Super Monk

Chapter 2570

"Boy, do you want to cheat me?" Acura sneered and said, "what if I told you? You think you're still alive to get out of here today? You guessed right. Apollo is already in the Kun market, and he has already been there for a long time. No one can stop our immortal organization from letting the gods return! "

"What?" Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly coagulated. At this moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even grasped some key points. Apollo, the first God of the longevity organization, had already gone to the kunxu to seal. Does the Moon Palace know about it, and does ye Tiannan know about it, or does ye Tiannan already know about it.

Since kunxu seal is one of the most important seals of Kyushu, there is no doubt that the Changsheng organization will send the most powerful people there to make sure that it will be safe to open kunxu seal. The first God and the second God of Changsheng organization could not delay for other things. Maybe they had already entered the kunxu seal when no one knew.

These thoughts flashed through Zhao Fugui's mind. When he was a little absent-minded, a cold smile appeared on Acura's face, and he made a gesture quietly.

Heidra's two huge snakeheads opened their mouths and spit out two things directly to Zhao Fugui. One of them spits out a thick fog to Zhao Fugui, and the other spits out a thick black liquid to Zhao Fugui. Before the poisonous fog fell, just a little bit of it filled the air, and the little demons on the ground began to howl in horror. One by one, the little demons tore their bodies with their sharp claws. In a twinkling of an eye, they tore their bodies with blood. After inhaling the poisonous fog, the internal organs of these little demons began to rot and melt quickly.

The poisonous fog and black liquid were sprayed instantly. The cold light in Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and flashed away. The poisonous fog and black poison fell just as Zhao Fugui flashed away. A stream of white air instantly diffuses, and those white thick fog diffuses to the surrounding, and the small evil demons within the thick fog will die quietly when they touch the thick fog. Black liquid sprayed on the body of those evil spirits. The body of evil spirits was like a candle thrown into the magma and disappeared in an instant.

"Chula!" The fierce corrosion sounds madly, and the black liquid directly erodes a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters on the gold ground. The gold ground with a thickness of more than 10 meters is even directly corroded and penetrated, exposing the thick rock layer under the gold ground.

Zhao Fugui instantly appeared a hundred meters away. He just inhaled a mouthful of poison fog, and immediately felt his head suddenly faint, with signs of poisoning. Zhao Fugui's heart was filled with awe. He didn't expect that this golden Hydra could still spit poison gas and venom.

"Well, Zhao Fugui, what's the taste of miasma and venom? In the most glorious era of the gods, heidra was just a lower God, who didn't pay attention to it at all, so Zeus left a heart of heidra, because the divine power was too weak to hide from that one's eyes. Zeus buried the heart of Hydra in this golden statue, so let this golden statue have part of the power of Hydra, now you can taste the power of Hydra Acura said with a grim smile.

"The power of your longevity organization is amazing. I didn't expect you to know these ancient secrets and find a way to control them. I'm afraid that even Zeus, the king of the gods, would not think of all kinds of backhand it left behind. In the end, it only cheapened you! " Zhao Fugui stares at Acura and says coldly, "but this power will disappear quickly as the seal of Kyushu is opened. Is this price really worth it?"

"It's worth it. Why not? The organization of immortality is a giant snake, and our five gods are snake heads. According to your Chinese mythology, the snake head has a chance to become a dragon. Do you think it's worth giving up the snake's body for this chance? As long as the snakehead has Jackie Chan's chance, even if the snakehead is destroyed, it doesn't matter! " Acura said with disdain.

"It's not so easy for you to be gods!" Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, his feet stepped on fiercely, and a clear footprint appeared instantly. The terrible sound burst in an instant, and Zhao Fugui's golden figure rushed into the darkness in the air.

"Kill it!" With a sneer and a fierce wave of his hand, akura's three snake heads instantly opened their horrible mouths, and the poisonous fog, black water and cold air instantly sprayed on Zhao Fugui.

As Zhao Fugui steps in the air, his golden figure turns in the air. The bright light of the sword appears from Zhao Fugui's hand, and the ten Zhang long sword is cut out.

"Poof The powerful blade cuts heidra's venom neck directly and immediately cuts heidra's head off. Heidra is like a huge snake head in a small building and falls down from the air.

Zhao Fugui cuts off a snake's head with a sword, and his speed soars again. He instantly appears in front of Acura, and his bright sword cuts directly to Acura.

There was a sharp beep in the air. The terrible sword rubbed against the air and even ignited the air directly, forming a dazzling flame on the surface of the sword and cutting it directly to akura.

"Hum!" The sword was fast to the extreme, and it was cut off from akura's body in an instant. But just as the sword was about to cut off akura, akura's figure turned into a blood shadow, leaving a series of residual shadows in the air. His body retreated tens of meters, and the sword cut off, and these figures were cut off one by one, but akura's real body had long been out of the scope of the sword cut off."It's a fast sword, but you can't kill me. Heidra is immortal!" Akura's body appeared dozens of meters away and looked at Zhao Fugui in surprise. Not far in front of him, the head that was cut off by Zhao Fugui and spewed poison began to wriggle and start to agglomerate again. Nine snake heads appeared one by one and soon blocked akura's body again.

"Even the gods will die in this world. What else can't die? Why can heidra make an exception. If you can't kill him by cutting off one head, then cut off nine of its heads to see if it will die! " Zhao Fugui stares at Acura hiding behind the nine huge snake heads. The sword is more and more powerful in his eyes. If one of Hydra's snake heads can be recovered after being cut off, cut off its nine heads together to see if it can be recovered.

"Ha ha ha, you can try and see if you can kill hedra!" Acura said with a grim smile, and then he waved his hand fiercely. Heidra's nine snake heads opened their huge mouths at the same time, and attacked Zhao Fugui at the same time.

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