Super Monk

Chapter 2563

"Raman, are you crazy?" Other mechanical remoulders didn't understand what Raman wanted to do. When they saw Raman's action, they were shocked. A mechanical remoulder called out.

When Zhao Fugui saw Raman rush out, he found that he was the only heavy machinery remodeler left. There were three heavy machinery remodelers who participated in the operation, but now not only Garcia but also the other two heavy machinery remodelers are missing.

Raman didn't pay any attention to the scream of the mechanic. He sped up and rushed to the gold warrior. When he bent down and smashed the gold spear, he hit the gold warrior's leg like a wild bull.

"Dong!" A dull sound of metal impact instantly sounded, the tall gold warrior in the full weight of two tons of Raman under the impact of the body of a violent tremor. The gold warrior is as high as six meters, while Raman is two meters tall. He is like a short halfling in front of the gold warrior. But now, the tall gold warrior can't ignore the terrible power of this "halfling".

Raman slammed into the gold soldier's leg, and then he immediately hugged the gold soldier's leg with crazy force. "Poof! The biochemical skin and muscles on Raman's body were instantly torn, and the power of terror burst out from Raman's body.

"Roar!" Raman sent out an earth shaking roar. This guy's power can even compete with Zhao Fugui for a short time. His power under the effect of micro nuclear reactor is completely beyond other ordinary mechanical reformers. Raman's core energy is crazy to export power, and soon this power even exceeds the limit of energy output.

Raman's body began to heat up, and the biochemical skin hanging on him started to burn after a few seconds. The micro nuclear reactor has started to run beyond the limit, but other mechanical transformation people understand Raman's purpose.

The gold warrior faltered and stepped back under the power of Raman's terror. There seemed to be a flash of anger in his eyes. The tall gold warrior raised the gold spear high, and it seemed that he was ready to pierce Raman's body and kill the reptile that made him feel disgusted.

"Shall we help?" Lilith asked casually when she saw the scene. If Zhao Fugui makes a move, such a gold warrior will never be any trouble.

"This is their fight, let them solve it by themselves!" Zhao Fugui said lightly that he had no intention to make a move at all. Before, when seven members of the dark parliament ambushed Zhao Fugui outside the pass of Olympus, Garcia did not order anyone to help him, let alone Zhao Fugui suspected that there was something wrong with some of these mechanical remoulders. In this case, he was not interested in helping these mechanical remoulders. They had to fight to prove that they were OK.

Zhao Fugui didn't do it, and Dao en didn't dare to do it. Although there were four depleted uranium armor piercing shells in his quadruple Mini missile launcher, there were no his comrades in arms among these mechanical reformers. Dao en had made up his mind that as long as Zhao Fugui didn't give orders, he would never do it.

"Cover him!" In the passage, other mechanical reformers understood Raman's purpose, and immediately a mechanical reformer roared. The three mechanical reformers turned the muzzle of the gun directly, and the three Gatling Vulcan spewed out their tongues of fire. The three tongues of fire burst out in the dark and shot directly at the gold warrior's head.

Gatling Vulcan's muzzle bullet's initial speed is even comparable to that of the sniper gun, more than 1200 meters per second, almost twice the speed of the mini depleted uranium armor piercing bullet. At this distance, the gold warrior can't effectively block the dense bullets. The barrage composed of three Gatling fire gods smashed on the gold soldier's face instantly, and nearly 100 armor piercing bullets and high explosive bullets were launched on the gold soldier's face every second.

In a flash, the eyes, nose and ears of the gold warrior were almost destroyed. Even the gold warrior could not completely ignore such attacks. The gold shield will roar at once, but it can't stop the roar of the warrior's head.

Dense warheads instantly fell on the heavy gold shield, but neither the high explosive bomb nor the extended armor piercing bullet used by Gatling Vulcan penetrate the 50 mm thick gold shield, and dense bullets just kept splashing sparks on the gold shield in vain.

But the attack of other mechanical remoulders also played a role. The gold warrior was disturbed and could not fully cope with Raman's power. His body began to shake.

"Help him!" One mechanic roared again and rushed directly to Raman. The other mechanic followed him and ran wildly. Two armored robots immediately ran into Raman's leg.

"Put it down!" With the help of the two mechanical fighters, Raman's strength finally overthrew the gold warrior. The gold warrior's tall body suddenly began to tilt, and his six meter tall body fell directly to the ground.

"Boom!" The tall gold soldier fell down directly and hit the ground heavily. There was a loud noise on the ground. Almost at the same time, two mechanical remoulders rushed directly to the fallen golden warrior."Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Two mechanical reformers rushed to the gold soldier's side, directly aimed at the gold soldier's head with a micro missile launcher and pulled the trigger. Depleted uranium armour piercing projectiles shot out of the launcher in a flash, and one after another, the depleted uranium armour piercing projectiles blasted on the head of the gold warrior.

The whole six depleted uranium armour piercing bullets were almost aimed at the gold soldier's face. One depleted uranium armour piercing bullet could not penetrate the gold soldier's head, but two, three, four and five could. In the blink of an eye, the six depleted uranium armour piercing bullets were all blasted into the gold soldier's head and directly blasted the gold soldier's head out of two big holes.

The gold warrior's head was almost completely destroyed. He struggled on the ground, but it was useless. His head was the core of control, and his head was badly damaged. After a few seconds, the tall gold warrior stopped struggling and soon fell to the ground.

With perfect cooperation, several mechanical remoulders killed the gold soldier with shield.

"Damn monster, damn it!" A mechanic kicked the gold warrior's first few feet to vent his anger and fear. Then he yelled, "this damned monster is dead. Kill those little black monsters!"

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