Super Monk

Chapter 2575

"These damned traitors, they betrayed me once hundreds of years ago, but they betrayed me again hundreds of years later to equip a humble human. After you die today, before the seal of kunxu is opened, I will kill all the vampires of the secret party alliance and let them know the price of betraying me! " Acura said grimly.

"You mean, if you blow your heart, you won't die?" Zhao Fugui frowned slightly, looked at Acura and asked. He didn't expect that these damned things could be so hard to kill. A heidra could be so hard to kill. He didn't expect that Acura had similar ability.

"Hum, humble human, it's not so easy for you to kill the most powerful blood clan in the world!" Acura snorted coldly. A mass of flesh and blood in his chest quickly wriggled, and soon formed a heart. Then those broken bones grew again. In a few seconds, Acura's body recovered as before. He could not see the appearance of a big hole in his body just now.

Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold. Almost at the same time, the sword that Zhao Fugui had just cut was directly cut on heidra's tail. Heidra's thick tail was directly cut off by the powerful sword. The hydra's tail was cut off, and it gave out a cry of pain. It seems that Zhao Fugui cut off not only heidra's rebirth ability, but also some other things.

"Roar, roar!" Heidler uttered a painful cry, and his whole body wriggled with pain. At the same time, the four huge snakeheads still launched a crazy attack on Zhao Fugui. Venom, miasma, golden javelin, rock giant, these attacks attack Zhao Fugui at the same time.

Among them, the rock giant didn't attack Zhao Fugui directly, but directly pressed Zhao Fugui like a huge rock peak. The rock giant grabbed Zhao Fugui with its hands. It didn't intend to hurt Zhao Fugui, because it didn't have the ability. Its only intention was to seize Zhao Fugui with its hands, limit Zhao Fugui's movement, and let poison, miasma and gold disappear Javelin attack can directly act on Zhao Fugui and increase the damage of attack as much as possible.

"Chop!" Zhao Fugui didn't even turn to look at heidera. He looked at Acura with both hands on his back. His Taoist power soared to the extreme. One ancient sword escaped directly from his sea of knowledge, and nine ancient swords flew out in an instant. Nine swords kill the gods. After an ancient sword escaped from Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge, the sword's edge soared in an instant, and all the powerful swords chopped the nine snake heads of hedra directly.

"Roar!" Hydra roared, the remaining snake heads writhed, the magma like flame, the cold air close to absolute zero, the crazily growing vines, and the attack of the three snake heads instantly resisted these swords.

"Boom!" The flame like magma is sprayed directly on the awn of an ancient sword. The bright awn of the sword is cut on the pillar of fire, and the flame is all around. The pillar of fire like magma is directly cut open by the awn of the sword, and the awn of the sword is burning instantly. The ancient sword is burning red in the blink of an eye.

But it couldn't stop the ancient sword. The burning powerful ancient sword wrapped in the ancient sword cut off in an instant, and hedra's snake head fell down like a cut stake.

The second ancient sword was wrapped by the piercing cold at the side of the pillar of fire, which was close to absolute zero and carried the cold of countless ice crystals on the sword. The golden sword was immediately wrapped with a layer of transparent ice crystals, and the ancient sword seemed to be astringent at this moment.

Absolute zero is 275 degrees below zero. At this temperature, even the molecules inside the object will not move. I'm afraid an erupting volcano can freeze.

"Click, click!" In this absolute low temperature, even the sword awn contained in the ancient sword began to appear small cracks, as if the sword awn could be directly cracked at any time because of the low temperature, but the strong sword awn still cut off the cold, and instantly cut on the snake's head.

"Bang!" When the sword is cut on the head of the gold snake, it's like a piece of glass on the metal, and the sword suddenly breaks. Akura's face showed a smile, Zhao Fugui is too big, even if he cut off the key position of heidra, he should not be so arrogant back to heidra.

Heidra's absolute zero attack destroyed Zhao Fugui's sword. Once the sword was broken, the absolute zero attack would spread directly to Zhao Fugui. Even the demigod could not resist such an attack. I'm afraid that only the real gods could resist the absolute zero attack. At least the lower gods should start. The demigod did not have the ability to resist this attack What kind of attack can only be avoided.

But the next second akura's tiny was fixed on his face. Although the sword cut by Zhao Fugui cracked, the ancient sword, which had been frozen into bluish white, was still cut. In this moment, the ancient sword exploded, and the whole body of the sword was cut into hedra's snake head. In the moment, a terrible wound was torn on hedra's snake head.

Lost the ability of rebirth, hedra could not even recover such a little wound. It twisted painfully and could not continue to attack, but the snake head did not die for a moment. But this snakehead can't use absolute zero attack. It can only twist in pain. This snakehead is useless.

The third snake's head attacking the sword awn grows out of thick vines. These vines want to wind the sword awn, but in front of Zhao Fugui's powerful sword awn, these vines can't stop the sword awn at all. In a moment, all the vines are destroyed by the sword awn, and the sword awn cuts off the snake's head which can control the wood elements with unstoppable power.The rest of the snakeheads are still attacking Zhao Fugui. These snakeheads can't even interfere with the sword's attack. They are cut off one by one. The remaining snakeheads are like weeds that have been cut off. One by one, they fall on the hollowed out gold ground that has been destroyed.

On the ground, the rock puppet grasps Zhao Fugui fiercely, but its huge rock arm just touches Zhao Fugui's body protecting power, and it can't shake it at all. Its hands are directly broken, and then it loses the source of power, and its whole body begins to collapse and press against Zhao Fugui's body.

In mid air, the venom, miasma and golden javelin that had been spewed out all attacked on these broken rocks. These rocks were corroded and destroyed in the blink of an eye, and each rock was pierced by the golden javelin. Then these attacks all hit Zhao Fugui's defensive power.

"Boom!" But the next moment, these rocks, venom, gold javelin directly into the sky, Zhao Fugui carrying hands, slowly out of the ruins of the melting rock.

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