply a tragedy, dawn found that they basically can not win, originally he looked down on Zhao Fugui mentality is ridiculous to the top, up to now he can still live, did not expect to look down on Zhao Fugui.

As for those damned mechanical reformers, they can't even find a trace after entering the maze.

"Maybe if they meet Medusa, it's not impossible for them to be wiped out!" Zhao Fugui said that Medusa can not only create illusions, but also use petrified gaze. Neither of these two abilities can be dealt with by mechanical remoulding people, especially creating illusions. This ability does not act on the eyes, but directly acts on the brain. Once those mechanical remoulding people fall into illusions, they are likely to kill each other and destroy the whole army.

In addition, if Garcia and their mechanical remoulders were not dead, Zhao Fugui and they would not be able to hear anything from them until now.

"What the hell are these bastards in Changsheng? How can they make so many monsters? What's the benefit of making these monsters for them? " Dawn said grimly, "do they want to rule the world?"

"The immortal God is not very interested in ruling the world. What they want to do is to live longer and become a real God! From ancient times to modern times, how many wise and powerful monarchs finally turned into dust and disappeared in the long river of history after a short life? What about them even if they ruled the world? The world will eventually abandon them. The immortal God wants to be immortal and get the same power as the gods, immortal Zhao Fugui said lightly.

If Zhao Fugui still doesn't know that the ultimate goal of those immortal gods is to become gods, then he is too stupid. It's just that Zhao Fugui doesn't know where those immortal gods come from. He thinks that they can control the development of the situation by releasing those things that have been sealed for thousands of years.

once released the powerful beings that have been sealed for thousands of years, the world is probably not the God of longevity has the final say, so when they really have the chance to become gods? Zhao Fugui doubts this. When those powerful beings slowly recover their strength, I'm afraid that the so-called immortal God will die if he accidentally encounters some powerful enemy.

In order to completely break the order of the world which has been established for thousands of years for a little selfish desire, these immortal gods have gone completely crazy in order to become gods.

"Become a God?" Donne's expression suddenly changed into a dull face. His biggest dream in his life is to become a rich man who can own a yacht and take a group of sexy bikini beauties to sea every day. For him, such a "small" ideal is almost impossible to realize, but he didn't expect that someone's ideal would be to become a God. It's crazy.

"However, if those immortal gods break the inherent order of the world, many people will die, but this is also the best opportunity for the rise. Some people who were originally at the bottom of the society may take advantage of this opportunity to rise. After all, the most people in the world are people at the bottom of the society. They have the largest number, and naturally many people will rise from them! " Lilith said casually that her way of thinking is different from that of Zhao Fugui and dawn. Crisis also means opportunity. Under the inherent order, many people may be mediocre all their lives, but after the world changes, these people may get opportunities.

"The price is too high. I don't think anyone would like to deal with those monsters every day!" Dawn shook his head and said, it can be said that his life is good now. He doesn't want the immortal God to mess up the world.

"There seems to be a sound ahead!" Just then, Zhao Fugui, who was walking in front of him, suddenly said that Lilith and dawn stopped immediately.

Donne raised his arms in horror. On one side of his arm was a Gatling Vulcan, and on the other side was a four shot Mini missile launcher. Without changing ammunition, he could shoot four depleted uranium armour piercing bullets directly. Gatling Vulcan plus four rounds of depleted uranium armour piercing projectiles are the strongest firepower dawn can use.

Lilis is also vigilant. The blood flame on her body burns instantly and directly covers her whole body to prevent her from being attacked and injured.

"Richness, what do you hear?" Lilis was on guard, but she listened carefully for a while, but she didn't hear any sound. Then she asked Zhao Fugui in a low voice."It's like the sound of fighting, but most of the sound is blocked by the gold wall. Let's go on, it may be the mechanical transformation people fighting!" Zhao Fugui stopped for a while and said that the voice was as if it were nothing. It was much smaller than their voice. They couldn't hear it as soon as they spoke.

The sound may not be far away, but it is blocked by thick gold walls. If it is not in the same passage, even the sound of Gatling Fire God's gunfire and the explosion of depleted uranium armour piercing bullet can not be far away.

Zhao Fugui immediately speeds up and walks forward. Lilith follows her. Dawn doesn't want to be near the place where the fighting happened. All he wants to do is stay away from the fighting and leave the ghost place as soon as possible. But he also knows that if he goes alone, he will become a corpse in a short time. It's relatively safe to follow Zhao Fugui. A little hesitation, heard Zhao Fugui and lilisi steps began to go away, dawn quickly followed up.

After walking in the passage for a while, the sound of gunfire and explosion began to clear up gradually. There was indeed a place nearby where fighting was taking place. Ignoring daoen's opposition, Zhao Fugui followed the sound and walked to the place where the fighting took place.

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